Svetlana Shainskaya - biography, personal life, photo, news, wife Vladimir Shainsky, "Instagram" 2021



The third spouse of the composer of Vladimir Shan Schinsky Svetlana, although it was 41 years old, he became his guardian angel. A young wife did not just gave her son's husband and daughter, but also became a wise assistant - after moving to the United States was his director, a translator, a nutritionist and nurse after surgery.

Childhood and youth

Svetlana Vladimirovna Shanskaya was born on May 25, 1966. About her biography to a meeting with a future husband, composer Vladimir Shainsky, a little known.

Studying at the 1st year of the Institute, at the age of 17, Svetlana got a job as an accountant to the Union of Composers, where her aunt had already worked. There she met Vladimir Yakovlevich, who turned 58 years old. Shainsky arrived to the union Print documents in not the most presentable form - with underwater hunting.

In the Union of Composers worked women of Balzakovsky age, and therefore the musician surprised the appearance of a slender and high girl there. Svetlana was printed in the youth of unfair, in one finger, but this was not embarrassed by the composer, Shainsky immediately felt the desire to stay with her longer. They exchanged phones.

Mother called in a week - was afraid of reactions. The girl answered with interest: It turned out that shortly before that, Gypsy had a meeting with a man much older than her and the name of the letter "B". This prediction played a decisive role: Svetlana was a fatalist.

Couple began to meet more often and opened in feelings. It was worth Shansky to sit behind the piano, as Svetlana forgot about everything around. There was a real man in front of her, she was persistently achieved, caught and having arranged romantic dates.

Lovers did not embarrass the difference in age and in growth. Vladimir Yakovlevich even forgot about the promise no longer marry after the divorce with the second wife of Natalia and "dropped freedom."

Personal life

Despite the fact that the aunt was against Svetlana and Vladimir Yakovlevich's relationship, the girl moved to the composer on the 2nd course, and soon they played a wedding. There were also quarrels: partners were temperamental people. Nevertheless, the composer had to admit the spouse of the head of the family.

Svetlana Shanskaya, who lived in marriage with a people's artist for more than 30 years, all his personal life gave his spouse who forbade her to work. He herself did not enter the spirit of alcohol, forbidden to drink and her husband, watched health.

The family lived on two houses - in Russia and Israel. On June 15, 1987, the son of Vyacheslav appeared on the world, and on October 17, 1990, the daughter of Anna was born. The composer was proud of children. The son from the young age was engaged in music and sports, Anya also grew up a capable girl, was engaged in dancing.

In 2004, Shainsky acquired a two-storey house in the center of San Diego, next to the ocean, where Vladimir Yakovlevich loved so much, while his spouse sunbatched in a swimsuit. Even moving from Israel, an avid fisherman explained that the fish stopped there. True, the USA also did not work in the USA: in the Pacific Ocean, the shark attacks, the coach of surfing was died near San Diego.

In the late 2000s, the composer fell ill. He had a bladder cancer. Saved a folk favorite, only the fact that Svetlana put her husband for a plane in the United States and immediately from the flight sent to the operating table. Shainsky suffered a complex operation, after which it was supposed to be constantly under the supervision of a doctor.

Vladimir Shansky's wife accompanied her husband in all matters, after the operation he was weak, could not even play sports, for a long time could not even raise a package with milk. From chemotherapy and drugs, Vladimir Yakovlevich categorically refused.

In 2015, the family moved to the US to the US. Son Vyacheslav remained in Moscow, and his daughter followed his parents. Spouses were told that life in America was dear, many expenses required constant treatment, which was not always covered with insurance.

In the States, Shain's income fell several times, and the author's deductions from Russia were small. The family had to sell the composer's Moscow apartment, the cost of which was estimated at 22 million rubles. At that time, the son of Vyacheslav lived in her, sacrificing housing for the sake of his father.

In recent years, Vladimir Yakovlevich's life was more difficult for his wife: the husband demanded a spouse, not wanting to learn English and not trusting the service personnel, and she did not have time even on a shop.

On December 15, 2017, Shainsky fell into the hospital of San Diego, from the walls of which was no longer released. On December 25, the composer died. A few weeks the body was not committed to the Earth: the holidays went, the question of transportation to Russia was solved, for which the family had no own funds. The Ministry of Culture of Russia and personally singer Lev Leshchenko came to the rescue. The funeral was held on January 22, 2018.

Son Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Shainsky graduated from the college at the State Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky, and then the Institute of Contemporary Art, became a sound engineer and sound producer, taught the Courses of the Music Theory Courses in the audio model DJ. Prepared students to speak on the scenes of the festivals of AlfaFuturePeople, Tomorrowland, Burning Man, and others. Together with his mother founded his own school of modern music Vyacheslav Shainsky. In May 2019, on the American Mother's Day, a joint photo with a mother and sister from San Diego appeared in Instagram-Account Vyacheslav.

Anna Vladimirovna Shainskaya's daughter (Anna Shine) graduated from college, and then California University in Berkeley. He lives in San Francisco and New York, where it works as a programmer and designer, adore animals and loves to travel around the world.

Svetlana Shainskaya now

Shan's disease seriously hit his budget: after death, the composer remained big debts. Vladimir Yakovlevich bequeathed all his wife, but before joining the inheritance, the bank was blocked.

The testament and previously held selling the Moscow apartment of Shainsky challenged the eldest son Joseph - a programmer living in Israel. Taking into account the disability of the Son, the judge supported his point of view and obliged Svetlana Vladimirovna to pay Joseph his share.

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To pay bills and stay in America, now a woman has to hand over the rooms in the Shan family house. Because of the vessels and nervous tension in 2019, she fell into the hospital, the son of Vyacheslav told the press about the press.

In 2020, information about the abandoned tomb of the musician appeared in the media - it is negride, it only faded photos. The widow of the composer explained that in the days of Pandemic physically could not get to the grave from the United States.

On January 11, 2021, the program of Andrei Malakhov "Direct Ether" was published, dedicated to the memory of the composer, where Shansky's son said that the installation of the monument should occur in the first half of the 2021th. On June 13, a new concert of the Musician's memory was scheduled.

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