Georgy Alburov - biography, personal life, photo, news, "twitter", FBK, Alexey Navalny, "Instagram" 2021



The name of the analyst Georgy Alburova is associated with dozens of anti-corruption publications in the framework of the Foundation for the Fight of Corruption, based by Alexei Navalny politician. Its investigations over the years have become a classic genre - students are now studying, lectures are read on them and books are written.

Childhood and youth

Georgy Valentinovich Alburov was born in the city of Ufa, Bashkortostan, October 9, 1989. Russian by nationality. About the opposition family it is known that his parents are divorced. In adolescence, George was fond of programming.

At the age of 18, Alburov moved to Moscow, where he received education in the Higher School of Economics in the specialty political science, but the training did not finish. The young man became interested in politics, began to read the opposition press, listen to the "Echo of Moscow", participate in political action.

Career and politics

In the summer of 2011, Alburov took part in the Antiseliger forum, where he first met with a public figure Alexei Navalny. Then they encountered in court when the claim was considered to Navalny from the tax of Owned Stepanov, and Alburov led a direct broadcast in Twitter. At this meeting, a young activist suggested in bulk to create the movement of observers.

Since 2012, on a permanent basis, it works in the corruption established by the Navalal Fund (FBK). The oppositionist was led by the Rosvymbore project created to mobilize observers and agitation in the framework of the Project "Propa Trend Machine" project. In addition, Alburov helped the "discovery" project, designed to learn the legality of the assignment of scientists by degrees. In its framework, the analyst first encountered real estate registries.

As the head of the FBK investigation department, Georgy Alburov participated in the preparation and publication of anti-corruption materials relating to the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Prime Ministers of Dmitry Rogozin and Igor Shuvalov, Minister of Defense of Sergei Shoigu, members of the Federation Council, State Duma and Businessmen deputies.

Since the summer of 2012, Alburov was part of the Organizing Committee of the People's Alliance party, where he was engaged in the formation of regional offices, and in the autumn he became a member of the Presidium of the Central Council. From November 2013, a member of the Council of the successor of the "People's Alliance" - "Progress Parts". In the elections to the Presidency, which took place in 2015, politician took the 6th place. In a new party associated with the name of Navalny, "Russia of the Future," who abandoned the post of Chairman, Alburov again became a member of the Central Council.

In 2012, Georgy Alburov, gaining 18,844 votes, under the 26th number from the general list elected to the Coordination Council of the Russian opposition. In the elections of Alburov, along with love Sobol, Vladimir Ashurkov, Vladislav Naganov entered the group "Several candidates of seven projects."

In June 2014, a criminal case against Albroova was initiated against the stealing picture of the Vladimir artist Sergey Sotov "Bad, good man" from a fence where the author placed work. Despite the fact that the artist of claims did not have to Alburov, in April 2015 the court sentenced 240 hours of mandatory work. In summer, the punishment policy was filmed in connection with the amnesty.

In the summer of 2015, Alburov put forward by the candidate for the elections of deputies of the Magadan Regional Duma. The oppositionist received a refusal to register. More than 10% of the collected policy of the Signature policy were recognized in unreliable. During campaigning in Magadan, together with representatives of the RPR-Parnas Party, it was detained for the "inconsistent public event" and was sentenced to a fine of 22 thousand rubles.

In April 2016, Alburov participated in elections to Barvikha's village council, however, together with other employees, FBK removed the candidacy against protest against violations in the process of early voting. Having considered complaints, the election commission decided to cancel the elections.

In May 2020, the "Look" edition reported that in 2016, Alburov registered SIA Dataset in Latvia, specializing in the analysis of the information of the Cypriot Offshore. In 2018, the company's turnover amounted to € 73 thousand, his growth for the year amounted to 840%.

In June 2017, Alburov filed to the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev for the ban on the social network Twitter, which, according to the oppositionist, violated the law on access to information on the activities of officials. The court refused to accept a lawsuit.

In August 2019, for the first time in his biography, politician was detained and held 10 days under the administrative arrest for organizing an inconsistent protest action on August 3. After that, Alburov led the work on the Moscow Corruption project, talking about violations of officials of the Moscow City Hall, Moscow City Duma deputies, "Big Brother" - total video surveillance and other projects of Sergey Sobyanin.

At the end of 2019, the courts were satisfied with the claims of public and private organizations against the Navalny and its employees, in particular Georgy Alburova, for damages from inconsistent measures for a total of over 15 million rubles. On FBC also accomplished debt of 29 million rubles. For the investigation dedicated to the food combine "Moscow Schoolboy".

On August 31, 2020, the FBC film crew led by Alburov attacked during filming in Tatarstan. Two quad bikes were blocked and damaged the opposition machine, and the police caused by the accident seized the technique for shooting.

Personal life

Since 2016, a young politician meets with previously living and studied in the Hungarian Budapest business analyst Anna Liver (Tsyganova) (born on April 30, 1991). Oppositionists were met during the nomination of Alburov a candidate in the Duma Magadan, where the ledge was responsible for collecting signatures.

Photos from joint holidays and travel around the world with Anna regularly appear in the Instagram account of the FBK employee. Social network is the only source of information about the personal life of the oppositionist, which interviews does not give this topic.

Georgy Alburov Now

In September 2021, Georgy Alburov accompanied Alexey Navalny's policy on a trip to Omsk, who ended with the hospitalization of the oppositionist. The FBC employee repeatedly called on the authorities to initiate a criminal case on Navalny poisoning, which was denied.

During the treatment of Alexei in Germany, Alburov, together with the new head of the investigation department of FBK Maria Pevichi and his wife, the policy of Julia Navalny continued to work on a number of projects. Several times Alburov replaced the manager as the leading programs of the Yutiub-Channel "Navalny. Live. "

After the return of Alexei Navalny to Russia and his arrest on January 21, the Leningrad Station passed the detention and Georgy Alburova, accused of calling for participation in an unauthorized promotion. On the same day, a spokesman for Navalny Kira Vesny was detained.

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