Victor Zaporizhzhya - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, films, sons 2021



In the fall of the 2020th, the first channel continued to acquaint viewers with the investigations of the Militia Major of Ivan Cherkasov, which began in Mosgaz, Shakale, Spider, etc., "Katran", revealing the secrets of the underground casino, gathered a powerful cast. Marina Alexandrova played the master hero's assistant performed by Andrei Smolyakov. Maxim Averin became a musician, Alena Babenko - Mistress of Gambling, and Victor Zaporozhsky reincarnated again to Yuri Churbanova - the son-in-law of Leonid Brezhnev.

Childhood and youth

June 22, 1955 in Baku Nikolai Zaporizhia, who passed the Great Patriotic War, was born the younger son of Vitya. The boy at first and did not think about the profession of the actor. In the aircraft, where childhood passed, there were no mugs of amateur in the aircraft, and his father, the elder brother Alexander and friends tied their lives with aviation. Mother who worked on the meteorological station was also far from art.

At school, Victor studied well, more to humanitarian objects, and I decided to the 8th class: if it does not go to theatrical university, it will go in the footsteps of the head of the family. However, the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography Approxient conquered the first time by hitting the course of People's Artist of the RSFSR Emma (Emilia) Popova.

"I have not shot my child in Baku, but my childhood passed there. My dad was born in Azerbaijan, and we often came to my grandparents who stayed there after moving the dad to Leningrad. One of the reasons for the move was the Sumgait tragedy, which influenced the fate of many people in Azerbaijan, "Makar Zaporizhia was divided into an interview.

While as a student, Victor made friends with cinema. In the social drama "Not even evening" his mother became Rita Gladunko, and in the Soviet-Finnish "trust", a special diploma on the 10th All-Union Film Festival, he played the Red Army.

Theater and films

On December 26, 1976, the Ligitmik in Orel was created by the TYUZ, where Zaporizhia, together with classmates, went to "raise the virgin". The graduate got the roles in the performances of "Scarlet Sails", "Furass Gascon", "Yemelin Happiness", "Winnie Pooh", "Pedagogical Poem". Staying in the Loveater interrupted the service in the army, held in the Armenian city of Gyumri.

In 1981, Victor with a colleague lured the Riga Youth Theater, who was led by Adolf Shapiro. The actor shone in Mowgli, "Brutal Games", "Dear Elena Sergeyevna", "Zhanna d'Ark on a fire" and other productions, while in 1984 at the invitation of Andrei Goncharov did not move to the Moscow "Lighthouse."

In one of the oldest dramatic temples, Melpomenn of the Russian capital, he coped with reincarnation in Kutuzov in the "life of Klim Samgin", Chairman of the district office in "Tomorrow was a war," corrected in the "Brothers of Karamazov", Manilov and Constanthoglo in the "Dead Souls", Sergey in "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County."

"In Silver Bor, I spent almost all my childhood. There was a dormitory-cottage of the Mayakovsky Theater, in which my dad is already 30 years old. With the whole of the family and the whole team of the theater, we spent all summer there, "the younger Son of Celebrity in 2019 recalled.

After the film, in the student of Victor, the whole decade did not appear on the screens. Return took place in 1985 in the film "Chukocal" film, which soon joined the "Winner" and "Three on Red Carpet". The artist flashed in the episode "The investigation is conducted by experts" and for several years he played the director of the neighboring school in "Simple Truths".

In the cinematic biography of a native of Azerbaijan, a lot of serials. Among them are "Two Fate", "Children of Arbat", "Gromov", "Galina", "Efrosiny", "Ment of Law", "Sunny Circle", "Ivan Grozny" and "Dr. Tyrsa". However, in the filmography there was a place and the full-length picture ("Moscow never sleeps", "Choosing My Mommy").

Personal life

Personal life Zaporozhye arranged with a colleague at the Riga Youth Theater - the graduate of the Mikhail Shchepkin, who teaches a stage speech in his native university and holding the position of professor the corresponding department.

Honored Artist of the Republic of Bashkortostan Natalia Makarova gave birth to her husband two children: on April 29, 1985, Kirill appeared on the world, and on September 5, 1989 came the turn of Makara.

The heirs went in the footsteps of the famous father and stood on the cast. The eldest starred in "Favorite Casanov's Women", "Tobol", "Tinets", "Podolsk cadets", the younger was famous for the roles of "youth", "method" and "Marathon of Desires", having time to give the parents of his grandchildren Alexander and Elizaven.

Viktor Nikolayevich loves to travel and admires the beauty and greatness of Orthodox churches, whose photos store on the personal page in the social network "Facebook". His own pictures can also be found in the instagram accounts of sons.

Victor Zaporizhzhya now

Zaporizhia is infrequently removed in the cinema - after the TV series "Other" and "Diplomat" in 2020 replenished the filmography of only Katran. But the fans could watch the pet not on the screen, but on the theater scene.

Viktor Nikolaevich and now faithfully serves in his native "lighthouse." In the repertoire at the 2021th with his participation, the performances were "Dicking", "All my sons", "not all Cas Niznica", "Fruits of Enlightenment", "Kant", "price" and "banquet".


  • 1974 - "Not yet evening"
  • 1989 - "The investigation is conducted by experts"
  • 2004 - "Children of Arbat"
  • 2006-2007 - "Gromov"
  • 2008 - "Ment in Law"
  • 2008 - "Galina"
  • 2009 - "Ivan Grozny"
  • 2010 - "Basic version"
  • 2010 - "Ekaterina III"
  • 2010 - "Dr. Tyrsa"
  • 2011 - "Zhukov"
  • 2013 - "Karina Red"
  • 2015 - "Nesterova Loop"
  • 2017 - "Sunny Circle"
  • 2019 - "Diplomat"
  • 2020 - "Katran"

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