Polina Aug - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, daughter of Julia Aug, "Instagram" 2021



Polina Aug was destined to become an actress, because she was born in a creative family. The performer has become famous not only thanks to his starry, but also through bright female images embodied on screens.

Childhood and youth

Polina Auga was born on September 21, 1995. She is the only daughter of the artists of Yulia Auga and Stepan Zolotukhina, who were acquainted while studying at theatrical university. Early years of biographies of the future actress were held in Krasnoyarsk, where her grandparents lived in the father's line.

As a child, Polina rarely saw her mother, as she was too busy in the theater and on the set, wanting to give daughter the best future. Auga was still a child when parents divorced, and moved to Estonia, where up to 10 years lived in the house of his grandmother on the motherboard. Her father Stepan Zolotogin created a new family in which his son was born, but did not cease to communicate with the heir. He was not in 2018.

In adolescence, Polina moved to the mother and stepwise to Moscow. In those years, she stand out among the peers in non-standard appearance, was high and incomparable, for which the nickname giraffe. The girl walked mainly with the boys, considered himself a "kid" and played football.

The love of acting art came to Aug gradually, although she was still a child in short films and visited listening. But initially Polina saw herself as a director or a screenwriter and even went to courses, but soon realized that it was too difficult for her. The turning point in the life of the girl was the premiere of the play "Brothers" Alexei Mizgirev. She revised him repeatedly and finally realized that he wanted to devote himself a movie and stage.

After receiving secondary education, the star went to the MCAT Studio School, but never completed training. In the life of the girl began a difficult period, she needed money, and she could not attend classes. Because of the systematic absenteeism, AUR was expelled, but she was not desperate and soon became a student of Gityis, who graduated in 2018.

Theater and films

When the young performer was 12 years old, director Alexei Fedorchenko noted her, he offered her the main role in his film "Heavenly Wives of Lugovy Marie." But before the start of the shooting, it was necessary to wait as much as 4 years, so the premiere took place only in 2012.

In the future, AUG continued to film and play the scene. She replenished the filmography of such projects as the "Angels of the Revolution", "Protection" and "Dr. Richter". In the theater, the actress got the roles in the play "Messenger" and "flying over the cuckoo nest".

Polina Aug - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, daughter of Julia Aug,

In 2019, the premiere of the "Humorist" picture was held, in which the actress performed a small one, but the bright role of Lina. Her heroine is a student interested in celebrities. Since the actions of the drama are unfolding in the 80s, Polina was inspired by youthful photos of Julia and her stories about the epoch. Aleksey Agranovich, Alisa Khazanova and Yuri Kolokolnikov became on the site of the star colleagues. In the same year, the audience saw the artist in the serial "serf", where she played a more youth version of the heroine of her mother.

The next year presented several projects with her participation at once. In October, the Drama "Blocade Diary" was published, the plot of the paintings unfolds in the winter of 1942, when the most people died in the blockade Leningrad. The main heroine of Olga's painting goes through the entire city to his father and on the way, meets a variety of people, among whom a woman with a baby performed by Polina.

At the end of 2020, an arthouch film "Feel" took place. It represents the stories of people who are in the border state between life and death.

Personal life

The actress prefers not to advertise information about personal life, focusing on creative achievements. In the fall of 2020, rumors appeared that she was found with Yuri Daenekin. The stars appeared together at the premiere of the series "Pass Dyatlov" and published several joint romantic photos on the personal pages in "Instagram".

Polina Auga now

In 2021, the series "Jetlag" came out, on the site of which the performer was the company Irina Starshbaum, Philippa Avdeev and Ksenia Rappoport. The plot unfolds around lovers, whose lives change dramatically after a quarrel on the road to the airport.

Now the artist continues to film, pleaseing the fans with new projects. She shares with them success on the "Instagram" page, where publishes the photo and tells the news.


  • 2012 - "Heavenly Wives of Lugovy Marie"
  • 2014 - "Where is the Motherland begins"
  • 2014 - "Angels of Revolution"
  • 2015 - "Orleans"
  • 2017 - "Hit"
  • 2017 - "Dr. Richter"
  • 2019 - "Humorist"
  • 2019 - "Pregnancy Test-2"
  • 2019 - "Death to us to face"
  • 2019-2020 - "serf"
  • 2020 - "Feel"
  • 2020 - "Blocade Diary"
  • 2021 - "Jetlag"

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