Ulyana Zhang - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, "Comfort Zone", "Instagram" 2021



Ulyana Zhang - Russian actress theater and cinema. At the age of 14, he tried to enter the Moscow Theater College to Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov, but did not work. The girl decided to quickly get a certificate to take a new attempt. 1204th school at the Taganka, where there were external classes.

Childhood and youth

Ulyana Zhang was born on April 22, 2000. In childhood I experienced the divorce of the parents. For a year and a half she stopped communicating with his father after a man criticized her character, putting Sofia's consolidated sister as an example. The actress confessed that sometimes behaves like an egoist and wants the world to be spoiled around her. And only after such words understands that it is wrong.

After the 9th grade of the school, the girl studied at the acting courses at the Theater Institute named after B. V. Schukin. On listening, which was spent by Lyudmila Sergeevna Voroshilov, Ulyana was asked to sing. She replied that he could not, but would try. Zhang accepted, but the teacher said secretly that in no case cannot be "clamped" and report the disadvantages. Such guys on the exams immediately sift. Even if they ask to show a mother-herg, who is ready to dinner with children, you need to react quickly and boldly, without fearing to seem like funny.

In 2018, Ulyana graduated from the Institute of Contemporary Art and continued Education at the MCAT Studio School. In the classrooms, teachers were asked to read rap on a non-existent language, and the actress was not confused, remembering the instructions of Lyudmila Sergeyevna.

Now Zhang advises asbiturrents of theatrical educational institutions to follow her example and try to enroll 2-3 years before "running" the program and gain self-confidence.


When Ulyana began an acting biography, then, according to his own confession, could come to samples without rehearsals. The actress seemed to be enough to drive the scene in the head, and everything would work out. Later, Zhang realized how important it is to take off, to unlock self-probe to see the shortcomings.

Soon Zhang found the Marina agent, which received the first role for the girl - in the film "The Fourth Wall". For the project, the artist had to cut the hair, the shooting themselves occupied 2-3 days. She also appeared in the paintings of the "Union of Salvation" and "Powder."

Personal life

Ulyana happy in his personal life, lives with a young man named Nikita. According to the sign of the Zodiac, the young man, celebrates his birthday on April 8.

In his free time, Zhang loves to ride on the rollers, skates, skateboard, bicycle and scooter.

Ulyana from childhood followed political events and always loved Russia as a country, but in 2020 began to despise her as a state. According to the girl, what has happened during a coronavirus infection pandemic, convinced her in the absence of the authorities of the desire to help people.

The actress was ashamed that she never went to rallies, but Zhang admitted - it would still not give anything to: the protester either will be outreach, or will be fired from work, or drive away from the institute. Ulyana outraged the amendment to the Constitution proposed by the Government, and the girl voted against.

Actress growth 169 cm, weight 50 kg.

Ulyana Zhang now

In April 2020, Zhang through his account in "Instagram" reported to those who were going to enter theatrical, which is now, during self-insulation, universities are gaining students remotely. She advised to take advantage of this chance, because in such conditions it is possible to open the material at home and choose the best double, and the guys from the province do not need to go to Moscow.

In May 2020, the actress has passed the first online samples. Ulyana was supposed to run in the frame, then pretend that she was hit, and cry. Zhang was preparing for a long time, but at the right moment everything went awry, because the computer refused to connect to Skype and Zoom, and the agent forgot to send leaves with the text. In the end, it was necessary to shoot a duplicate on Ipad, and the replicas served the director.

Ulyana Zhang - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress,

In July 2020, Zhang laid out in the "Instagram" photo from the filming of the series "Kapotnya", and on August 27, he reported to subscribers, which finished work in the project. Ulyana was happy, because for the first time received such a significant role, and did not have to sit with sad eyes, looking at other actors and waiting for her short scene. In addition, the team got a wonderful, next to which the beginning performer felt as comfortable as possible. The premiere of the "Adhesion" producers planned for 2021.

In October 2020, the artist's filmography was replenished with the series "Comfort Zone", where the girl played the daughter of the main character performed by Garik Harlamov. The tape was made in the SCREENLIFE genre when the dialogues between the characters occur online. In the same style, paintings "Remove from friends", "hack bloggers", "# Sidia".


  • 2019 - "Fourth Wall"
  • 2019 - "Salvation Union"
  • 2020 - "Comfort Zone"
  • 2021 - "Kapotnya"

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