Lloyd Austin - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, General, Pentagon, US Defense Minister 2021



No matter how Lloyd Austin's activities as far as the US Defense Minister, a retired general, known to participate in conflicts in the Middle East, has already entered the history. Austin is the first African American who led the Pentagon.

Childhood and youth

The future military (full name - Lloyd James Austin III) was born on August 8, 1953 in the only seaport of the South Alabama - the city of Mobile, for which tropical storms and hurricanes are collapsed from time to time. Childhood and adolescence of Lloyd passed in Tomasville of Georgia, called the city of roses. The main attraction of the city is now the oak on the corner of Monroe and Crawford streets, which is about 340 years old.

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Ostin career growth is largely due to its brilliant and multifaceted education. In 1975, Lloyd graduated from the US Military Academy in West-Point with a bachelor's degree. In 33, the Dark-skinned Military received a master's master's degree in University College, and at 36 years old is the Master of Business Administration Degree in Business Management at the University of Webster in Missouri. Also behind the shoulders of Austin - basic and advanced courses of infantry officers, the Supreme Command Station College and the US Army Military College in Pennsylvania.


Career Lloyd began with the position of the second lieutenant in the 3rd mechanized US infantry division in Germany. In the future, Austin commanded the rotary battalion in Indianapolis and the airborne battalion in North Carolina. From September 2003 to August 2005, Lloyd led the 10th Mountain Division and served as the commander of the United Operational Group during the war in Afghanistan. In December 2006, Austin was produced in Lieutenant General.

In September 2010, the general became the commander-in-chief of the American contingent in Iraq, in January 2012 - Deputy Headquarters of the US Army headquarters, and in March 2013 - commander of the Central Command of the US Armed Forces. Austin supervised the transition from the operation "Freedom of Iraq" and combat operations to stabilization and negotiation operations with the Government of Iraq, which led to the signing of a "strategic partnership agreement".

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Although the native of the city of Mobile opposed the complete withdrawal of the US troops from the former Laddam Hussein's fork, he argued that the basic operations of Americans against ISIL (the organization prohibited in Russia) should pass in Iraq, but in Syria.

In March 2016, Austin has resigned and entered the Board of the American military-industrial company Raytheon Technologies, which produces weapons for the Army of the United States and their allies, including anti-tank missiles "Javelin" supplied to Ukraine. As of October 2020, Raytheon's shares, owned by Lloyd, were estimated at $ 500 thousand, and its general condition, including securities, is $ 1.4 million.

Personal life

About Lloyd Austin's personal life is known. During the command, the American contingent in Iraq, the general was distinguished by extreme closeness and reluctance to communicate with the media.

It is known that Lloyd is a practitioner Catholic and over 40 years old married to the lady named Charlin Deniz Banner Austin, which was part of the Board of the Military Institute for the Family Family Family Research. The general has 2 adults step.

Lloyd Austin now

On December 7, 2020, it was announced the upcoming appointment of Austin head of the Pentagon in the future administration of Joe Bayden. On January 22, 2021, the US Congress Senate approved his candidacy. Voting broadcast was conducted on the website of the Upper American Chamber. The Republicans Josh Howley and Mike Lee turned out to be the only senators who did not participate in the voting for Austin. After appointment, the photo of the retired general appeared in the official accounts of the President of the United States and Pentagon in "Instagram".

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Vitaly Makarenko military analysts and Pavel Zolotarev as a whole positively appreciated the appointment of Austin, stressing that the American and Russian military had experience in conflicts in the Middle East, the experience of cooperation in the fight against terrorism. In turn, the new head of the Pentagon, speaking of Russia, said that the goal of the United States is not only to restrain the "Russian bear", but also to avoid dangerous escalation and leave the door open to cooperation.

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