Andrei Tumarkin - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Producer, Writer, Series 2021



Although the name of Andrei Tumarkina and is unknown to the wide viewer, any will remember the names of detective TV projects, taken on its scenario and creative ideas. Colleagues recognize that now Tumarkin has reached the highest position in the television market in this segment and it is unlikely to give way to someone else in the near future.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Yurevich Tumarkin was born on October 11, 1976. Lives in the capital of Russia - Moscow. There is practically no childhood and parents of the future scenario of information in open access. Andrei's education received in an unrearforward for his future profession to the institution - Moscow College of Architecture and Urban Planning.

Writer Andrei Tumarkin

At the age of 18, Tumarkin has already worked in the recently created information and analytical department for the management of government information of the Government of Russia. From 1996 to 2010, Andrei served as a journalist of the Department of Culture of the Publishing House "Moscow Komsomolets", but his publications continued to appear in the newspaper and in subsequent years.


Osing a new profession of the scriptwriter, Andrei Yuryevich achieved great success in this profession. Among the first works: "Streets of broken lanterns", "Investigator", "Brother for Brother", "Alien District", "Chef", Movies NTV "Retributor", "Abbot", "Single", "Return", "Former employee ", "Last Hero".

Above the "streets of broken lamps" Tumarkin worked together with the former police officer Pavel Zakharov. Zakharov wrote, as he was convenient, focusing on the samples sent by Andrey, and Tumarkin had already reworked work under the requirements of the film company.

Since 2013, Andrey has been a creative producer in the informed of the Yurchenko Film Company "Trikim Media". With Yurchenko Tumarkin collaborated since 2009, on a joint account over 50 works. In one interview, Yurchenko said that colleagues are always stunningly built, logically thought out, the screenwriter widely branches the stories. Andrey became the author of the scenarios and the ideas of films and TV shows, among them "Leningrad 46", "Tiger Trail", "Suspicion", "Sales", "Nevsky", who worked on Alexander Kachan and Evgeny Kukarin with Tumokina .

Andrei has long been engaged in criminal themes, it communicates tightly with the structures investigating criminal cases, and knows how everything is arranged. The branded style of the screenwriter is ironic, despite the dark topics, murders and crimes. Explaining where the stories for police serials come from, Tumarkin told that scripts were invented - the realities of the police life could be transferred to the screen.

In 2015, the portal, specializing in the ratings of films and TV series, published a list of the best professionals in the Russian film industry. In the category "Scenario" first place occupied Andrei Tumarkin. The screenwriter responded to this news, noting that any rating is initially subjective and important to simply give everyone to do with his beloved business on the set. To decide who is the place, according to Tumakina, should the audience.

In 2016, the film "Russian Character", Andrei was recognized as the best author of the scenario at the Television Game Films Contest XVII International Telekinophorum "Together".

A number of films over which Andrei worked, banned to show on the territory of Ukraine, as they demonstrated the activities of Russian law enforcement agencies. The screenwriter described the situation as a farewell primary joke, inappropriate in the XXI century. Tumarkinskin expressed confidence that the Russian TV shows would find the road to Ukrainian spectators through online cinemas and torrent-view.

Andrei Tumarkin was marked by a number of departmental awards of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, including by decision of the veterans of the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was awarded the Order "For the nobility of thoughts and affairs" for the series "Brother for Brother". The biography also has a premium weapon.

Personal life

Andrei Tumarkin does not advertise information about personal life and family. In social networks, he is also an infrequent guest, occasionally publishes photos of pets and adds to friends only those who are familiar personally or associated with common affairs and common friends.

Basically, on the personal page of the VKontakte script, you can find only information about new emerging projects, and the last post in Twitter from 2014 and reads: "No personal life ...".

Andrei Tumarkin now

In 2020, Andrei Tumarkina filmography was replenished with new telebates, including such series as anonymous detective, "Nevsky. Hunt for architect "," Police Brotherhood "," Northern Star "," First Department ". In 2021, the continuation of the projects "Chief-5" and "Implementation-2" were published.

In April 2020, the father of Andrei Tumarkina, 71-year-old Yuri Tumarkin fell into the hospital with suspicion of COVID-19, and in the ward in the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Specialized Medical Aid and Medical Technologies of the Russian FMBA, he had a jacket with a passport. Yuri Mikhailovich turned to the press with a request to help return documents, because without a passport, he could not even get a digital pass to return home. The situation became more complicated by the fact that the police could not get inside the institution to investigate the theft - strict quarantine was observed.

In October 2020, at the XXII, the Moscow International Festival of Detective Films and TV Programs of Law Enforcement Theme DetectiveFest Writer Andrei Tumarkin was awarded a special diploma and the prize "for his contribution to the development of a detective genre."


  • 2003-2009 - "Streets of broken lamps"
  • 2010-2014 - "Brother for Brother"
  • 2010-2014 - "Investigator"
  • 2011-2013 - "Alien District"
  • 2011-2021 - "Chef"
  • 2014 - "Tiger Trail"
  • 2014-2021 - "Nevsky"
  • 2015 - "High Betting"
  • 2017 - "execute cannot be pardon"
  • 2018-2021 - "Sales"
  • 2020 - "First Department"
  • 2020 - "Anonymous Detective"
  • 2020 - "Northern Star"

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