Nikola Kokhlan - biography, personal life, photo, news, Irish actress, Bridgeertons, Instagram 2021



Irish actress Nikola Kochlan became popular on the screens only after 30 years. But age did not prevent the celebrities to harmoniously look in the images of young heroines, which she embodied in Netflix projects that won the love of viewers around the world.

Childhood and youth

Nikola Kokhlan was born on January 9, 1987 in the Irish city of Galway. She was brought up in a large family, in which she was the youngest child.

Nikola since childhood showed interest in acting. Back at the age of 5, she watched the game of the older sister in a school play and dreamed of being on stage. The on-screen debut of the artist took place in 1997, when she received a small role in the film "War of My Brother".

After receiving secondary education, Kohlin entered the National University of Ireland, where he studied English. Later, she moved to England to go in an in-depth learning of scenic art, in parallel visiting the audition.


In the early stages of the creative biography, Nikola repeatedly had to hear refuses from cinematographers. For a while she was engaged in visualing cartoons - gave the voice of the characteristics of such projects as the "Tales of Andersen" and "Simsala Grimm", which did not bring her popularity.

Because of the financial difficulties, Kohllan was forced to return from England to their homeland, in Ireland, where she settled in the house of parents. During this period, the girl tried himself in various professions - was a waitress, secretary and conversation with patients in optics, but continued to look for the opportunity to make a favorite thing.

In 2016, Nikola was invited to play the theater, which helped her again believe in himself. Shortly after that, she successfully passed the audition for the TV series "Kurtizanka" with Samantha Morton and Leslie Manville in high roles. In the drama of employees of public houses, the performer embodied the image of Hannah Dalton, which appeared in the 2nd season.

The first wave of popularity came to Nikola when her filmography was replenished with a comedy "Girls from Derry". This is a story about schoolgirls from Northern Ireland, whose growing fell on the 90s heavy for the country. The actress appeared in the form of a teenage girl Claire, which described as ambitious and emotional.

Although at the time of the start of filming, Kokhlan was already for 30, the audience could not believe long that it was almost 2 times older than on-screen heroine. The secret of "eternal youth" Celebrity in a joke calls love for guilt, because alcohol is often used as a preservative.

"Girls from Derry" quickly loved the audience from the UK, and after the series was released on the Netflix braming platform, it gained international popularity. Nikola, I woke up a star in an instant, but it was still not confident in my abilities when I sent a record for casting for Bridgeerton's melodrama - the screening of Julia Quen's novels.

According to Kohllan, the role in the series was her dream, because Sunda Rims worked on him, who created such successful shows as the "scandal" and "how to avoid punishment for the murder." Therefore, the actress was shocked, when soon after sending the video, she was called and reported that it was approved without additional samples.

In melodrame, the actions in which the Rentance era occur in England, Nikola fell to play Penelope - a timid young debutantchka, hopelessly in love with his brother's best friend. According to the celebrity, during the preparation, she got acquainted with Queen's novels, but began immediately from the 4th book to find out what her heroine will be in the future.

Only within a month after the release of Bridgeertonov, the series was watched by 63 million spectators, and Kohlin acquired even more devotees who remained delighted with her Penelope.

Personal life

The celebrity prefers not to disclose information about his personal life, emphasizing the attention of fans on achievements in creativity. A close friend of Nikola is the American radio hostanan van Ness.

At first, the girl was his fan and once put on the shooting sweatshirt with the image of the idol, after which it was photographed for the social network. Jonathan commented on the publication that contributed to the beginning of their communication.

Nikola Kokhlan now

At the beginning of 2021, it became known that Netflix extended Bridgeertonov for the 2nd season. This news was delighted with fans of the actress, who are followed by her life on the Instagram page. In addition to personal photos, Nikola loves to publish sampling pictures from the shooting sites.


  • 2012 - "Doctors"
  • 2013 - "Svengali"
  • 2018 - "Kurtizani"
  • 2018-2019 - "Derry Girls"
  • 2020-2021 - Bridgeerton
  • 2021 - "Do I lie?"

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