Kate Mainer - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, American Actress, Films, Filmography, "Shamelessnniki" 2021



Kate Mainer is American actress, musician and fashion model. Although there are no rational roles in the account of the spectacular blonde, thanks to the frequent appearance in the rating series, her face is perceived as familiar in millions of families of viewers worldwide.

Childhood and youth

Kate was born on September 7, 1984 in the largest city of Minnesota - Minneapolis, who received worldwide sad fame in 2020 as the place of the death of the Black American American Floyd's Black American. Mainer, which in the greatness called Kate Banister Johnson, conducted childhood and adolescence in the Ordage County in Southern California and was a star of school amateur.


The acting biography of Kate began in 2002 with the episodic role of TEMI in the TV series "Public Boston". The young actress "lit up" in such well-known multiserious American projects as "dugushka", "daring and beautiful", "CSI: the crime scene by Miami" and "CSI: the crime scene of New York", as well as the Medical TV series "Ambulance" and "Anatomy of Passion."

In 2009, the native of Minneapolis appeared in the youth comedy "Light this summer!" ("Vacation with cheerleaders") in the image of Jennnifer. In 2012, Kate played a small role of Shana in the Satyric tape of Jay Rouch "Dirty campaign for fair elections." The pamphlet film decorated as the game of the main roles - Will Ferrell (it was the image of his mistress, Mainer was created) and Zack Galifianakis and the song of the Green Day group, which sounded in the final.

In the series "Shamelessnniks", to which Mainer joined the 9th season, the actress created the image of Tammy - the unprincipled mistress of the older of the Gallager brothers is a talented, but Padda on Alcohol Philip. In the 10th season of the heroine Kate gave birth to the beloved Son of Freda and became a permanent character of the soap opera.

Personal life

In 2012, Kate married Justin Mainer's musician. Personal life and creativity of the actress, the growth of which is 175 cm, closely intertwined. She sings and plays on musical instruments (synthesizer, mandoline and luminous harmonica) in the MINER group. Photo from speeches and leisure Kate lay out on a page in "Instagram".

Songs written by spouses Mainers, now living in Los Angeles, entered the soundtracks of the series "Elementary", "Abode of Lie" and "Zoe Hart from the South State" ("Heart Dixie"). In 2018, Kate, together with a friend, actress Brian Lane, as well as the drummer Tobias Urbanik created the WinSlow indie rock group. The composition of the Origami Tiger team was used in the American drama of 2019 "Luce", the main roles in which Octavia Spencer, Naomi Watts and Tim Mouth, were performed.

Kate, beautifully looks like in a cowboy dress and in a swimsuit, has repeatedly participated in American advertising campaigns as a fashion model. Among the firms, the services of Mrs. Mainer, Victoria's Secret, Levi's and Hollister.

Kate Mainer now

In 2019, Kate starred in the Michael Faufer thriller "Deviant Love". Shortly before the onset of 2021, the premiere of the 11th, the final season of the series "Shamelessnniki" took place.


  • 2006 - "Under the mask: graduation of Leslie Bernon"
  • 2009 - "Light this summer!"
  • 2010 - "Unknown persons"
  • 2010 - "hellish cats"
  • 2012 - "Dirty campaign for fair elections"
  • 2013 - "Necessary cruelty"
  • 2015 - Street
  • 2016 - "Fifty shades of black"
  • 2018 - "Life in detail"
  • 2018-2021 - "Shamelessness"

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