Ramil Shamsutdinov - biography, personal life, photo, news, soldier, shot colleagues, court sentence 2021



Ramil Shamsutdinov began to speak in October 2019, when it became known that in the performance of an urgent service in the military unit of the Trans-Baikal Territory, he shot 8 colleagues. The tragedy caused a great resonance, and public opinion hesitated from a sharp condemnation until a criminal sympathy, who explained his act with a reaction to army mockery.

Childhood and youth

Ramil was born in 1999 in the village of Vagai Tyumen region in the family of Tatar nationality. His father Salim worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, served in Chechnya during the second Chechen campaign. He tried to bring up three sons with real men. They studied, helped at the farm, visited sports sections.

As a child, Ramil was engaged in the Greek-Roman struggle and dreamly about military career. He participated in military sports games, visited the defense and sports camps and grew by Patriot. Every summer he traveled with peers in tents on nature, where he communicated with friends, participated in events. Promised that it would go to a military school, but after the end of the 9th grade I entered the fish-crumped technical school of Tobolsk, where he learned to the navigation.

In the early biography of Ramil Dark spots was found. Shamsutdinov 4 years lived in a hostel, where he was considered a good-natured and conflictial guy. The teachers also responded about him as a capable and diligent student, with whom there were never problems. He did not register, did not have visible psychological problems expressed in the form of aggression or depression.

On the contrary, Ramil looked the sociable and socially active young men who participated in extracurricular events, sang in the patriotic choir and was a member of the Agitbrigada team. The photo of Shamsutdinova, speaking on stage, have been preserved. He also tried his own forces at the competition of young professionals, presenting the technical school at the event WORLDSKILLS RUSSIA.

Practice The guy was not a river technician in Tobolsk, where his skills approved and even invited to stay with them. But after graduation, Ramil was called to serve in the army, and the civil career, as well as a personal life, had to postpone. Then it seemed that only for a year.

Military service

The service of Ramil was accompanied by the whole family. Father was proud that the son becomes a defender of the Fatherland. The guy was sent to the military unit 54160, located in the city of Zabaykalsky region. He served on the territory of the repair and technical base engaged in the storage and issuance of nuclear ammunition and subordinate to the 12th Main Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

At first everything went in the usual way. Of course, they were fed in the army as at home, and the statutory orders seemed severe and unusual. At the same time, complaints from the sedental soldier did not receive. However, everything went wrong and simply, as it seemed. In Shamsutdinov, anger and resentment were copied, which led to tragedy.

He himself explains his nervous disruption by non-statutory orders, headed in the army. According to Ramil, a grandfather flourished in the military unit of Transbaikalia with the humiliation and beating concomitant. Moreover, the guy assures that he was threatened with rape, and therefore, wearing a weapon turned out to be the only way out.


On October 22, 2019, Shamsutdinov took over in Karaul at least three days. It was established that instead of the last 24 hours during this time, Ramil slept only 5. According to the soldier, he did not give him a senior lieutenant Danil Drinkov, who forced instead of rest to learn the charter.

Thus, when changing Karaul, instead of putting a weapon, Shamsutdinov began to lead open fire on colleagues. The victims were two officers and six soldiers. Most of the smoothed fell on the floor, without showing the resistance and attempts to escape, but Ramil continued to shoot in the lying, finishing them with shots in the head. Among the killed was the head of the calculation of Captain Evseev, senior lieutenant of drunks, Sergeant Kovalev contract service, Efreitor Andreev and four ordinary.

Shamsutdinov expressed regret that two victims were killed by mistake, without having personal claims to them. They just fell at hand. With other killed Ramil had personal scores. During the shooting, heavier injured was received by two more soldiers who were hospitalized after the arrival of the "Antiterror" division. Among them, there was a fellow killer killer Evgeny Counts from Aromashevo Tyumen region, whose injury to the parents found out from the Internet.

The shooter surrendered without resistance. On the same day, an investigation on the loud murder case began. Shamsutdinov recognized the guilt, but listed a number of softening circumstances. He argued that he was subjected to beating and bullying, as a result of which the soldier Ruslan Mukhatov was subjected to a court and received 2 years conditionally.

Ruslan Nagiyev became a lawyer of Shamsutdinov, who had chosen the arguments that the terrible grandfast was flourished as a trunk line of protection. This is not the first case of mass murder in the army provoked by the brutal appeal. Maybe therefore a killer soldier formed an impressive support group on the network. Sympathies even created a petition where they demanded a psychological situational expertise, which would confirm the fact of the grandfather.

Shamsutdin himself passed the examination of the doctors, but did not receive the diagnosis of mental disabilities. The guy's father flew to Transbaikalia to see Ramil, and gave an interview to journalists. In his opinion, the Son simply turned out to be exhausted long bullying, as a result of which he committed a crime.

In the summer of 2020, the Investigation Committee completed the investigation into the Shamsutdinov case. His consideration was entrusted to the Jury Court, which on December 29, 2020 recognized the guy guilty of mass murder, but noted that he deserves condescension. The trial continued the month.

Ramil Shamsutdinov Now

On January 19, 2021, the public prosecution was requested for Shamsutdinov imprisonment in a strict regime colony for a period of 25 years. The lawyer considered it to the victory, since it was removed from life imprisonment. Ramil refused to pronounce the last word after the court sentence and did not participate in the debate.

Relatives of the victims demanded that the killer compensation for moral damage in the amount of 28 million rubles. He recognized his guilt and apologized to loved victims, with the exception of his relatives Danil Pyankov. Further Fate Shamsutdinova will develop in places of imprisonment, where he is now: On January 21, 2021, the court sentenced him to 24 years and 6 months of imprisonment in a strict regime colony.

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