Ruslan Schadddinov - biography, personal life, photos, news, Kira Brumbrum, Army, Twitter, FBK 2021



Ruslan Schadddinov is a Russian politician and blogger, an employee of the fight against corruption of Alexei Navalny. A man has repeatedly become a victim of persecution by the authorities, and his personality causes many disputes in society.

Childhood and youth

Ruslan Tabirizich Schaveddinov was born on July 22, 1995 in the family of Azerbaijani nationality. In childhood, lived in the city of Voronezh region, together with the younger brother Nikita.

He was educated at the International Independent Ecological Political University, in 2013 earned a certificate of a person and civil activity specialist.


Shaveddinov's political biography began in 2013, when he began agitation in favor of Alexei Navalny. Also, the young man advocated the liberation of the Pussy Riot group and the investigation into the murder of Boris Nemtsov. Gradually, he rose to the status of the press secretary of the FBK leader and became part of the Central Council of the Russian Party Party.

In January 2018, Ruslan and a spokesman for FBK Kira were detained and delivered to the ATS in the Danilovsky district. According to the lawyer Ivan Zhdanov, the reasons for the transfer of "Cactus" on the Yutiub-Channel of Navalny in support of the "voter strike" was the reason. By the liberation of Schaddovin, he made an ironic comment, calling the arrest of "unplanned release", during which he learned by heart the repertoire of the Dacha Radio, and also mastered the snake on his button telephone at the "God" level.

On January 31, 2019, Ruslan stated in his blog on the site that Alexey Nemova's Olympic Champions Master class and Svetlana Khorkina in Saransk cost Mordovia 3 million rubles. The activist stressed that the republic is now on the verge of default, most residents of Nishchensky salaries. Such a huge fee for Schaveddin athletes explained to their high position in the United Russia party.

On February 12, 2019, the blog on the "Echo Moscow" website accused Ksenia Borodin in lies. A week earlier a woman wrote on his page in "Instagram" that the salaries of researchers rose to 70-80 thousand rubles. In full compliance with the "May Decrees" of Vladimir Putin from 2012. Blogger pointed out real incomes of scientists who ranged from 15-20 thousand.

On June 28, 2019, the FBK officer was arrested for 9 days for participating in an inconsistent march in support of Journalist "Medusa" Ivan Golunov. Ruslan allegedly chant "Down with the Power!" And insulted the police. He did not recognize his guilt, stating that he did not shout out any slogans and quietly went through the boulevard.

In December 2019, the apartment was searched in Ruslana's apartment, then the young man was interrogated in the investigative committee. After that, according to Alexei Navalny, "kidnapped" and "under the cone" sent to the service in the army, in the 33rd anti-aircraft missile regiment. A cellular operator Yota blocked the SIM card of the recruit, but on Sundays it was allowed to call the family. Letters that the FBK leader and his staff sent to the military unit, "Russian Post" returned back.

Personal life

Ruslan Schadddinov since 2017 is in relations with the employee of FBK Kira Brudmich, connecting a personal life with politics. In his free time, the time of the couple travels, in 2018 they visited the Red Canyon near Eilat in Israel.

Ruslan Schadddinov Now

In March 2020, Ruslana was transferred to another military unit on the island of the archipelago New Earth, the commander of the unit contacted the parents of Shaveddinov and told them the postal address.

In July 2020, a meeting of the Arkhangelsk military garrison court was held on the suit of the activist, which recognized the translation of the FBK project manager to the remote military base legitimate. Support Ruslan came Alexey Navalny with comrades, Kiru Brudmich did not want to let the hearing, but in the end the girl was able to meet her beloved.

Shavedovnov gave a navalal little interview, where he said that he lives with a pair of colleagues in a large iron barrel without electricity. Water had to take in the river, and the food once a month brought the helicopter. Next to the object constantly wandered the polar bear.

In his speech, in court, Liberal stated that nothing was afraid and the FBK would not cease his investigations against people who captured power in Russia.

On December 23, 2020, Bruddy said in Twitter that Schaddovin was demobilized after a year spent on the New Earth archipelago. She met Ruslana along with Ivan Zhdanov at Domodedovo Airport.

The next day, the politician came as a guest to the Echo of Moscow, where he told Alexander Plushev and Tatiana Felgengauer about the service in the army. Ruslan admitted that he looked at the card on the eve to find a new land, and was horrified how far this region is located from civilization.

On January 17, 2021, Ruslana Schaveddinova, Love Sobol and Konstantin Kotov were arrested at the airport to Vnukovo, where they came to meet Alexei Navalny who returned to Russia. All Troim changed the disobedience to the police requirements. The leader of the FBK at the airport never appeared, his plane was redirected to Sheremetyevo.

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