David Winner - biography, personal life, photo, news, presenter, "Moscow 24", "Instagram" 2021



David Winner managed to obtain the glory of the sincere, good and empathic lead. Incredible charm, the talent of the interviewer and charisma - these qualities contribute to increasing popularity and demand of the journalist.

Childhood and youth

A person often flashes on the TV channel "Moscow 24" and showers the peculiarities of the work of ambulance and police doctors, prefers to keep the early biography in secret. And to the question about the place of birth, a well-known personality in an interview with the Yutiub-Channel "Podkast Sixty-nine" called Paris.

The TV host was born on January 19, 1985 in the family of doctors. Parents dreamed that the son will continue the dynasty. Initially, the heir did that he had studied at a neurophysiologist's medical university. The student's plans have everything clearly - a quiet life in Jerusalem (Winner by the nationality of the Jew), old age surrounded by grandchildren.

But in 2001 everything changed when a young man got on television. And in a year he became a news transfer correspondent. At the same time, David decided to receive a vocational education in this area and even graduated from the Higher Educational Institution in the specialty director of the Opera House.

Changing a radically changing life, Winner has never regretted that he traded medicine to work with a microphone in his hand. And fans loved the lead to the ability to talented reports in the most extreme situations.


The name of this person has been connected with the Raid program for a long time on the Moscow 24 TV channel. In front of the camera, he showed the wrong operation of special services - police, ambulance, MES, traffic police, social shelters.

The idea of ​​the transmission was reduced not to tell the audience about emergencies. In the center of the plot there were always people - victims, as well as those who follow the fatigue and danger to the vocation.

For example, during duty at ambulance David, together with the paramedics, he moved several times on an accident, taking an interview as a victim and the culprits of the accident. And after a while he was raced with rescuers to the woman of the elderly, which diagnosed the second heart attack. At the end of the transfer, the man wished the physicians to rest more, surprised the readiness to come to the rescue every minute, even if it is the 10th challenge per night.

Over the years of broadcasting, the program has many fans. When in the summer of 2020 it became known that Winner left the Raid, this news was shocked for the audience. In the instagram account of the correspondent, the subscribers wrote that without it, the transfer lost its highlight.

Criminal journalist did not disappear from the TV channel. After dismissal, I found new recognition for myself, becoming a secular observer. Now David began to illuminate not heavy everyday life of people designed due to the profession to come to help those who fell into a difficult situation, and the life of Glyhanz's heroes.

Bright events in the world of Ceboribriti - Weddings, the birth of children, divorces, loud scandals - all this curious viewer can see by including the transfer of "historus" on the Moscow 24 channel. Cherry on the cake is already a favorite TV presenter who has changed the role, but the remaining as charming, sparkling and inquisitive to the details.

Personal life

Winner in an interview in the "podcast of sixty-nine" stated that Asexual. In his youth, instead of running bye, he was engaged in self-development, read books and walked on museums. In the pubertal period, I understood - he likes more creativity of classical writers than adolescent experiences associated with feelings to the opposite sex.

The absence of sexual attraction David and now considers the advantage.

"The world knowledge is much more interesting to frictional action"

This quote fully reflects the cause of its conscious assecualism. Studying natural sciences, the student was approved in the decision to exclude marriage from the list of life priorities. However, the presence of rare sexual relations a journalist does not deny. This happens, as he himself put it - "once in a five-year plan."

At the same time, a graduate of the Medical University does not even consider the hypothetically presence in the future of his wife or children. The fact is that the man is confident - to educate the heirs, it is necessary to initially be a talented teacher. And the absence of such qualities is a serious reason to think about whether it is necessary to organize descendants for unhappy childhood in the help of egoistic desires.

Instead of joy from close communication with women, Winner prefers highly intelligent conversations. In those moments, when he wants to get unforgettable emotions, he takes a ticket to New York to "meet the dawn on the Hudson."

Also TV presenter often comes to the historic homeland - to Israel. Being a Jew, David adheres to the traditions of their people. For example, in the period of self-insulation associated with a coronavirus infection pandemic, baked or pasta, but Matsoy.

Instagram account The correspondent uses a platform for informing follow-up subscribers. There are few personal photos, which once again confirms the short self-testing of the TV presenter, characterizing itself as an "criminal journalist" and "Soviet observer".

David Winner now

On the eve of the new 2021, a well-known personality pleased the subscribers to another project on the Moscow 24 channel. The name of the transfer is "Open, David" - already hints at what will happen on the screen.

In the center of the show - again people with difficult fate, ready to share the details of the profession and biography. And a talented interviewer, being, above all, a person delicate and empathizing, introduces the audience with an unknown side of the life of a particular star of show business.

In the premiere of the show in the center of the plot turned out to be Agat Mutzing, about which, after a divorce with Pavel, it was written and said quite a few. However, Winner managed to withdraw an actress on a frank conversation about his personal life. And also find out - Agatha did not stop believing in love. But only now I realized that it does not know this feeling at all.

After the ex-wife of primarily David visited Raper Jozzi, Mary Gu, Xabibka bloggers and other media, whose biography cause more and more questions. Some facts from the show became revelation, but this was the main intention of the transfer - to show the life of Celibriti without bills.

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