Alex Demi - biography, personal life, photo, news, growth, age, films, "Euphoria", "Instagram" 2021



Alex Demi - American actress, who at the dawn career burst between music, fashion, design and cinema. Subsequently, these versatile hobbies helped it in developing images of their characters.

Childhood and youth

The future actress was born on December 11, 1994 (Zodiac Sagittarius sign) in the city, which is considered the largest center of the film industry, Los Angeles. However, the desire to shine before the cameras arose at all for this reason.

The girl grew in an incomplete family. Her mother Rose Mendez moved to the USA from Mexico. At home they talked on American, and in Italian. In an interview with the star TV series "Euphoria", it was divided that she always felt Latin American roots. Father in the biography of Alexans was practically not. The man stopped participating in the upbringing of his daughter when that was barely 8 years old. But the girl was surrounded by the care of mother, grandmothers and aunt.

Alex Demi - biography, personal life, photo, news, growth, age, films,

In general, Rose has become a kind of standard for the girl. A difficult financial situation did not break a woman. On the contrary, she learned on the makeup artist and, as she could, provided the family. Of course, it was not enough financial tools, and this is what pushed a little Alex to thoughts about the acting career. She wanted to shoot in Hollywood, earning a lot of money.

In childhood, Demi was incredibly artistic. When guests came home, concerts sat for them, sang and danced. At the age of 12, a native of Los Angeles began to attend acting courses, more and more strengthening in the desire to become a star of screens. Then Mexican on nationality began to compose poems and sing songs.

The mother's profession played a role in the fate of his daughter. That from an early years left glossy magazines, evaluated the appearance of the models, and then tried to copy the image like. Often Rose attracted daughter to show, he learned to paint and dress, putting a sense of style.

Subsequently, these knowledge was very useful. In adolescence, Alex suffered from acne. Sometimes, even visiting, got up before all the makeup applied. In an interview with the native of Los Angeles, it was told - not only high-quality care cosmetics helped solve the problem, but also self-sucking.

Every day she got up with the words that her skin was clean and attractive. Such star complexes experienced with other details of appearance, often noticing flaws in the figure. And even now surviving moments when unnecessary self-criticism prevents her to feel quietly.


At the beginning of the career, the girl was not lucky with projects - she was denied on samples and castings. She even thought to flow into the school of fashion in New York, despite the low growth for the model (165 cm). Nevertheless, she soon managed to get several episodic roles.

The debut of Alexey took place in the Miles of the director of Oliver Dail. She appeared in the comedy-dramatic film "The Adventures of Bear Brigssby" and the youth series "Love".

This demi was not enough - despite the popularity of projects, the embodiment on the screens of secondary characters was not satisfied. Therefore, the idea came to continue to develop in the music industry.

Back in 2016, she recorded the first singles - Closer and Girl Like Me. These songs were popular, especially among the fans of Soul. Alex, inspired by success, and at all thought to move away from the acting drain. However, just during this period received an offer from the producers of the teenage drama "Mid 90s". The film was released in 2018, after which Career Demi went up.

In 2019, it appeared on large screens in the Romantic Melodrame "Waves". In the director's debut of John Hill, she was entrusted to fulfill the main role. At the same time it became known that Demi would join the acting of the series "Euphoria".

Ambitious HBO project has set itself the goal to demonstrate the life of adolescents at the stage of growing up. Moreover, each of them is experiencing its own drama associated, for example, with family problems or drug use.

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Initially, Alex listened to the role of another character, but the producers saw the performer of Maddi Perez in American actress. As a result, the native of Los Angeles, since childhood, dreaming about the light of sophods, became part of the stellar composition of the series along with Zendai, Jacob Eldordi, Sidney Suiini and Barbie Fereyuy.

In an interview with Demi shared - for her it was marked by a great test. I had to get out of the comfort zone, having conducted analogies between the fictional heroine and by me.

In Euphoria, Maddy is a young girl compensating for the inattention of parents with communication with the opposite sex. It is known that when building an external image of Alex's character, used the knowledge received from the mother, working on their makeup and wardrobe.

Once the performer of the leading role was discharged, she lacked his father as a child, and she could go the same way as her kinheroen. At the same time, a sharp contrast was noted with the nature of Maddy, since in his personal life would not allow such a plot.

For the actress, this project filmography became a swivel who brought long-awaited fame, although she called him the most difficult. She had to try the image of a person to which she experienced opposite emotions - and sympathy, and the censure.

Personal life

With the arrival of popularity, the American actress has become more closed for the press. And even in his instagram account held a "general cleaning", leaving a few personal photos.

As for relations with the opposite sex, Alex initially said that he did not plan anything serious. Her innermost dream in his youth was a round bank account and the opportunity to give a mother-free old age.

However, the autumn of the 2020th paparazzi managed to show the screen star with a kind of guy with tattoos on the Miami beach. They turned out to be a musician Christian Berishai, speaking under the pseudonym JMSN. The photo of the kinodius in a swimsuit in the arms of the lover fell into the net.

Demi reported that he began to meet Christian shortly before the shooting of the series "Euphoria". True, the official marriage is not thinking about, putting a career in first place.

Alex Demi now

In the fall of 2020, a new film "Mainstrim" was released with the participation of stars as Andrew Garfield, Nat Wolff and Maya Hawk. The project was perceived by the audience with delight - the plot of young people by exchangeing moral values ​​for money and subscribers on social networks gained popularity in the United States. And for Alexa, the participation in the film was marked by another positive shift in his career.

In addition, Demi tried her hand in the short film "nineteen on fire", the premiere of which was scheduled for 2021. The director of the project was actress Ryan Simpkins.

Now Alex is engaged in producing its own feature film. For a long time she had dreamed of telling the world the history of the mother, Rose Mendez - a woman who immigrated to Los Angeles from Mexico. By the way, the executor of the leading role Demi sees himself.


  • 2016 - Ray Donovan
  • 2017 - "The Adventures of the Bear Brigsby"
  • 2018 - "Mid 90s"
  • 2018 - "Love"
  • 2019 - "Waves"
  • 2019 - "OA"
  • 2019-2021 - Euphoria
  • 2020 - "Mainstream"

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