Leonid Reiman - the biography of the statesman and entrepreneur 2021



Leonid Reiman - a prominent worker in the communications industry, stood at the origins of her formation in New Russia. For ten years he headed the Ministry of Communications. He launched the breakthrough development of telecom and digitalization in our country. In recent years, it has been engaged in its own business projects in the field of production of domestic electronics and software.


Leonid Dododjonovich Reiman - Native Leningradets, a leaving from the family of philologic scientists. His father and mother - doctors of philological sciences. They were engaged in their science all their life, combining her with teaching in universities.

Reyman is the last name Mother, his father's name - Tajiyev Dododjon Tajievich, he is a famous scientist Tajik ASSR, a significant figure in the formation of Tajik linguistics. The number of his own scientific works reaches a hundred fifty. In addition, under his leadership, more than 50 scientific and methodological works, programs and textbooks were written and printed.

Leonid Reiman at a meeting of the Security Council of the Russian Federation

Mother Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Reiman - Professor, Zavka Foreign Languages ​​of the St. Petersburg Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. All my life lived in Leningrad, remaining faithful to his native city. Neither the blockade, nor the complex post-war years forced her to leave the northern capital.

Rimima graduated from school No. 211 in Leningrad - an educational institution with a semi-independent history. Now this is a lyceum with a linguistic bias, and then she had the status of a polytechnic school for high school students.


Having received an excellent technical base of knowledge in the legendary Leningrad school, Reyman Leonid Dododjonovich entered the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute of Communications named after M. A. Bonch-Burevich. He graduated from 1979 by obtaining a specialty "0708 Multichannel Communication" (Qualification "Telecommunication Engineer").

Later, already by the Minister, Reimima defended two more dissertations regarding the economic and structural development of the telecommunications industry. In 2000, in St. Petersburg State Engineering and Economic University, he defended his candidate on the topic "Improving the system of state regulation of the telecommunications industry." And four years later, he became a doctor of economic sciences, defending in the same university the dissertation on the topic "Formation and development of the infocommunication services market". The model formed in this work was based on the basis of Federal Law No. 126-FZ "On Communications", which has been valid to this day and is a key regulatory document in the communications industry.

Carier start

Already in the student years, the first practical acquaintance of Leonid Dododzhonovich with the branch of communication took place. Having received a specialty of the 5th discharge cable driver, each year during training in the higher educational institution participated in the great construction sites of the USSR as part of the studios, in particular the links laid near Magadan and Yakutsk.

After graduating from the university, went to work on the Leningrad long-distance telephone station. I started a career from the office of the engineer, then it was raised by appointing the head of the workshop.

Labor experience interrupted the army appeal. Having worked at the station for four years, in 1983 he went to a biennial urgent service.

Visit Leonid Reiman to Penza region

After the army, Reiman goes to work in LGTS - the Leningrad city telephone network (from 1993 - Petersburg telephone network). 14 years old, right up to the state service in 1999, Leonid Dododjonovich held a number of senior positions in this structure.

Leonid Reiman was the creator of the first cellular operator in Russia "Delta Telecom" and organized a conversation on the Cell phone for the country. This is a truly historical event in the field of Russian telecommunications occurred in 1991. The conversation took place between the mayor of St. Petersburg by Anatoly Sobchak and the mayor of the American city of Seattle.

After 16 years, already in the post of Minister of Communications, Rimima made the first video call on the new communication system 3G Governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matvienko.

Leonid Reiman stood at the origins of the emergence of one of the largest companies in Russia - MegaFon. At the end of 1994, he entered the Board of Directors of OJSC Telecominvest, which united several operators of the North-West region. Later, one of the assets of this structure grew up in the operator of the Russian "Big Cell Troika".

Minister and adviser to the President

In July 1999, Reima Leonid was invited to work in the government, having received the position of State Secretary and the first deputy chairman of the State Committee for Telecommunications. Literally during the month, he received an increase, going to the position of the head of this department.

In November of the same year, Leonid Dododjonovich Reiman acquired a portfolio of the Minister of Communications and Information. Five years later, after the abolition of the ministry, he was appointed first deposit of transport and communications. And when a new Ministry of Information Technology and Communications was formed in May 2004, he was headed by Riman Leonid Dododjonovich. The minister was engaged in the development of telecommunications in the broadest sense, representing the state in various colleges, commissions and committees.

Leonid Reiman got up at the head of the information technology in the period of its hard formation. One of his key merits is the law "On Communication", which largely determined the rapid development of the industry. The economic model of development proposed by Riman served as a start for the breakthrough growth of domestic high technologies, which became the most dynamic growing and advanced component of the Russian telecom. It was thanks to Leonid Reiman at present, new technologies in this area have become familiar daily for Russians, and even many European countries are significantly ahead of the Russian Federation.

The great merit of Reiman is that he was able to integrate digital realities into a wide variety of sectors of the economy and created a legislative framework for the sustainable development of the infocommunication market.

With its direct participation, the Russian mobile market was formed, which today is one of the leading in the world. His political decisions largely determined the ubiquitous distribution in Russia available communication using mobile devices.

Leonid Dododjonovich Reiman on info-2007

It was Reiman who took a number of measures to make the use of Mobile in the Russian Federation convenient for the population:

  • canceled mandatory permission for each subscriber to use a mobile phone;
  • introduced the principle of free incoming calls;
  • Legislatively secured the subscriber's right to maintain a telephone number when changing the mobile operator;
  • Provided healthy competition in the cellular market, thanks to which cellular prices in Russia are considered among the most affordable in the world.

In the global economy, few industries developing in recent years as dynamically as a branch of information technology. Russia is no exception. With the name of Leonid Reiman, the introduction of IT technologies in the field of education, health care, the development of the agro-industrial complex and housing construction during the implementation of national projects is connected.

The ubiquitous introduction of broadband Internet for medical institutions, schools and universities, the transition to digital television - the legendary minister of communication gave all this.

For two years, from 2008 to 2010, Reiman was as adviser to the president.

Digitalizer projects

Leaving state activities, the ex-minister engaged in investments. Currently, he develops and supports business projects in the field of high technologies, which are aimed at developing the Russian technological industry and increasing the competitiveness of its products in the modern market. Such assets are focused on the release of high-tech domestic products, which represents a high-quality alternative to import solutions.

One of the first projects that Reiman began to implement in the new field, is the launch of the innovative production of microelectronics "Angstrom-T" for the production of the most popular chips in the Russian market. According to the plan, the plant's products had to satisfy the needs of Russian enterprises operating in electronics with chips with topology from 250 to 90 nanometers of domestic production to reduce dependence on imported microelectronic products.

Leonid Reiman acquired the project at the construction stage of the plant, which fell pause to the crisis 2008. Using borrowed funds of Vnesheconombank and its own capital, Reiman continued the construction of the plant, purchased the necessary equipment. In 2016, production was launched, however, due to sanctions, return the credit funds were impossible, and after three years the plant has passed under the control of the bank issued a loan. In 2019, VEB decided to allocate more than 20 billion rubles to the development of the enterprise. But at the end of the same year, despite the national significance of the project, initiated a bankruptcy procedure.

Leonid Reiman on a press briefing after a speech at a meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation

In 2010, Reiman created Rosa's company (LLC NTC IT Rosa) - the Russian Center for the Development and Creation of System Software, which meets the requirements of Russian legislation in the field of information protection. This is a multidisciplinary developer providing solutions for state structures (including structures with information that is state secret), educational institutions, as well as for business and regular PC users.

In November 2020, the news was the news that Reiman has invested about 1 billion rubles to Ruhek. It was created in 2015, but in fact work began only in 2021. These funds are planned to organize the production of civilian electronics of the full cycle - from the creation of an industrial site and assembly lines to research and development work.

Personal life

Leonid Reiman is married, consists in a second marriage, a total of five children, one of which is the reception.

The leaving of the cultural capital, he prefers to classical music. Playing in large tennis - fashion for this sport in Russia introduced the first president of Yeltsin.

From unusual addiction - helicopter sport, one time he was a member of the helicopter federation, and even her president.

I wrote several books on the theme of digitalization and regulation of the IT market.

The owner of numerous awards, among them, according to Wikipedia, two orders "For merit to the Fatherland" - III and IV degree. He is a well-deserved employee of communication, a number of government awards were awarded for achievements in the field of science and education.


Leonid Reiman is actively engaged in charity. The nineties became part of the founders of the Foundation for the History of Radio Engineering and Communications in the Native St. Petersburg, created to support the Central Museum of Communications. A. S. Popova.

She accepted financial participation in the repair of native lyceum No. 211 to the 160th anniversary, which was celebrated in 2020, and the equipment of the curricula with the latest technique.

This is the first in the history of school overhaul of its building, located in the center of St. Petersburg, thanks to which, as the media reported, "organized, perhaps the most interesting school of the city in the point of view."

The press also has information that Reiman regularly helps its Alma Mater. In particular, its funds carried out the repair of educational buildings and hostels of the St. Petersburg Institute of Communications.

Together with the wife of Olga Leonid Dododjonovich are the main donors of the Foundation "Who, if not me?", Created by their family. The organization helps children who fell into a difficult situation. For 13 years, the Foundation implements various social projects that are able to support the guys who remained without parents for one reason or another. These are the orphans, as well as children who took care of a dysfunctional families or who were thrown by their parents. According to official statistics, now such children in Russia are more than 750 thousand thanks to the projects of the Foundation, they are helping to receive education after a kindergarten, with social adaptation in society, have psychological and material assistance in order to give them a chance to become full and full members of society .

Criticism in the press

At the beginning of zero name, Reiman began to appear in the media due to the conflict between Alpha Groups and the Bermuda Foundation IPOC International Growth Fund. The reason for the information war between the structures was the purchase of the "Alpha Bank" of the blocking package of MegaFon shares. The conflict broke out due to the fact that, according to the statements of the Bermuda company, she already had an agreement on the purchase of this package with the ex-owner of the cellular operator - LV Finance. During one of the court proceedings, it was information that for the IPOC, which for several years tried to challenge the deal, is Riman. In the future, the information was not confirmed, and the opposing parties recalled their claims.

Leonid Riman at the Day of Radio Day

In 2011, in a number of Russian media, there was information that the Prosecutor's Office of the German Frankfurt am Main nominated the charges of Jeffrey Galmond and the four former Commerzbank managers, who, according to her, helped Leonid Reiman illegally withdraw state telecommunication assets from the country.

Commerzbank From 1996 to the beginning of the 2000s, Jeffrey Galmond's assets managed, including First National Holding (FNH), heading Holding Telecominvest. Investigation against Galmond and Commerzbank employees began in 2005. At the same time, for all the time, Leonid Reiman was not attracted to him and did not receive official requests from representatives of German law enforcement agencies. In 2012, the investigation was completed, and all accusations from the defendants of the case were removed.

In 2013, a similar proceedings were conducted by Finnish law enforcement agencies. The Finnish police suspected that Leonid Reiman, being the federal Russian minister, through the Finnish company SEKOM passed revenues from telecommunication business in Russia in the Cyprus company Albany Investment and the IPOC Foundation. Within this investigation, no evidence was presented, and it was closed, and without starting.

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