Andrei Gulnev - biography, personal life, photos, news, actor, filmography, wife, Dmitry Gulnev 2021



There may be a feeling that Andrei Gulnev works in the police, because such a number of security authorities are unlikely to have other actors on the account. Talent Artist reveals more deeply on the stage of the St. Petersburg Theater "Saturday", where it has been served almost 20 years.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Gennadevich Gulnev was born on June 22, 1982 in the city of Lodeynoye Field of the Leningrad Region. His father is a driver, mother - porn.

The older brother of the future actor Dmitry Gulnev (born on January 17, 1978) was engaged in the theater studio "April" and all the time told how interesting. Andrei asked him to take him with him, but he received an answer that small children were not there. Only after a long time, the younger brother also took the New Year tree, where they gave the role of a bunny. After the studio, Dmitry entered the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theatrical Art (SPBGAS), and after him Andrei also decided to go on the theater specialty.

After unsuccessful attempts to enter Moscow universities, Gulnev returned to St. Petersburg and managed to listen to SPbgasi (now - the Russian State Institute of Stage Arts) on the course of the theater director Gennady Trostyanetsky. The first years of the teacher did not share those who studied on actors and directors and gave freedom to choose the settings. Gulnev said that studying at Trostyanetssky gave a lot in terms of profession, but from the last course, due to the misunderstanding between actor and teacher, Andrei was expelled.

After that, the young actor tried to get a diploma, while playing another teacher - Vladimir Nainanko, who used to led the elder brother of Dmitry. But the diploma was never given: it turned out that Russian literature was not passed. The young man did not tell parents about the failure of the failure, but the career of the future actor in his youth had to have a bartender from work.

Andrei was lucky that Peter Smirnov, who studied with him, was invited by Andrei for the formulation of the graduation performance to the theater "on the foundry". But it did not work out, and the stage platform was transferred to the Saturday theater, where Gulnev was remembered by the head of the theater Yuri Smirnov-Nesvitsky. A year later, Andrei finally received a diploma in the course of Vladislav Pazi, where he put a monologue in the form of Evgenia Leonov.

Theater and films

After completing the epic with education, Andrei Gulnev began playing Petersburg theaters. Among the works of the actor in Saturday: Ivan in "Studel. The invasion, "Michal in" Audience. Vernisazhazh ", Treplev in" Seika ", Mitya in" Mitina Love ", Seryozha Ivashov in the" Signal of the province ", Banko in" Over the Ghost Table ", Vasily Zheadov in" Professor "and Professor Dowel in" Head of Professor Dowel ". In the creative biography of Gulnev there are also 2 roles in the theater "on the foundry": Sergey Yesenin in the "Love and Death of Zinaida Rayich" and Podkholusion in "Bankrupt".

Andrei Gulnev - biography, personal life, photos, news, actor, filmography, wife, Dmitry Gulnev 2021 3113_1

In 2002, Gulnev debuted into the cinema, fulfilling an episodic role in the picture of Alexei Balabanova "War". Like many actors, Andrei went through dozens of TV shows, where he appeared only in one series: "Golden bullet" agency "," Lines of Fate "," Life and Death of Lenes Panteleeva "," Last journey of Sinbad "," Shadow of the past ", "Streets of broken lamps", "Road Patrol", "Foundry", "Sea Devils", "Ments Wars", "Family Story" (where the older brother Andrei - Dmitry also played), "Chef", "Cargo", "PPS "," Secrets of the investigation "," Inspector Cooper ".

The first notable roles in the filmography Gulnev received in Antikino TRIP, called critics the best alternative film comedy for a decade, as well as the series "Shaman" (Lech's operative), "Investigator" (district Vadim Ryabinin) and "The Best Enemies" ( Operative Andrey Belov). Fame Actor brought the role of Major Andrei Mikhailov in the TV series "Nevsky" (where, together with Andrei, the real wife of Gulnev Valentina Lebedev was starred in the role of his wife) and Peter Bakhtin in the "Ments Saga".

Personal life

Andrei Gulnev married on his colleague on the theater "Saturday" Valentina Lebedeva (born on June 24, 1988). In July 2012, the spouses got married, and already on December 30, the same year, children - twins Yegor and Liza appeared in the family of the festive. As a child, the son of the actor was carried away by hockey, studying in the sports school "Pirates".

The actor actively leads pages in social networks "VKontakte" and "Instagram". If in the first Andrei, mostly places news about theatrical productions, then in the second one can see photos from personal life, which also often publishes the actor's wife.

Andrei Gulnev now

In the 2020/2021 season, Andrei Gulnev continues to play on the stage of the Saturday Theater, where he performs in the main roles of the Rothmistra in the "father" on the works of August Strindberg, the Assistant Director in Our Town of Thornton Wilder and Robert Locamepa in the "three comrades" Erich Mary Remark.

The actor is also involved in the performances of the "Auditor" (Judge Lyapkin-Tipkin), Ophelia is afraid of water "(experiencing the crisis of middle-aged Georgy)," Wedding with a general "(narcissistic Epaminond Applubov)," Farewell "(sacrificing homeward)," Heroes and gods "(Jason)," Napoleon III Napoleon "(kind school director).

In 2020, new films with actor participation were released on TV screen - "Nevsky. The shadow of the architect ", where Anton Vasilyev," Sea Devils, again became partner of Gulnev. Special task, "" Evils from the past. Roman without the last page. " In 2021, Andrei returned to the screen in the continuation of the Nevsky project. Hunt for architect. "


  • 2006 - "Life and death of Lyanka Panteleeva"
  • 2011-2016 - "Shaman"
  • 2013-2014 - "Investigator-2"
  • 2014 - "The Best Enemies"
  • 2014-2021 - "Nevsky"
  • 2016 - "Menta Saga"
  • 2017 - "Countdown"
  • 2017 - "execute cannot be pardon"
  • 2018 - "Overtaking Time"
  • 2018 - "Perfect Wife"
  • 2019 - "Podkinysh"
  • 2019 - "Immediate Reacting"
  • 2020 - "Evils from the past. Roman without last page »
  • 2020 - "Sea Devils. Special task "

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