Azat Miftakhov - biography, news, photo, personal life, graduate student MSU, detained, verdict, case 2021



Mathematics Azat Miftakhov received 6 years of colony for a broken office window of the United Russia party. Human rights organizations "Memorial" and Human Rights Watch announced the Mofthov political prisoners and reported that he was tortured, the case was considered by the court with violations, and the sentenced was disproportionately the actions of the accused.

Childhood and youth

Azat Fanisovich Miftakhov was born in Nizhnekamsk on March 22, 1993. Myftakhov - Grandson Satirik Fanzaman Battal, Tatar for Nationality. Father Azat - Mechanic, and Mother Gulnur Husainova works at the gas station. Azat has a younger sister - a schoolgirl.

Studying in the gymnasium, Miftakhov became interested in accurate sciences, participated in the Olympics, passed the exam in mathematics and physics on 100 points. After school, Azat entered the mechanics and mathematical faculty of Moscow State University and graduated from him with a red diploma. From 2015 he was engaged in graduate school of the department of the theory of functions and functional analysis.

In 2016, the first publication of Mofthov in the scientific journal was published. The mathematician was actively involved in the educational olympics and taught in the center of Sirius, created by Cello Sergey Roldugin. Now new scientific materials are preparing for the publication, which are preparing at the preprint stage.

Personal life

Myftakhov - a supporter of anarcho-communist glances, advocating that socially important decisions should be made not hierarchical, but through voting and meetings.

At the same time, the graduate student never took part in political promotions. According to relatives, the free time Azat conducted the solution of mathematical problems. The fellow students characterized Mofthov as a calm, perfected, not the most sociable, but ready to come to the aid of the student, and also noted the abilities and talent in mathematics.

About the personal life of Azat Miftahov before the arrest did not speak publicly. According to the television channel "Ren TV", before the detention of myftakhs, allegedly hidden at the cohabitant, professors of the Higher School of Economics Alexander Buffetova. In an interview with BBC, the buffets confirmed that he was familiar with mathematician, but denied the rest of the information.

On December 3, 2019, intimate photos of mathematics were published in an anonymous telegram channel "Opel", probably contained on the devices seized by him.

And in June 2021, Maria Gorban, the defendant of the case on the attack on the building of the party, who received 4 years conditionally, said: she and myftakhov decided to get married. The couple intended to sign in the place of serving the punishment of Azat.

Criminal proceedings

On the morning of May 20, 2017, a group of youth in which Miftakhov entered, broke the camcorder on one of the houses. Running, they were detained by the police. Myftakhov with a friend sprayed a tear gas into the eyes of a tear gas, causing a burn eye and eyelids. Azat admitted guilt and paid a fine of 45 thousand rubles.

In January 2019, Miftakhov participated in the mathematical conference in Nizhny Novgorod. At this time, a photo of Azat appeared in the telegram-channel called "Opero", azat, called the People's Self-Defense Movement Activist, appeared, with a comment:

"We warned - stop engaged in nonsense ... The main thing is not to explode!".

Myftakhov himself contact with a libertarian socio-political movement that causes the purpose of changing the country's social structure on the principles of direct democracy and a decentralized planned economy, always denied.

On January 18, 2019, a search was held in the postgraduate room in the hostel, laptop, books, phones and financial savings were withdrawn, and after a few days, Azat was detained. Investigative actions were held in the case of an explosive device found in January in Balashikha. The Ren TV channel reported that an anarchist allegedly admitted that he conducted tests of explosives in the Moscow State University Park.

To avoid torture, Azat revealed veins, but the doctors came only treated cuts. Miftakhov assured that the police beat him, and also admitted a screwdriver, promising, if they do not receive confessions. Traces of the screwdriver and bruises recorded the lawyer Svetlana Sidorskina and members of the public observation commission. The next day of graduate student lasted challenges to the chair. Only in the evening, mathematics were allowed to call parents.

In support of Mofthov and against the practice of police torture, hundreds of scientists who signed an open letter were spoken. Among other things, Western colleagues Azat called for a boycott of the international congress of mathematicians to the boycott for 2022 in St. Petersburg. An open petition in defense of Azat Mifttova gained over 88 thousand signatures, it was also signed by 54 members of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The police could not find evidence of the guilt of Azat in the manufacture of explosives, and he was released. However, in an hour, mathematics were detained for throwing a year earlier - January 31, 2018 - smoke checkers in the office window "United Russia". As a result, a plot of linoleum was placed, and the window had to be replaced by spending 48 thousand rubles. Video recording in the social network "VKontakte" published "People's Self-defense".

There were several people in this case, including those who granted the confessions of Elena Gorbane and Andrei Ekin. After the charges of Mofthov, his business retrained to a grave article - hooliganism based on political hatred committed by the group.

Mathematician himself has denied participation in stock. He denied the presence of a graduate student and really participating in her Elena Gorban. Nevertheless, the graduate student of Moscow State University allegedly identified the "expressive eyebrows" as a man who led the night hooliganism, a certain Anonymous Petrov, who saw an anarchist and remembered his appearance in a year thanks to the release of news. In court, the testimony was not able to repeat the testimony - the state concluded announced that he died.

Another witness with the pseudonym guard argued that Miftakhov consisted of "self-defense" since 2004 and called for meetings to radical shares. Also in the laptop Mofthova allegedly found passwords to the Wire service account with Nick Grothendieck (the name of French Mathematics Alexander Grotendic). It was believed that this man conveyed to the attacker a smoke checker, although only three other anarchists are noticeable during the campaign.

From February 9, 2019, Miftakhi was detained and was not allowed for home arrest because of the attack on a police officer who had in his biography.

Azat Miftakhov Now

On January 18, 2021, the District Court of Moscow sentenced Azat Mofthov to six years of the colony, which coincided with the term requested by the prosecutor's office. Another successors of the case, partially recognized the guilt, were assigned a conditional time.

Lawyer Mathematics Svetlana Sidormkina noted that for a broken window, the term is overwhelmed overly cruel: 6 years of imprisonment in Russian justice are given for killing. The verdict appealed against the Moscow City Court, but the appeal was rejected.

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