Daria Blokhina - biography, personal life, photo, news, voice acting, actress Dubbing, "Instagram", voice 2021



Millions of subscribers in Tykottok, together with her, learned to growl as Simba, tweet, like a bird, and could not distinguish her voice from the voice assistant - Alice. Daria Blokhina 4 years worked the TV presenter, and now he is engaged in the sounding of advertising, films and TV shows.

Childhood and youth

Daria Romanovna Blokhin was born in Moscow on October 6, 1993. Family of the girl - Creative, Father Talentedly writes verses to Esenin style. The same girl, except Sergey Yesenin, loves poets of the 1960s. The younger sister is an actress of Christine Blokhin. But at the same time Grandfather Darya - a scientist, launches the space ships, and the granddaughter considered himself in character like him.

In childhood, the girl had eczema on her hands, legs and cheeks, constantly flowed from the nose, the schoolgirl wore clothes closing the throat. Dasha often said that she is an ugly child. In response, the girl tried to become the best: to learn well, listen to parents, walk in a circle, play sports, grow long hair, paint.

But, trying to adapt to others, Daria reached the extreme state, heavily sick, survived the operation. Only in 24 years of the TV presenter accepted himself and understood: when nothing hurts, you love you, you can do what I like, is happiness.

The formation of Blokhin received at the Faculty of Psychology of Ranjigs (Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service), which graduated in 2016. After that, Daria entered the Moscow School of Radio and Television, and also worked at the Solveig Theater.

During his studies at the Academy, the girl was afraid to be on the street and not find a job, because a lot of additional professions appeared in the biography of Blokhina - she worked as a makeup artist, an administrator, a master of myofascial massage, a non-researchist, was engaged in preventive endocrinology.


At the Radio School, the girls noticed representatives of Multimedia Holding, who invited Daria Blokhin to become a Morning Show on Best FM radio stations. Work on the radio was not easy, it was necessary to get up early in the morning, ride the other end of the city - however, it brought income. Soon the girl was called to the casting on "Our TV." Samples were successful, and Daria became a permanent entertainment television channel.

On the program #, Osatvlive had to constantly be aware of events and attend secular events. Blochina loved talking with interesting people and listen to music. But at the beginning of the TV presenter I had to have difficulty again. Daria told that she was a neurotic, closely took criticism to his heart, during the interview worried, shaking his foot, touched her face and hair.

The fear of the camera passed with the experience, stopped shaking hands, the leap of adrenaline began live live. By the time of completion on the channel on the Blochet's account, there was already a hundred interview. Including the girl learned to communicate with people who are verbally unpleasant, while respectfully treat them, keep a smile and fight with a yawn.

Since childhood, Daria Blokhin was fond of rock music with garage sound and often with obsceneous texts, listened to "Civil defense", "Zoo", "King and Shuta". Over time, the desire has come to create music - it turned out that the girl is able to sing in a rock style, to syndle and even owns the opera vocal.

In March 2017, a debut project was published with Darya, Philgo Project composition - "Flight". In June 2017, the girl created the first solo musical track Surragate, to which the text wrote.

Also on the account of the performer, the Dasha Innuutzz and Yl4ng collaboration is the dance track I Just Love U. Since 2020, Blokhin works under the pseudonym Miss Inn. With this name on the score of the singer, two Russian-speaking songs made in a lightweight, relaxing pop-style along with the Zloi Negri musician - "not silent" and "promise."

In 7 years, the girl was forbidden to watch TV, and Dasha listened to audiobooks on cassettes. It became a hobby, the girl loved to absorb those emotions that said the readers, herself read the roles, to play the text. The family lived in nature, surrounded by sounds, which Daria also tried to portray, - the voices of birds, animals.

Already in conscious age, the TV presenter began to seriously train the diction, to record and send demos. At the same time, the Blochina has no acting education, but, according to Daria, - often it only interferes, shifts, makes reading too theatrical, does not give logically to putting the intonation.

One day, Daria pulled out a happy ticket in the voicing - the girl to cooperate invited Standap-comic Karen Harutyunov, the founder of the company on the sounding of Movie Mood. Now Daria with a universal deep voice with the widest range is able to voice any roles - from the voice of a child to the grandmother.

Daria Blokhina is the creator of the course "Your voice", the author's product based on its own pedagogical experience and theoretical knowledge. With the help of online studies, students can have a voice, learn the diction, logic of speech, intonation, rhetoric, improvisation.

Personal life

Details of the personal life of Daria Blokhin does not exhibit. The celebrity is shy, believing that she does not have a sense of humor and she is joking uninhabited. Jokes actress dubbing, rather, analyzes and laughs to himself. He loves to watch comedy shows, including the "Battle Comedy", where the complete force of Blokhina was performed - a humorist from Buryatia.

Since childhood, Daria prefers to dress closed and not posing in a swimsuit, although he says his clothes ordinary. True, the girl can not live and the day without makeup. Daria makes every day 10-15 pain stretch marks, trains the plastic of the body, sits on the twine. Also leading likes to do yoga, which positively affects the mood.

Daria Blokhina now

Suddenly, Daria became a famous blogger in the Titstok network. The girl noted that he did not develop scenarios, recorded the video "By jokes", and the rollers with a tree of Simba or about the "bunition" "ignored" by themselves. For 4 months, the ticketer collected 350 thousand subscribers. The dubbage actress also leads an account in the Instagram network, where the photo and video publishes daily and communicates with fans.

In November 2020, Blokhina gave an interview to the Yutiub-Channel Eric Ricky. Among the recent works of the actress - the sound of the heroine of the Raid for the advertising queue of the game Raid: Shadow Legends.

In January 2021, Dasha, along with other dubbing actors, Albert Ibragimov, Anisa Murtayeva and Karen Harutyunov, sparkled voice assistant - Navigator, during a tscad around Moscow. The video has become viral on the Russian Internet, and on February 1, the actors were invited to the program of the First Channel "Evening Urgant".

Daria noted that after leaving the TV channel felt free, ceased to build plans and began to live in real.

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