Zaur Baitsaev (Zaurbek Baitsaev) - biography, personal life, photo, news, "Once in Russia", wife 2021



Like many, the path in Yumor Zaur Baitsaev began with the game in KVN. Since then, he has managed to work by the author and actor in a number of entertainment projects, among which the Skchech show "Once in Russia" acquired the greatest fame. There, the comedian creates memorable and recognizable images in which the audience recognize themselves and their friends.

Childhood and youth

Zaurbek was born on January 5, 1983 in Vladikavkaz. The childhood and youth of the comedian was held here, who first went to kindergarten No. 81, and then to school number 17. Baitsaev would not be a representative of his nationality if he did not engage in childhood. However, the sport did not call.

After graduating from school, Zaur entered the North Ossetian State University, where he began to study psychology and sociology. But the receipt of education occupied a lot of time from the guy than KVN, who became interested in student years. Sitting on the back feather, in the class of Baitsaev invented the jokes, not particularly seeking to remember the speech of teachers.

Zaur Baytsaev with Hair in KVN

The family did not immediately accept his passion. Mom dreamed at all that the dancer would grow out of her son, and therefore Zaurbek was engaged in choreography, but threw, focusing on KVN. Then he could still be seen with her hair, now the shaved head is the indispensable attribute of the Iimage of the comic.

The first team for which the comedian played in his youth is the "catastrophe of the week." There, Baitsaev spoke with Zagom Zangiyev, together with whom in 2004 he passed into only the created national team of Vladikavkaz called "Pyramid". From it began the path of Zura to television.

First, the team with a pronounced Caucasian flavor reached the final of the Premier League, and since 2006 it began to perform in the "tower". Baitsaev got the role of ever-asking space, which by his inhibition could bring comrades to white crown. In an interview, the guy confessed that he didn't even have to play anything on stage, it was just enough to remain like himself.

However, the incoming sparrow, to which the audience was accustomed, was not so simple. He wrote a joke, was the editor of the Interregional League of KVN "Alania", and also accounted for the artistic director for young Ossetian Cavencers. Pyramid entered the structure of the State Theater of KVN under the Ministry of Youth, Physical Education and Sports, and therefore humor turned out to be the official profession of Zaura.

Despite the fact that Ossetians did not have the highest league champions, twice after the season with silver medals, recognition and audience love they received in full, which allowed them to continue their humorous career outside the KVN.

Humor and creativity

On TV channel TNT Baitsaev, it turned out to be a comrade for KVN - the captain of the team David Tsallaev. He called a friend in the newly created sketch show "Once in Russia," where Zaur became an actor and author. The creators beat Russian realities, drawing inspiration in everyday household situations and in popular television programs. For example, the transmissions "let them say" and the "battle of psychics".

The roles that are going to the zaurus do not always allow to reveal his acting potential. More often, it appears to the audience with a simple and short-sounding, which is difficult to suspect outstanding intellectual abilities.

From 2014, to participate in Baitsaev's show, before you have time to play in the projects "give younger", "kitchen", "nonzob". In 2017, Zaur appeared in the film "Zomboyashik". In addition to permanent work in "Once in Russia," he came as a guest to other TNT programs: "Studio Soyuz", "Where is the logic?", "Improvisation". In the latter, he spoke together with Mikhail Stognienko, beating the themes of late, paranormal houses and primitive people.

Personal life

Personal life Zash managed: In 2013, he married Victoria's beloved girl and transported it to Moscow. 3 years later, the wife gave his wife to Eve, who became the pride of his father.

Baitsaev hopes that in 2036 his daughter will become the Olympic champion in fencing, and while the photo of the girl in the "Instagram" will post. From there, fans recognize the news and details of the artist's biography.

Zaur Baytsaev now

In 2021, ZAUR continues to work on the show "Once in Russia", where he participates in the sketches paroding the Russian reality. In December 2020, the comedian became the guest of the New Year's release of Yutyub-show Irina Chesnock "Bar in the Big City". Baitsaev struck the audience with wit and liberty, because they used to see it on TNT in the role of Tugodum.

And in June 2021, humorist was invited to "what happened next?". Spectators have positively appreciated the release of the show, noting: Zaur has become one of the best guests.


  • KVN
  • Show "Give youth"
  • Film "Zomboyashik"
  • Tv-series "Kitchen"
  • Show "Once Upon a Time in Russia"

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