Vasily Kulik - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, Irkutsk maniac, killer doctor



Vasily Kulik - a citizen of the Soviet Union - was a serial killer, maniac and pedophile. In the 1980s, he cruelly dealt with dozens of women and children. The true essence of the criminal hidden under the distortion of the ambulance station. The noble profession helped avoid persecution by representatives of the internal affairs bodies and for a long time remain unpunished.

Childhood and youth

Vasily Sergeevich Kulika's life path began in the winter of 1956. The boy was born in Irkutsk in the family of educated intelligent people. Father - a graduate of a prestigious university - was a professor of entomology, a writer and a teacher of the university. Mother - teacher and psychologist - worked as a school principal and raised children.

In a year old, the child was determined in local nursery. Felling cute, he began to suffer with Lunatism and came under the supervision of doctors. The parental sometimes lost his patience and rushed her son hard. The owner of the house had to organize walks at night.

Vasily Kulik in childhood and youth

After a while, the problem with some ways themselves resolved. The replacement came new aids - bronchial asthma, rheumatism and hepatitis. However, weak health did not make a reason for the special relationship and indulging in whims. Vasya was brought up in equal conditions with an elder sister, modestly dressed and provided only by the most necessary things.

This gave rise to outbreaks of aggression, spreading to relatives. Becoming a schoolboy, Kulik attacked a knife for a girl, grew up with him in the same house, and struck his classmate on his teeth. For these actions he was very much from an angry father.

In the middle educational institution of a strange child did not like. The only friend was the boy who was older for several years. He taught the future criminal to mock the stray animals. Arriving gallows for cats, comrades experienced ecstasy.

In high school, relationships with peers aggravated to the limit. Vasily decided to change the situation and signed up for boxing. Becoming the owner of the first youthful discharge and the winner of urban and regional competitions, he managed to intimidate potential offenders. Subsequently, injury received in training, blocked the road to professional sports.

At the end of the school in the mid-1970s, the Kulik was served in the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union. Demobilized, according to the field of mother, suffering from diabetes, he entered the Medical Institute. At the time of the choice of specialization, a student, panically afraid of scalpeles, preferred surgery therapy and pharmacology. He liked to make medicinal mixes that have a sleeping pills and fading effect.

Personal life

Despite the average growth and unattractive appearance, the native of Irkutsk did not have a lack of female attention. In his youth, in his surroundings there were many girlfriends.

The first serious novel ended with the treason of his beloved and brought a lot of disappointments. It gave rise to craving for small inkliga with the ladies of different ages.

Over time, having resulted with disorderly relations, Vasily lost interest in the beautiful floor. However, in order not to stand out from society, he acquired a legitimate wife. A native of Severobaikalsk named Marina believed that she was lucky in his personal life. Caring secured husband demonstrated tender feelings in public and exalted his wife in the company of friends.

Vasily Kulik with his wife

The girl did not suspect that the Kulik was inspired by the images of juvenile girls. She also knew nothing about numerous connections on the side. Vasily caressed the house and erected a cottage for a comfortable stay in the summer, gave the wife of the salary, drove it into cinemas and cafes.

In the early 1980s, the family was replenished with a long-awaited child, and Vasily began to play the role of a caring parent. Happiness overshadowed suicide attempt after the sideline death of the Father. Doctors pulled an ambulance officer from the world, but the episode had a number of tragic consequences. A resident of Irkutsk has a need to torment and kill.


After the Institute, Vasily went to work in the Irkutsk hospital. After a while, he realized that this was an unsuitable professional path. A young doctor wrote out for ever complained elderly patients with useless medicines, hoping that they would die in the near future and would not come to him anymore.

The situation has changed when Kulik became an employee of the ambulance station. He unexpectedly loved the case, which was engaged in, and earned the gratitude of people who need help. After he personally accepted childbirth, colleagues and leaders decided that they had a real professional before them.

In the early 1980s, an approximate citizen of the Soviet Union showed unhealthy sexual inclinations. Later it turned out that, having survived the attack of teenage hooligans in the youth and death of the Father, a graduate of a medical school began to dream of sexual acts with minors and at the same time hate defenseless young children.

Kulik did not decrease for a long time to convege terrible fantasies. Then the attention was focused on the student of one of the Irkutsk schools. The doctor began to give the girl flowers and gifts, send love letters. Unhealthy relations before a date in the attic of a multi-storey building stopped a concerned mother.

Police officers, on the initiative of women familiarized with the messages, refused the criminal case. Vasily, who avoided punishment, decided to carefully approach the selection of victims.

He raped three students of junior classes. Law enforcement agencies learned about this only when the criminal fell under arrest. Parents of victims shy to seek help, so the criminal was not looking for.

Maniac Vasily Kulik.

In the spring of 1984, Kulik met a pensioner who came to Him in the hospital. Penetrating into the apartment under the pretext of medical examination, he is a wicl woman a psychotropic substance of its own manufacture. When the drug has worked, he raped and killed the victim. The cause of death due to old age was considered a sudden stopping of the heart. It was untied maniac hands.

In the so-called "wildlife" contained a list of lands of the old women. At this stage, Irkutsk Manyak Vasily called no one. When juvenile children were again in sight, and the worried bodies of boys and girls began to find in basements of high-rise buildings, the police tried to create a photodobot of the criminal and his psychological portrait.

The day of the celebration of the 30-year-old anniversary for Kulik was unsuccessful. He was caught random passersby during the massacre with one of the victims. Guilty could not prove until a miraculously survived the child identified his tormentor. About 30 rapes and 13 murders after time I had to tell.


During the investigation, the last 2 years, law enforcement officers allowed a number of unforgivable errors. Fortunately, specialists in serial killings Issa Costaev and Nikolai Kitaev put everything in their place.

The lawyers who have invented the story that wines lies with the members of the gang of criminal authority of Chibis, did not help the Irkutsk Mounty. In August 1988, the court made a death sentence to the criminal.

Waiting for an inevitable kulik gave an interview to journalists. In the prison cell, he wrote a letter to his spouse and composed lyrical poems. At the beginning of the summer of 1989, a maniac doctor was shot. His biography became the theme of the Documentary film "Shoezubub" from the popular television cycle "The investigation was led by ...".

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