Emma Portner - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Ellen Page, Divorce, Elliot Page 2021



For Canadian dancers and choreographer Emma Portner Body - the main communication tool. Even when the girl does not dance, her facial expressions and hands are ahead of words. Emma struck the dance community with his talent in his youth, but wide fame came to her after the novel with actress Ellen Page, which ended with marriage.

Childhood and youth

Emma was born on November 26, 1994 in Ottawa, Canada. The girl began to dance from three years and left this occupation for no day. At first she was engaged in the metropolitan studio Leeming DanceWorks, and then passed the intensive course in the national ballet of Canada. By the age of 16, she had already accumulated an individual style - a high-tech modern choreography, performed by intricate waves and painful jerks.

At the same age, she put choreography for the Dancing In The Dark, which was paired with the American dancer Matt Lacc. The dance video laid out in the network became viral and gained hundreds of thousands of views, after which the world dance elite spoke about Portner.

The girl did not expect a roller with so much noise, because she was accustomed to removing himself to the camera and meticulously consider her work. From 12 years old, Emma analyzed his own dance with video, and there was no shadow of self-examination. She spent a couple of hours a day on the analysis of improvisational equipment and improving movements.

The further professional biography of Portner was in the US, where she moved, settling in New York. Emma has become engaged in the school of Eil and parallel to the dancers and balletmaster career. A miniature girl (with 160 cm height, it weighed 52 kg) with a strong character was very efficient.


The porter was demanded as a choreographer and the performer and for several years achieved notable results in the dance world. She put the choreography and played a major role in Justin Bieber's clip on the Life Is Worth Living song, who scored millions of views on YouTube. After that, the girl participated in the world tour of the singer.

Emma founded his own dance troupe in New York, which was first called Flock'd, and now - Emma Portner and Artists. In addition, the Portner concepts conceptualized music videos for the Blood Orange Indian, Maggie Rogers and Banks and gave master classes in New York, Los Angeles and Native Canada. Also, the girl put the choreography for the Musical "Bat from hell."

In parallel with the work of Emma, ​​every day she is doing at home alone and puts out the fruits of creativity in "Instagram", which has become a channel for communication with partners and customers. There, Portner continues to test the art of improvisation.

Personal life

No matter how distinctive and awesome creativity Emma, ​​to become a truly media person, a meeting with the actress Ellen Page - the star of films "Juno", "Start" and "X-People". They met through "Instagram", and it turned out that their relatives are not only nationality (both girls from Canada), but also orientation.

Page, which at the dawn of his career seemed to be a heterosexual and met with men, in 2014 suddenly made a caumbling out, confessing in lesbian preferences. Portner always tried to wash gender borders both in creativity and personal life. They began to meet, accompanying joint photos in "Instagram" with the words of mutual admiration and recognition in love. In January 2018, the actress reported fans about the wedding.

"I can not believe that I can call this extraordinary woman with my wife," wrote a happy Page in social networks.

The married couple appeared everywhere together, holding hands, and created the impression of a harmonious loving union.

In December 2020, Ellen twisted the world to another camining out, this time stating that she was transgender. The celebrity changed the floor and the name, asking to call themselves with Elliot Page. Portner supported the spouse and stated that he was proud of it, but already a month later it turned out: the family union came the end. In January 2021, the actress, which became an actor, was submitted to the court of Manhattan.

Despite the fact that the stars broke up, they assured fans in mutual respect and promised to stay friends. It turned out that the relationship was given a crack in the summer of 2020, and now the experts of the former lovers have completely dispersed.

Emma Portner now

In 2021, Emma taught dancing at Broadway Dance Center. Its classes are focused on modern choreography, where students learn to emotionally move and expand the borders of the body. In addition, she heads his own dance troupe.

Celebrity works are demonstrated on various platforms, including Apple, Netflix, Vogue and Sony Pictures. She performs on professional ballet sites, like the Guggenheim Museum, Oslo Opera House and others.

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