Tatyana Piletsky - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Daughter, Father, Films, Theater 2021



Tatyana Piletsky had to overcome many difficulties to become an actress. And although her glory peak fell on the 50s, she managed to stay in demand even in adulthood and preserve the love of the public.

Childhood and youth

The celebrity was born on July 2, 1928 as Tatiana Ludvigovna Urlaub. The ancestors of the actress were the Germans who moved to Russia back in the XIX century and deliced ​​in St. Petersburg. Father Girls Ludwig Urlaub was a chemist engineer. He married the Russian girl Eugene, in marriage from which the son of Vladimir and the daughter of Tanya was born.

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The head of the family was a creative gifted man, he sang well, played the folk theater. His close friend was the artist Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin, who became the godfather of the artist. He often visited their house and once wanted to draw a portrait of Tatiana, who received the name "Girl with a doll". Later, the picture was exhibited in the Tallinn Museum of Cum.

When the celebrity became older, the godman offered to give it to the ballet. So Tanya was in the Vagankan School, but not too much to dance. It was much more attracted by the theater, and after the drama circle was earned in the building, she participated in the production of the "Snow Queen" and "Blue or Pink".

But soon the Second World War began, and they had to forget about the actor. The school was evacuated to the Urals, while the parents of the girl remained in the blockade Leningrad. Every time she was waiting for letters from his father, knowing the inevitability of bad Westa. So Tatyana learned about the death of his brother, who was sent to fight to the front.

To see his family, the celebrity could only in 1942, after they were sent from Leningrad to the Urals. Later, the girl and her mother allowed to return to their native city, while the fate of the head of the family was tragic. Like other Germans, he was repressed and sent to the link for 15 years. To avoid such a fate, the actress was forced to hide the national origin and change the middle name for Lvovna.

Theater and films

First after returning to Leningrad, the family lived poorly. Mother worked as a guard in a military atelier, but the money was barely enough, and the artist had enough for any opportunity to earn. After graduating from school, she danced in the Cordell theater of the theater of the stage, then served in the theater of Muz commit. Once a few months, the girl demonstrated outfits in the Leningrad House of Fashion, earning 300 rubles. For showing that at least a long time facilitated life.

Pillotskaya, also decided to improve the financial situation from the desire. She began with a crowd in Lenfilm, played in the paintings of the ballet soloist and Cinderella, but her name was not even indicated in the credits. In the film "Piroggers", Tatiana Lvovna also had to appear only in the episode, but because the director did not find the actress for the role of Dasha, she got a young performer.

Although the tape was successful in the audience, the celebrity decided to take a career break to devote himself to the family. She left for the polar circle after her husband-officer, but quickly bored. Then the artist launched a rapid activity - put the performances for schoolchildren, read the "notepad of the agitator" on the radio, performed in the office of officers. But this was not enough, so during the next departure of the spouse she took the child and returned to Leningrad.

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In his hometown, the performer began to film again. She played faith in the film "Princess Mary", on the site of which the director of "Different Fate" Leonid Lukov noted her. He immediately saw in the pilot performer of the role of Tanya Fires, who had given her without samples. Her colleagues on the site were Julian Panich, Tatiana Konyukhov and Georgy Yumatov.

As a result, the image of a vain and selfish heroine brought the actress of nationwide glory. Postcards printed with her, sold photos, and fashion guards imitated hairstyle and style. But at the same time, the film put the cross on the career of the girl.

The role was given to celebrities so plausible that in subsequent years not only the audience, but the directors associated her with fire and denied auditions. At first, she was still able to "break through" somewhere, and Tatiana Lvovna played Galina to Oleko Dunditch, Anna to "Dreams come true" and Larisa in "I go to you!", But after 1961 it came to you.

Piletsky did not despair and adopted an invitation to the Leningrad Theater of the Leninsky Komsomol ("Baltic House") in the troupe ("Baltic House"), which serves now. She played in many productions, including "Trees dying standing", "Family as a gift" and "Ma-Mure".

Only in the mid-60s, the celebrity returned to the screens. She replenished the filmography of such projects as "Green Care", "in old rhythms", "secrets of the investigation." In 2009, Tatiana Lvovna performed a major role in the TV series "Palm Sunday". According to the artist, with age she became only more sought after. Pillotskaya actively played movies and the theater, starred in the TV show, among which "my hero" and "the fate of a person."

But at the end of 2020, the performer informed the fans of the sad news - she infected with coronavirus. The star complained about weakness and reported that he would be treated at home. Due to the state of health of the artist, the leadership of the Baltic House has had to cancel performances with its participation.

Personal life

For the first time, the actress married when it was almost 18, and took the name of the chosennaste, which was then famous. Then she wanted an adult life, family and children. The marriage existed for 15 years, but saw the spouses infrequently. Konstantin Vsevolodovich disappeared in the service, while the artist was busy on the set. In his youth, Tanya was surrounded by fans, they were attributed to novels with Oleg Basilashvili and Mark Bernes, which is why the husband was jealous.

Over the years, unspoken claims and resentment only accumulated, and as a result, the spouses decided to divorce. But an early marriage performer has never regretted. In addition, the only daughter was born from Konstantin Vsevolodovich - Natalia Piletsky.

Vyacheslav Timoshin became the new love of celebrities, whose love became one of the reasons for the collapse of the family. The actress of the soul was not a chayale in the spouse, but the second marriage also turned out to be unhappy. After 10 years of family life, the artist left her to another, and then the unpleasant details of his betrayal appeared.

Piletsky was already desperate to establish a personal life, but the fate of her brought it with Boris Ageshin. They met thanks to the Gypsy singer Margarita Shuman and lived together for 45 years, but in 2018 the man died. After that, the artist devoted himself to the family and scene.

The heirs of the star either did not immediately gain family happiness, 3 times was married. In the second marriage she had a daughter of Elizabeth, who became an artist. The performer is proud of his granddaughter and is always divided by her success in an interview.

Tatyana Piletsky now

In 2021, 3 new projects with the participation of celebrities were published on the screens - "Northern Wind", "Pa-de-de" and "soon there will be happiness", whose premieres were looking forward to her fans.


  • 1947 - "Pies"
  • 1955 - "Princess Mary"
  • 1956 - "Different destinies"
  • 1956 - "Bride"
  • 1958 - "Oleko Dundic"
  • 1967 - "Green Care"
  • 1971 - "Farewell to Petersburg"
  • 1981 - "Silva"
  • 1993 - "Happy loser"
  • 2009 - "Palm Sunday"
  • 2017 - "Diamond Endshpil"
  • 2021 - "Pa-de de"

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