Anatoly Morozov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Films, Nationality, Theater 2021



The film "What men talk about", containing high-quality humor, as, however, all the projects of the talented "quartet and" can be reviewed forever. Kinokarttina has a magical property - in it on a par with the main characters, those who melted only in episodes are remembered. Spectators and 10 years later, the quotes of the hotel administrator in the Belgazhki performed by Nina Usatova and the owner of the skewer, convincingly played by Anatoly Morozov.

Childhood and youth

On November 8, 1949, on the farm Ivanovka-2 of the Rostov region of the USSR in the simple working family of Peter Morozova, the son of Tolik was born from art. Later was moving to Taganrog. The child was initially not interested in the theater, but as a result, the first love in the girl Tanya led to the art in the 5th grade.

"We were left duty after lessons, and she suddenly gather and leaves, said:" I'm in the drama. " I was upset, hoped, we will clean the class together. I found out that the dramahok is close to the school, on the main street in the House of Teacher. And I asked the consent to go with Tanya, wanting to extend communication, "the artist told in an interview.

So the boy was in the drama and the children's theater, hitting the wing of Anna Mikhailovna Pokrovskaya, where he was entrusted with the production of "Koshkin House" and "MTSI". Upon reaching 15 years, the teenager was transferred to the youthful, and then in an adult team who received the title of folk. The actors were led by the actors of the Chekhov Theater, and Peter Illarionovich Shelokhonov, which pulled the Lensoveta named after Lensovetors.

In 1970, the guy released from the Rostov School of Arts, having prepared the graduate performances of "years of wanderings" and "Marriage Balzaminov", and at the invitation of the chief director went to the service of Izhevsk. In 1988, Anatoly presented a diploma of the Higher Education of the Sverdlovsky Theater Institute.

Theater and films

In the State Russian Drama Theater of Udmurtia, Vladimir Korolenko Morozov served almost 40 years, enriching a creative biography of many roles.

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Fabrizio was especially distinguished among them in the "Taverkiter", Petersburg in the "Balle of Thieves", Berkuts in the "Wolves and Sheep", Joseph Stalin in the "Black Man, or I, Poor Soso Jugashvili", Rakhlin in the "Home Middle Fluffy Cat", Miras In "Vine" and other. Reincarnation in the last three characters was highly appreciated by the jury at theatrical festivals.

"By virtue of their external features, I immediately got on the role of lovers' heroes. Nor Lope de Vega, nor Pedro Calderon, other authors, where it was necessary to play a young, energetic, cunning in love. Then the role naturally expanded, I began to give acute battles, "the celebrity recognized.

In May 2006, he replenished the theater troupe under the leadership of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, presenting a monologue from Shakespeare's "Heinrich IV" to the court. About moving to Moscow, the People's Artist of Udmurtia dreamed from youth, but due to certain circumstances he did not decreased for a long time. "Powder barrel", "crazy day, or marriage Figaro," Thief "," Gedda Gabler "," Pygmalion "," Vassas Zagronnova "," Death Tower "," Tales of a Scientist Cat "- this is an incomplete list of productions where he shines Anatoly Petrovich.

The first appearance of a graduate of the Rostov School of Arts in the cinema happened in the 80s, when he lit up in a melodraman "on the shore of a large river" and social drams "those who remain" and "Team-33". In the 90s, the actor flashed into the "wild field", "upside down" and "Tram-Taram, or Bay-Prames", and then disappeared from the screens for 10 years.

Return to the set took place in zero, and over time, the filmography was replenished with the series "My beautiful nanny", "father's daughter", "heavy sand", "Return of Mukhtara - 6", "Love and other nonsense."

In 2010, a comedy "What men are talking about," where Eastern appearance helped a man to play a skeleton of Georgian nationality, who did not like to sing.

In the 2012th namesakes of the Avvakum Protopopa, immortalized in the picture of Vasily Surikov, joined the executive staff of Sklifosovsky, and his hero Ashot Gazizovich turned into one of the key heroes to the 8th season. Memorable steel and episodes involving Morozov in "Jun", "Torgsin", "Catrane" and "Voronin".

Personal life

The actor arranged a personal life in his youth. On November 13, 1968, the beloved spouse gave him the daughter of Angelica, who went to the footsteps of his father, after graduating the same university, played in the theater ("masks", "Sholov", "Musicond"), starred in the cinema, but later chose journalism. The attentive viewer remembers her on the roles in the TV series "Sweet Life", "Paradise knows everything!", Sklifosovsky-5 and "Old Frames".

Anatoly Morozov with children

On March 4, 1974, there was a turn of the Son of Denis, who released from the journalism of Moscow State University. He studied at the Higher School of Economics, had to do with the TV channels "Yu" and Muz-TV "and filled his page in Facebook with photos with the stars of the Russian show business. Now develops its own business "Public Morozov".

The eldest heirs influenced the transfer of parents to Moscow: when she was born twins, it took help. The head of the family, his free time dedicated to football, volleyball, tennis and swimming, first, did not search for work, but then I realized that without a profession simply could not.

Anatoly Morozov Now

On February 1, 2021, the TV channel "Russia-1" began showing the 8th season of Sklifosovsky, where Maxim Averin, Emmanuel Vitorgan, Maria Kulikova and Anatoly Morozov, shared the main roles between themselves.

Those fans who do not fail to see their favorite live, can come to the performances of "twelve months", "marriage in Italian", "Vassas", "Moliere", "Wedding of Krechinsky", "Tram" desire "", "Plague on Both of your homes ... "in the theater under the guidance of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.


  • 1987 - "Team 33"
  • 1992 - "Top Tormashki"
  • 1993 - "Tram-Taram, or Bay-Bays"
  • 2008 - "Professor Greid"
  • 2009 - "The Secret Guard. Deadly Games »
  • 2009 - "On the game"
  • 2010 - "Sheriff"
  • 2010 - "What are men talking about"
  • 2010 - "Love and other nonsense"
  • 2012-2021 - Sklifosovsky
  • 2013 - "quiet hunting"
  • 2014 - "Forester"
  • 2019 - "Black Staircase"
  • 2020 - "Katran"

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