Alexander Proshkin - Biography, Latest News, Photo, Personal Life, Film Director, Movies, Filmography 2021



Alexander Proshkin is a talented Soviet and Russian film director who continues to please the audience with new films. The favorite quotation of the director, recognizing that many mistakes made mistakes - the words of the theater colleague Nikolai Akimova:"It would be good to write memoirs, and then live life on them"

Childhood and youth

The future director was born on March 25, 1940 in Leningrad in the family of the artist Anatoly Pokhkin. The Father's Father's canvas is exhibited in the Russian Museum. War years Alexander spent in evacuation.

In 1953, 6 students returned for the parties from the colony from the colony were returned to the school where Progun-Jr. studied. Former prisoners mocked teachers. Subsequently, the impressions of the adolescence used the director when shooting the film "Cold Summer Fifty-thirds ...", which became the Swan songs of Anatoly Papanova.

Alexander Pokhkin in youth

After receiving the certificate of maturity, Alexander entered the Leningrad Theater Institute named after A. N. Ostrovsky. The acting skills of the young man took possession under the leadership of Boris Zone, whom George Tovstonogov considered the best theatrical teacher in the Soviet Union. However, no less influence than Boris Wulfovich, director Nikolay Akimov, at the son of the artist, was reserved, in the theater of which Alexander served in the first half of the 60s of the XX century.

A young actor who lived in a communal apartment, in a few nights "swallowed" Roman Boris Pasternak "Dr. Zhivago" and caught fire the idea that seemed to be unrealized: to become a director and shielded a prohibited work. After 40 years, Alexander Anatolyevich managed to fulfill the dream of youth.


In 1968, Peshkun graduated from the highest directorial courses in Gostareudio of the USSR and moved to Moscow. The director's biography of a native of the city at the Neva began in the editorial office of literary and dramatic programs, where Alexander Anatolyevich put films-performances. In the late 60s - early 70s of the 20th century, Lydia Ishimbayeva often performed.

The drama of Alexander Anatolyevich performances of Alexander Anatolyevich served the works of Western authors. In the adaptation of the Piece of Polish playwright, Khshortof Khoinsky "Night Tale" - "case in the hotel" - the roles of the characters-antagonists were performed by the actors of Vitaly and Yuri Solomina.

In 1975, Peshkun became the director of one of the first Soviet television series - the 8-serial tape of Olga Sergeevna, talking about the ladies-oceanologist, and failed to gain happiness in his personal life. Tatyana Doronin played the main heroine in the melodrama. The love of the audience won the picture of Akimov's student and the "dangerous age" zone, in which the 40-year-old spouses performed by Alice Freundlich and Josas Budraitis seems to have nothing to do between them.

Pescin twice removed the TV shows about Russian scientists. In the first of them, the Ribe "Mikhail Lomonosov" - the director acted as an actor, reincarnated in the writer Alexander Sumarow. The second series Alexander Anatolyevich also called the name of the main character - Nikolai Vavilov. The role of the genius genetics of Peshkun entrusted to the Lithuanian actor Kostasu Smororigasus.

The pictures of the native of Leningrad "Russian Bun", "Livi and Remember", "Atonement" were brought in Russian and international festivals. The film of the Okrug "Miracle", unlike the three listed tapes, is not an adhesion, but an attempt to understand the event that occurred in Kuibyshev in the winter of 1955-1956. Soviet girl Zoya Karnukhov, who decided to dance with the icon of Nicholas, petrified for 128 days, and then died.

In 2015, Peshkun released two kinonovinki at once - "Paradise Bush" and "Protection". Also in the second decade of the XXI century, Alexander Anatolyevich was regularly starred in television documentary films telling about the fate of the actors who had the opportunity to play in his ribbons.

Personal life

The director believes that love is a dominant feeling for every person who determines the fullness of life. For the sake of love, the city of his youth left for the Muscovite, although it also misses the squares and the squares of the Northern Capital of Russia.

The son of Alexander Anatolyevich - Andrei Pokhkin went on his father's footsteps. The most famous ribbons in the filmography of the continuer of the director's dynasty - family melodrama about the friendship of the dog and the boy "Spartak and Kalashnikov" and the series "Dr. Richter". In the fall of 2020, it became known about the premiere on the OKKO video service of the OKKO of the Motheric Thriller Priescan Jr. "survivors" in 2021.

Alexander Pokhkin now

In March 2020, Alexander Anatolyevich Priscu was 80 years old. Due to the respectable age of the jubilee and a pandemic of coronavirus infection, the celebrations about the round dates were held in the country, in a narrow family circle. In an interview with TASS, the director explained that his wife was very afraid of a new infection. In the congratulatory telegram, Vladimir Putin wished Alexander Anatolyevich health and well-being.

In October 2020 at the Moscow International Film Festival, the premiere of the film of the Peshkina-Elder "Back to the steppe to Sarmatam" took place. Filter critic Anton Dolin described the new drama of Alexander Anatolyevich as a feminist western with an ethnographic bias. The picture of the painting unfolds in the Orenburg region, which the director appreciates the preservation of the cultural heritage of various nationalities.

The main roles in Sarmatians (this is the second name of the film) were performed by Karina Andoltenko, Marina Vasilyeva, Victor Sukhorukov and Vasily Mishchenko. The image of Nicodemus in the picture created the winner of the 5th season of the show "Voice. Children »Rutger Garatht.


  • 1975 - Olga Sergeevna
  • 1981 - "Dangerous age"
  • 1986 - Mikhail Lomonosov
  • 1987 - "Cold summer fifty third ..."
  • 1990 - "Nikolay Vavilov"
  • 1992 - "See Paris and die"
  • 1995 - "Black Veil"
  • 1999 - "Russian Bun"
  • 2006 - "Dr. Zhivago"
  • 2008 - "Live and Remember"
  • 2009 - "Miracle"
  • 2011 - "Atonement"
  • 2015 - "Paradise Bush"
  • 2015 - "Protection"
  • 2020 - "Back to the steppe to Sarmatam"

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