Sergey Dreden - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, movies, youth, paintings, artist 2021



Sergey Dreyden did not want to serve the same theater, preferred monospectacles and rarely starred in the cinema. And the creative path of the actor is a continuous change of roles. And we are talking not only about the scene, but also about real life.

Childhood and youth

The emergence of the future actor had a heavy wartime. Sergey's parents, actress Zinaida Ivanovna and Teatrand Simon Davidovich, were forced to evacuate from a blockade Leningrad, moving to Novosibirsk.

Son was born on September 14, 1941, almost immediately after the departure from the train. In an interview, Dreden shared - the mother had no milk. Irina, Irina, Svobodovna Meirhold, who had a one-year-old daughter by that time.

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In 1944, Seryozha, along with his parents, went to the capital, settling on Tver Boulevard. And after 4 years later, the family returned to Leningrad. And at least in a military period, life could not be called mild, at the same time the real difficulties began.

Simon Davidovich was recognized as the enemy of the people and arrested. From 1949 to 1954, a man was in conclusion. In childhood, Sergey did not know the truth - for a long time from the boy hid this fact, saying that the father is in a long business trip.

From an early age, the future actor adored to listen to radio actacles. Quickly remembered the text of the work, and then played the scenes before the mother. Another hobby of Dreyden was drawing, so the heir was given to art school.

As for secondary education, the first class he studied in the German group at home. The boy was then transferred to school number 203. But after 10 minutes of the lesson, the student rose, gathered a portfolio and left the office with the words "I need to go home!". This event, with a label of the son of the enemy of the people, influenced the exclusion of a teenager from pioneers.

Zinaida Dontsova was forced to bring up his son alone. The woman worked a lot - and from enterprises the heir was given vouchers to the camps. These trips were constant - while the mother was toured, the boy went to children's recreation organizations.

Parents subsequently divorced. But when Simon Davidovich was released, he tried to participate in the life of his son. During the school holidays visited the heir, drove it into the city's house and on performances. Subsequently, he introduced the child with the cameraman Viktor Timkovsky, who gladly engaged with a boy in his photo studio.

After graduating from school, Sergey planned to lean on the operator in VGIK. To enroll in the capital's university, a production practice was required. Therefore, on the protection of the father, the taburtrine went to work in Lenfilm in the role of a rigger. However, in Vgik, a young man did not do.

Once in his hometown during a walk, he met friends from the Theater Institute. Those began to persuade the comrades to learn with them. As a result, Dreyden graduated from the course of Tatiana Soynikova in Ligitmik.

According to his own admission, he studied "so-so". But when it was starting to go about the deduction, I gave out some excellent etude. And teachers again gave a student another chance for rehabilitation. Having received a diploma, the young man made the first steps in a professional biography in the Leningrad Theater under the leadership of Arkady Isaakovich Raykin.

Theater and films

In his youth, the artist tried himself not only on stage, he worked as a night driver, designer, printer. There was even a period in the service list when Sergey was involved in geological parties, leaving for a long time from the family to provide children.

For the service in the theater, Dreiden was philosophically. I did not try to reveal the best or worse roles in your career. Each performance was in its own way to formation. And, turning back, the actor understood - thanks to the series of successful and not quite successful projects, his trajectory of movement was formed.

Sergey Simonovich also believed that the most principal roles were played by him in the period of the 80s. Up to this point, the ministry in the theater gave a significant professional experience. And today the "dumb scene" on the "auditor" calls the most memorable performance. In it, the native of Novosibirsk was useful for all his hobbies - farce, pantomime and even some need alone. After all, he himself performed all the characters of the work. Subsequently with this project, the artist went on stage for 8 years.

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The debut in the movie Graduate Ligitmik took place in the film "Caution, Grandma!". He first tried the image of the main character in the director of the director Mikhail Goddess "On Love". Another important project in the filmography of the actor is "Fountain", where he also performed the main role - Peter Lagutina. Colleagues on the set in a satirical comedy Yuri Mine made Viktor Mikhailov, Nina Usatov, Asancul Kuttubaev, Zhanna Kurimtaeva.

The popularity of Dreden brought a picture of the same director - "Window to Paris", in which he tried the image of the music teacher Chizhova Nikolai Nikolayevich. After this film, Sergey Simonovich began to appear on the screens. Among the most famous works are "crazy help", "dot", "urgent freight", "Russian ark". The latter, by the way, became the subject of interviews in the program "ESCHENEPOZNER".


In addition to the theater and movies, the drawing is transformed into a useful habit. Now the name Draiden as an artist is known in wide circles. In 2011, an exhibition of his paintings in the Boree gallery was organized in honor of the 70-year-old anniversary of the artist.

It is curious that this man was purposefully trying to engage in art. Often, he sat for creativity spontaneously, and his work was done on the heater, right up to the packaging cardboard. Fully pictures were interested in fans - there were something unrealistic in them, the transforming fantasy of the artist was visible.

Often, Dreyden took paint or pencil in the interruptions between the rehearsals of performances. Self-containers took a special place in his painting. Drawing yourself, the actor as it would study the plasticity of his own texture. Singing art confession Men for fans has no less value than his creative biography.

Personal life

Sergey Simonovich managed to try on the role of the groom four times. By the way, I never saw anything bad that my life had lived with one woman. So it happened - and today the actor is happy in marriage with Ponomarenko Tatyana Grigorievna.

The daughter of Catherine was born from the first wife. At the age of 25 years, a graduate of the educational institution Lgitmik went under the crown for the second time. This time the marriage turned out to be stronger - lasted 15 years. With the second spouse, Dreyden gave birth to two children - Kasyan and Elizaveu.

Alla Sokolova, the third chief of theater, worked as a playwright. The result of this story of love was not only the son of Nicholas, but also joint creativity, expressed in the organization of the workshop of playwright and actor at the edge.

Personal life of a large father is not covered by a mystery. However, Sergey Simononovich himself does not complain social networks, leaving for fans not so many photos from the family archive.

Sergey Dreyden now

The film "Blocade Diary" in which Dreyden fulfilled the main role, initially had to go to large screens on January 27, 2021. However, directed by Andrei Zaitsev decided to wait with the premiere to be familiar with the picture as much as possible. In connection with the pandemic of coronavirus infection, the start of the rental has been appointed to a memorable date of September 8. The plot of the first winter in the blockade Leningrad was awarded the Golden Eagle premium.

The main theme of the film was tied out not only to demonstrate a terrible period in history. Emotions came to the fore. Andrei Zaitsev immediately decided that the father of the main character dying from hunger wants to see Sergey Simonovich. The refusal did not follow, and without that the actor's significant filmography was replenished with another masterpiece.


  • 1970 - "On Love"
  • 1975 - "Airpact"
  • 1988 - "Fountain"
  • 1990 - "Tank" Klim Voroshilov-2 ""
  • 1992 - "Play Brecht, or Career Arturo UI"
  • 1993 - "Window in Paris"
  • 1993 - "Friend of War"
  • 2007 - "Antonina turned around"
  • 2008 - "Silent scene"
  • 2009 - "Crazy Help"
  • 2009 - Taras Bulba
  • 2019 - "Van Gogi"
  • 2019 - "Chernobyl. Exclusion Zone. The final"
  • 2020 - "Blocade Diary"
  • 2021 - "Actor"

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