Claudia Jesse - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Series, "Instagram", British actress 2021



When a persistence joins, and sincere desire to "get a star from the sky", then no obstacles are able to prevent. Biography Claudia Jesse - a bright confirmation. Financial problems, the lack of a father and even mental disorder did not cause the dream to abandon the dream.

Childhood and youth

The British actress was born on October 30, 1989 in the suburb of Birmingham - Mosley. The girl together with his brother was brought up in a disadvantaged family: the father did not work, the money was missing for the most necessary. Therefore, she spent most of her early biography in London from native aunt.

The most frequent guests in the house were bailiffs who came to describe the property for debts. Father soon left the family, leaving his spouse one on one with difficulties. But it did not break it - throwing pity for himself, the woman worked around the clock, trying to provide children. Claudia is insanely grateful to the mother for finding the opportunity to give it to the ballet class.

Claudia Jesse - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Series,

However, the difficult financial condition, the lack of father, problems with creditors - all this affected the girl's psyche. She began to feel uncomfortable in his own body, often dreamed of depression, could not find a common language with others.

Problems began at school. As a result, at the age of 14, Jesse took the documents from the educational institution. Her teacher became a mother, and this, according to the actress, it was beautiful. However, the schoolgirl did not think just sit at home. There was time, and she began to help mother with money. In an interview with the star of screens, I shared: throwing school, she walked dogs, distributed leaflets, danced in the cabaret and sang in the pubs.

However, the oppressive state strongly poisoned life. Subsequently, the doctors have established the cause of the patient's personality disorder, diagnosing depersonalization. Buddhism became salvation from such a notem. Meditation and other practices helped Claudia to achieve long-awaited harmony and take themselves.

The actress and today preaches Buddhism, but the psychological disorder did not leave it fully. Therefore, it does not welcome social networks, does not have a page in "Instagram" and in principle does not like to advertise a personal life.

At 21, the girl went to London, dreaming about the acting career. Happy ticket to her rather thanks to the director Hanne Phillips, who noticed a talented dancer in Birmingham and included it in some productions. However, in the capital of the case, they were unsuccessful, even agents refused from the future actress.

In London, Jesse first lived in Aunt, then removed the room in Balham. So far there were no suggestions, earned a living in a familiar way - walking dogs, singing into pubs. At the same time, it was not tired of monitoring the market in search of vacancies.


Claudia started in 2012. At the start, the career received episodic roles in the TV series "Doctor", "Catastroph", "House of Anubis". For debutant, participation in such projects was incredible happiness, and she believed that she was waiting for success.

So it happened - the first serious role of the native Mosley received in the television drama series "Woman Constable". Jesse appeared in the 3rd series, having played Anne Taylor - one of the first policemen who are trying to get recognition on the site where men dominate. Then Claudia was called to the comedy Sitka "Josh".

The debut on large screens took place in the military picture "Their star and a half hours." And already in 2018, Jessie tried the image of the main character in the "Vanity Fair" directed by James Strong, embodying the image of the secular lady and the rich heiress Emily Sadley.

In an interview, the leading leadership shared emotions from participation in this project. On the one hand, Claudia told, "Vanity Fair" refers to historical cinema. However, all of her acquaintances, including very young, gladly looked at the film, even those who are in principle not enjoying such a genre.

Claudia Jesse - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Series,

As for the shooting process, Claudia was seriously given by the wearing corset. She had to quickly snack up to work: then in the interruptions to eat it was impossible due to severe squeezing. The actress in the literal sense of broke the corset when the last scenes were shot. And I joked that it does not want to have anything in common with this item.

In 2018, the girl joined the legendary project "Doctor Who" in an episodic role. Then, in her filmography, it was time for a truly star role in the series from Netflix "Bridgeertons", which is the adaptation of the novels of Julia Quen.

When British learned that she would embody the image of the Bunkki Eloiz Bridgerton, he did not hold down the tears of happiness. Previously, she read the books of this author and considered his character the main secret arms of the narrative. Thanks to Eloise, the reader estimated the entire absurdity of the London's marriage market and how unprotected women were in the regency era.

Personal life

The actress is not interested in conducting social networks. And if more precisely, it does not basically lay out photos on any resources. But the network has enough fan pages, thanks to which fans learn news from the life of celebrities.

Claudia is found with a guy named Joseph. In 2020, she became a happy owner of a floating house in Birmingham, who acquired, having experienced a persistent desire to return home.

Jesse, as well as her mother, starts every day with meditation and yoga. In addition, it adheres to vegetarianism. At the actress, a slim figure - with growth, 168 cm weight fluctuates in the range of 53-55 kg.

A peculiar echoes of a mental disorder, including dislike for their own appearance, do not become a reason to skip the series and films with their own participation. The house even developed the tradition - the whole family to watch the premiere of a project where Claudia starred. In an interview with the actress with bitterness, the nanny never missed such moments, and only her death violated this rule.

In addition to movies, Jessie is fond of music. By the way, she taught her grandfather to play a piano, hanging his granddaughter tool. In his free time, she sings and composes songs, but not yet plans to do this seriously.

Claudia Jesse now

The beginning of 2021 actresses spent in the series interviews. The release of the 1st season "Bridgeertonov" at the end of December caused a real furyor. The performer of the role of Eloiza when communicating with the press, tried in vain to avoid the topic of the 2nd season.

Claudia Jesse - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Series,

However, the secret of this do now does not make sense - the shooting was scheduled for another 2020. A coronavirus infection pandemic made its own adjustments, as a result of which the production of the 2nd season was postponed on the spring of 2021.

Popularity that suddenly embarrassed on Jesse is not embarrassed at all. She gladly shares their impressions about the project and never ceases to thank her mother for support and faith. And for those words that one daughter said in childhood once: "Do what you love."


  • 2012-2014 - "Doctors"
  • 2013 - "Abwitch Anubis"
  • 2013 - "Dame happiness"
  • 2013 - "Catastrophe"
  • 2015 - "Woman Constable"
  • 2015 - "Jonathan Strenj and Mr. Norrell"
  • 2016 - "Their Star Hours"
  • 2016 - "Call an midwife"
  • 2017 - "Father Brown"
  • 2017 - "Debt Service"
  • 2017-2019 - "Porters"
  • 2017 - "Treasure Findors"
  • 2018 - "Vanity Fair"
  • 2019 - "Protection of the guilty"
  • 2020-2021 - Bridgeertons

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