Alexey Tsydenov - biography, personal life, photo, news, politician, head of the Republic of Buryatia, "Instagram" 2021



Alexey Tsydenov since childhood demonstrated diligence and purposefulness, which helped him make a career in business and in politics. But the main achievement of celebrity was the appointment of the head of the Republic of Buryatia.

Childhood and youth

Alexey Tsydenov was born on March 16, 1976 in the Russian city of Petrovsk-Zabaykalsky, who at that time was part of the Chita region. He is a representative of the family of hereditary railway workers in the fourth generation.

When Alexey was a child, parents often disappeared at work, because of which he was forced to take care of himself and the younger brothers Pavle and Nicolae. The future official was hardworking and responsible, helped her grandparents who lived in the village, followed the cleanliness of the house.

According to the memoirs of teachers, Tsydenov showed good performance in the lessons, and the development of the curriculum was easy to him. Therefore, the young man managed to participate in an amateur amateur and heard among classmates a soul of the company, because he possessed the talent to vocals and knew how to play the guitar.

But the level of knowledge gained in a regular school, Leshe turned out to be not enough, and he was transferred to the best educational institution in the region on his own initiative. At first, the future official lagged behind estimates from other students, but then caught the missed and began to receive praise from teachers again.

When choosing a profession, he almost did not think, decided to continue the family tradition and become a railwayman. The young man entered the Far Eastern University of Communications, which graduated in 1998. In the student years, Lesha was a trade union leader and worked in the Department of Socio-Economic Development.

Career and politics

After release from the university, Alexey Sambuevich went to get a job in the management of the road in Khabarovsk, but the only free bid of the accountant was. She recorded yesterday's railwayman yesterday, although in fact he actually carried out instructions not related to finance.

In the future, the young specialist continued his career on the Far Eastern Railway, he served before senior positions. Already in 2002, Tsydenov was appointed to the post of general director of Dalnefetrans LLC, and after 2 years he headed the Far Eastern Transport Group OJSC.

At 30, Alexey Sambuyevich began political activities in the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. He replaced the Director of the State Policy Department in the Railway Transport. The next place of work was the Department of Infrastructure and Industry of the Government of the Russian Federation, where he was also deputy head.

Back in 2010, the official fell into the personnel reserve of the President of Russia and was trained in the Russian Academy of National Economy at the head of state. For some time, he performed the duties of the Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation, where he managed to show himself and continue to climb the career ladder.

The turning point in the biography of Tsydenov was 2017, when Vladimir Putin signed a decree on his appointment to the post of acting head of the Republic of Buryatia. Then, following the election results, he officially joined and headed the Buryat government. Soon the official chose a new press secretary, Alexey Fishev became them.

The main task that Tsydenov set itself was to improve the quality of living standards in the republic. He also sent forces to combat corruption and the decision of national conflicts. Politician has demonstrated openness to the people, published a declaration of income on the official website of the Republic of Buryatia.

In the future, Alexey Sambuevich did everything to fulfill the targets intended, despite the difficulties that had to face. 2020 was especially tense, when the world was in the conditions of a pandemic of coronavirus infection. In this difficult period, the head of Buryatia appealed to the people with a request to comply with the prevention of disease, take care of themselves and relatives.

Personal life

The personal life of this public person has developed successfully. In an interview for the transfer of Coffee Break, he told that he met his wife Irina Tsydenov in 1997. The politician quickly realized that they and a girl were created for each other. Less than a month later he made a sentence of a proposal of his arms and hearts to which she answered agree.

Shortly after the wedding, the Son of Ilya was born from the spouses. The first time the young family had to be not easy, they jutter for removable apartments and often moved. But Irina supported her husband and did not give the mouth to the Spirit, so he believes that half of his achievements is her merit.

Over time, the official went to the mountain, and the family was replenished with another 3 children - the sons of George and Lv, as well as daughter Kira.

Alexey Tsydenov now

At the beginning of 2021, Tsydenov provoked a rapid discussion in the press after the Government of Buryatia was resigned. Alexey Sambuyevich's decision substantiated the need for structural changes. He also stressed the need to solve the tasks that remain relevant in the republic. Among them is job creation, improving living and labor conditions.

Now the politician continues to active activities. He shares the success on the pages of "Instagram" and "Facebook", where publishes news and photos.

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