Vadim Mashurov - Biography of the main gurus of the Ukrainian IT-sphere 2021



The founder of Instime, the Guru of the Ukrainian IT business Vadim Mashurov told followers about his life path, Instime project and relations with finance.

Success, as a rule, lies many factors - talent, hard work, good luck. A talented Aytichnik, a businessman, one of the youngest and successful entrepreneurs of Ukraine Vadim Mashurov demonstrated this on his own example.

Travel, expensive and exclusive cars, top gadgets - to achieve this, you need to possess not only outstanding abilities, but also consciously abandon the momentary pleasures, to work even when everyone is resting. This lies the main secret of a young entrepreneur.

Carier start

Vadim Mashurov does not belong to the so-called "golden youth". He did not have rich parents who bought him a company. In total, he has today, he achieved himself, his efforts.

In childhood, he was carried away by computers. First, like many boys, it was a passion for games. Then it turned into the first attempts of programming. Taking books on this topic in the library, the future entrepreneur began writing the simplest games.

IT entrepreneur Vadim Mashurov

Already in adolescence, Vadim began to think about his own earnings. This desire and became the main motivation for action and overcoming difficulties. Then another young guy, Mashurov found three monitors and began to study possible questions on potential interviews in serious companies.

The first serious work was the post in the American company YOV Games. Then it was a beginner startup to develop games. Mashurov easily passed the theoretical part of the interview, but in practice there was still not enough experience. However, a 14-year-old guy showed a swirl and turned to a friend. This small cunning opened the door to the world of IT. While Vadim received the first experience, he earned $ 15 per hour. The guy was able to buy the first car for 18 years.


Early success could turn the head to anyone. It is easy to relax, stop developing and some time sail on inertia. Mashurov was lucky with the fact that the process itself delivered as much pleasure as much as earnings. He sought to learn something new all the time, raise the qualifications. This was the cause of leaving the first job.

After a while it became obvious that the new GTA Sun Andrea company would not release. The chance to become a successful specialist melted in front of her eyes. As Mashurov said in one interview:

"I wanted to constantly strive for those people who already buy themselves not Mitsubishi Outlander, and, for example, Maserati or Ferrari, can buy a helicopter, or allow themselves to travel a lot."

Already at the age of 17, he decides to go into free swimming. Initially, the young man planned to open his own business, but the family did not support his idea. Therefore, Mashurov decides first to get the experience not only the developer, but also to understand all processes from the position of the manager.

He managed to find a small web studio that was interested in his skills. When Vadim took, the young man actually began to perform the functions of the technical director, but for a much more modest salary. After several months of painstaking work, Mashurov becomes one of the equal partners of the company. The young man completely answered the technical part of the project. And since all the responsibility was on it, often Vadim had to be staring until late at night, alone the work of "Junov".

Mashurov, in addition to fulfilling his duties, was engaged in search and hiring new employees, and over time - dismissal of incompetent workers. Vadim was difficult to call sociable, but the tasks facing him were forced to change and improving in different spheres.

About three years have passed. And again, the desire to conquer the new vertices did not give quietly to rest on the laurels of success. Different goals, worldview and vision of the future business combined Mashurov to leave and launch their project.

INSTIME project

Today Instime is a promotion service in Instagram - works in 110 countries and covers more than 120 thousand users. The idea of ​​creating appeared in 2018, and for six months the first tangible successes appeared. Partly due to the demand of the product itself.

"Instagram" is one of the most popular social networks today, many people and companies need to promote their profiles. So, an instirm appeared - a service that helps promotion by mutual revenue: one user is lying to another, etc.

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A post shared by Vadim Mashurov (@vadimmashurov)

Initially, the service gave users only live traffic in the form of likes, comments, saving, views. It helps people to increase their publication rating, get into tops and recommendations. Later, the possibility of learning was added - the user can get one of the eight professions in the Internet.

The success of a young service noticed by many. Thus, the leader of the faction "servant of the people" David Arahamia noted the potential of Instime and the talent of the project creators, because they were able to create an IT project in just six months, which brings $ 3 million per month.

Consulting Google Ukraine.

Making money - not the only thing that the young entrepreneur does. Technologies remain the main passion. As soon as cryptocurrencies appeared, Mashurov immediately began to study all the available information, trying to deal with the blockchain. Vadim completely plunged into the study, and he managed to deal enough for quick time in the subject.

Since the IT sphere (like any other) is, first of all, people defined by "Tusovka", after some time a friend turned to Mashurov, who at that time worked in Google Ukraine, with a request to spend for him and colleagues Special course.

At these lessons, Mashurov told about what blockchas, which protocols are used, what is consensions and what they are, what is part of cryptography, as it works in fact and so on.

Finance, plans and dreams

The ability to manage the money did not appear immediately. As Mashurov himself admits, the relationship with money did not always develop so smoothly and it took time to learn them to reasonably manage.

The entrepreneur advises not just to save money, but to invest them. Invest in projects, in development, in yourself.

The constant striving for the development, scaling of business projects, high demands on itself - all this could not affect the dreams of the Ukrainian IT entrepreneur. Global dream Vadim Mashurova - change the world. Change thinking of people for the better, make society more conscious.

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