Sergey Gimayev (senior) - biography, cause of death, photo, personal life, hockey player, commentator



Sergey Gimayev - Soviet-Russian hockey player, coach and commentator. All the heart devoted sports, was distinguished by hard work, modesty, honesty and direct. Without looking around with authorities, I could criticize anything and anyone, but regretted young players, because I didn't want to spoil my career.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Sergei Nailievich Gimaeva began in Belarus, hockey player was born on January 1, 1955 in the village of Pruzhany Brest region. The father brought there a family debt. Nail Zamgutdinovich by nationality was Tatarin.

The early years of the life of Himayev spent in Bashkortostan, there he met hockey, made the first steps in this sport and began to play in an adult team. The club was on the maintenance of the instrument-making plant, where the mother of the athlete worked.

In parallel, the young man studied at the Evening Department of the Ufa State Aviation Institute. Sports and studies prevented each other, demanded a choice in the university, at the fourth year, the hockey player took Academku. And got under the call.

Army service Sergey Hailievich was held in Orenburg, from where he was transferred to the SKA club from Kuibyshev (the current Samara). There has achieved recognition and received a challenge to Moscow, to the club CSKA.


As part of the Army team, Himayev became a multiple champion of the country. He played with Valery Kharlamov, Vladimir Petrov, Boris Mikhailov. At CSKA matches in North America fought against the largest stars of the world, including Wayne Gretzki. The USSR national team played not so often, was not considered a great star, but remained a strong master.

According to Himayev, in Soviet times, hockey players trained without days off, from morning to evening, 2-3 full-fledged classes were held a day. Therefore, only people became champions, selflessly loyal game. A career athlete completed in Leningrad.

After graduated from the Pedagogical Institute and began work with the coach. Twenty years headed the Hockey School of CSKA, he was engaged with the youth and youth teams of Russia.

But the public loved Sergey Nailiavich after the 2008 World Championship, where he revealed as a sports commentator. His voice for a long time became a business card of the Russian hockey. Together with Roman Skvortsov, Himayev worked at the final match against Canadians, when Russia later returned the title of world champion.

The legendary athlete commented honestly and emotionally, did not hesitate sharp statements. Once he was removed from work for criticizing the leadership of the channel "Russia-2". According to Himayev, the selection of matches was not a sports editorial office, but an outsider woman, so many important games did not fall into broadcast.

A man's statement was also known that 80% of the students of sports schools will never play at the level of masters. Maximum will benefit health. And many, despite the money invested and the work of coaches, will contact bad companies and finish their career due to unfortunate factors.

In addition to "Russia-2", Himayev also worked on "Russia-1", the channels "Match TV", "KHL TV" and "Sport-1".

Personal life

Himayev was happy in his personal life. His wife was called Natalia. On February 16, 1984, Sergei Nailievich was born a son-ith. He went in the footsteps of his father, became a hockey player, played for the Riga "Dynamo" and the Chinese club "Kunlun Red Star", which plays KHL.

On October 9, 2020, Himaev Jr. completed a hockey player's career, and in November he made his debut as a commentator. He worked at the "KHL TV".

Sergey Gimayev with son

The daughter of Himaeva-senior Anastasia Matusevich in his youth engaged in figure skating, after leaving to live with his family in the United States.


Sergey Nailievich Gimayev left life in Tula on March 18, 2017. During the match veterans, a man felt bad and could not come into consciousness. The cause of death was a broken thromb.

A friend of Himaeva-senior Dmitry Fedorov said in an interview that Sergey Nailievich died in the locker room, he did not have time to take him to the hospital.

At this time, Lokomotiv - CSKA Match was held in Yaroslavl. Having learned the sad news, fans for a few minutes chant the name of Sergei Gimaeva.

President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Nurgalievich Minnikhanov expressed their condolences about the death of the Commitative by the commentator, who plays the photo of Himayev in Vkontakte, Twitter and Instagram. The regional authorities of Ufa, Tula, the Bryansk region, as well as Hockey players, Pavel Datsyuk, Alexander Ovechkin, Evgeny Malkin, Alexander Radulov and many others were not left.

Commentators buried in Khimki on Novolzhiensky cemetery. More than 6 thousand people came to the ceremony.


  • 1978-1985 - Champion of the USSR with CSKA
  • 1978-1985 - European Champions Cup winner with CSKA
  • 1979, 1982, 1983 - in the list of the best defenders of the USSR Championship
  • 1977, 1979 - Winner of the USSR Cup with CSKA
  • 1992 - Honored Coach of Russia
  • 2003 - Order of Honor

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