Sergey Schubenkov - biography, personal life, photos, news, athletics, doping, "instagram", athlete 2021



Sergey Schubenkov is a Russian sprinter, whose achievements are calculated by prize pools, including gold medals in tournaments of various levels. In his professional biography, there was enough space and establishing national records, and accusations for the use of doping.

Childhood and youth

The athlete was born on October 4, 1990 in Barnaul. From an early age, the boy attended various sections. And this is not surprising, because his mother Natalia Schubenkova made a career in Semisborne, participated in the 1988 Olympic Games and 5 times became the winner of the USSR Championships.

A boy from three years has tried forces in a variety of sports. Engaged in swimming, played hockey, football and chess, went to the Taekwondo section.

In an interview, the Runner said that it was as follows - for example, he spoke about boxing. And tomorrow the mother led him to the appropriate coach. Often his stay in the circle was limited to a month, and somewhere he was delayed for years. The future athlete managed to even learn in the music school of the piano.

Now from the former hobbies of the runner remained hockey. True, he himself does not go to the ice, but with interest he watches the matches KHL and NHL. By 10 years, priorities were arranged, and the teenager went to the section of athletics. His first coach was the hope of Clevtsova. Later, her husband Sergei Klevtsov took up the mentoring of the young native of Barnaul.

By the way, even before the start of regular training, the son of ex-record holder of the USSR demonstrated a good potential. In 10 years, Subenkov won a running federal. Serious preparation for competitions began at the age of 14.

At the same time, Sergey went well at school - in his certificate, he was listed only one four. The student passed the exam in Russian, gaining a high score. With such results, it was easily entered into the university of the hometown at the Faculty of Law.

The athlete was engaged in how he himself put it, "truly" - visited all lectures, painstakingly comprehending the legal aces. But in the last courses, because of the connectors he studied "Sleeves."


Already at 16, the runner fulfilled the standard, reaching the title of Candidate in the Master of Sports. At the same time, in Junior competitions, the championship of Russia became the leader of the race. A year later, became the winner of the summer youthful Black Sea Games.

The most successful period in the career of a young athlete was 2009. In the late spring - early Summer, Sergey again spoke at the country's championship, having received a ticket to the European Forum in the Junior European Championship.

Sprinter at a distance of 110 m with obstacles received the 2nd place, but at the same time set a record among semifinal race. In the same year, Schubenkov fulfilled the norm of the Master of Sports.

The gold medalist of the 2010 Summer Games of 2010 debuted at the World Championship, where she came to the finish line of the 25th. However, this failure only spurred Sergey. Already in 2012, he participated in the first serious competition "on an adult" level. Then the young man returned home in the status of the winner at the European Championships in Helsinki.

At 23, the athlete became a bronze medalist of the World Championship, which was held in Moscow. Then he managed to get the 1st place in Europe.

In his favorite distance, running with obstacles to 110 m, a young man could not have managed to show on a stopwatch number less than 13 seconds. In Beijing in 2015, he finally installed not only a personal, but also a national record - 12.98 seconds. The second and third places were taken by Yamaic Hansl George Parchment and American Aris Merritt.

In 2016, the Russian national team was in the center of attention due to the doping scandal. As a result, Russian athletes were not allowed to the Olympic Games. The world champion expressed regret on this matter, but he decided to appear under the neutral flag. In an interview with Schubenkov, he stated that this is his only chance to continue his career. Sergey sent documents to IAAF, expressing the readiness to ride international competitions in the status of a neutral athlete.

In such an amplua, he went to the World Cup in London in 2017, from where Silver brought home. The long-awaited gold medal had a Jamaican Athlete Omar Macleod, finishing with a result of 13.04 seconds. The Russian sprinter before the victory was not enough to the tenth of a second.

The European Championship in 2018 became in the professional biography of an athlete one of the most exciting. In the barrier sprint on 110 m, he gave way to the Frenchman Pascal Martino-Lagard only 0.002 seconds. Reduced the finish line, the young man could not resist his feet, but before the last he believed in the victory and even filed an appeal to the decision of judges. However, after half an hour, the petition was rejected by determining the 1st place Lagard.

Silver medal athlete received at the World Championships in Doha in 2019. This time, American Grant Holoway became the leader of the race.

Of course, the sprinter dreamed of gaining the title of the Olympic champion, but the pandemic of coronavirus infection has made adjustments. On this occasion, Sergey spoke in the program "The Diary of the Olympiad, which was not ...". Self-insulation overtook him in Barnaul. The athlete still went on a jog, although most of the time spent training at home - stretched on the rug.


A secret dream to participate in the Olympic Games for a number of reasons was postponed throughout the career of the runner. The removal of the Russian national team from participation in the international tournament in 2016, a coronavirus infection pandemic - all these annoying circumstances became an obstacle to the goal.

And at the beginning of 2021, Schubenkov turned out to be the focus of Russian media. The network has information that the athlete passed the positive doping sample. In his blood, they discovered traces of "Furosemide". This means is known in professional circles, used either for secluding weight, or to mask other drugs.

For what Sergey lose weight, it is unclear - with a height of 190 cm and weigh 75 kg there is no need for it. Naturally, rumors crawled on the Internet that the runner was going to hide the use of another doping with the help of Furosemide.

The Sprinter itself responded sharply for accusations, calling unverified information on the Internet slander. At the same time, the athlete did not deny the fact of receiving the letter from the Athletics Integrity Unit, but its content refused to reveal the press.

The situation was allowed in the summer. An investigation was conducted, as a result of which all accusations with respect to the Russian athlete were removed. The impact of the appearance in the body forbidden to preparing the runners of drugs was simple. The fact is that the son of the sprinter of Konstantin was prescribed by medicines, nosed on the WADA list. It is not difficult that particles of the drug remained in the kitchen (the parents had to prepare the pills in a certain way, since the 3-month-old child could not simply swallow them). A random hit to the body of Sergei these microscopic residues and caused a positive test.

In an interview, after the result of the investigation was known, Sergey said that the whole process caused his big stress. I constantly requested some documents, there were many letters - there were no less than 100 sheets in the case. When the verdict was voiced, Schubenkov experienced relief.

Personal life

Schubenkov married in 2015 on the girl from whom he met still in the student. Anna's future wife also studied at the Faculty of Law, but on the course of the younger. The meeting with the athlete was not interested in sports, but later it began to delve into subtleties, even told the spouse about potential rivals.

The Golden Prize-winner of the 2015 World Cup twice became a father. Firstborn, Yaroslav was born in 2018, and in 2020 Konstantin appeared per light. Nadezhda Schubenkov shared in an interview: her son after tried by the role of his father, became softer, gentle and affectionate. In any free minute, he seeks home to the family.

The runner does not hide his personal life - on his page in "Instagram" a lot of photos with loved ones. Also, the athlete leads a profile in Twitter, but this social network prefers to post information about his professional biography.

Sergey Schubenkov now

The experienced stress due to a positive doping test, fortunately, did not affect the training athlete. At the championship of Russia, Cubenkov at a distance of 110 meters with barriers took 1st place. And a little earlier Sprinter put the season record in the semifinal race, setting the time 13.24 sec. - Best in Europe.

The issue with participation in the Olympic Games has most worried a runner, because six months he was suspended due to accusations for the use of prohibited drugs. Fortunately, after removing all suspicions and victories at the Russian Championship, the athlete managed to get a neutral status and permission to act in Tokyo.


  • 2009 - Silver winner of the Junior European Championship
  • 2010, 2011, 2012 - Winner of the Russian Command Championship
  • 2010 - Bronze medalist of the Russian Championship
  • 2010 - Winner of the II Summer Olympics Youth of Russia
  • 2011 - Winner of the Russian Cup
  • 2011 - Silver medalist of the tournament "Call Moscow"
  • 2011 - Silver medalist of Russia's youth championship
  • 2011 - Winner of the Youth Champion of Europe
  • 2012, 2013 - Winner of the European Championship
  • 2013 - Bronze medalist of the World Championship
  • 2015 - Winner World Cup
  • 2017, 2019 - Silver winner of the World Cup
  • 2021 - Winner of the Russian Championship

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