Victor Sadovnichy - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Rector of Moscow State University, Mathematics, Nationality 2021



Victor Sadovniki since 1992 he has been heading the Chief University of Russia. The native of Ukraine, at the age of 34, became the youngest of all professors of Moscow State University, in 2021 it is one of the oldest Russian rectors. Incompleteners explain the incrementability of gardening corruption, and supporters - successful activities in their post.

Childhood and youth

Viktor Antonovich was born on April 3, 1939 in the village of Krasnopavlovka Kharkiv region, where 6900 people now live. Viti's mother - Anna Matveyevna - did not owe a diploma and worked in the collective farm, Father Anton Grigorievich worked and the chamber of the chamber, and the Lake, and the Kuznets.

Victor Sadovniki in youth

The boy went to school, as it should be, at 7 years old. However, all the educational institution occupied one hubber in the hut surviving after the war. Classes with multi-andchest children led the only teacher. But in 1950, in Krasnopavlovka, a real two-story school was built, to teach graduates of the Kharkov Pedigin Institute. The head of the Mug "DIY", under the start of which the Sadovniki smeared the model of the lincard, who received a medal at the VDNX was the greatest influence on Viktor.

The secondary education of the young man has completed in the evening school, because it was settled to work as a loader at the Komsomolets mine in Gorlovka. Some biographers see in the early start of the working career of Viktor Antonovich, the desire to escape from collective farm slavery and get a passport.

In 19 years, the Sadovniki entered the mechanics and mathematical faculty of Moscow State University. At the entrance exam, it turned out that a number of sections of school mathematics in the evening school of Gorlov were simply not passed. But the examiner did not "throw" an apprentice from Ukraine, but suggested to bring the properties of direct function through the reverse that Victor has done success.

In student youth, the Sadovniki combined excellent studies with Komsomol work. 2-3 times a month Victor worked - unloaded the cars at night. In 1963, a native of Krasnopavlovka graduated from Mehmat with a red diploma and in the status of the Faculty Comsor. A talented guy was left in graduate school.


In 1967, Viktor Antonovich defended his thesis, and in 1974 - doctoral. Since 1977, the Sadovniki headed the University's Patrol. In the early 80s of the 20th century, the native of the Kharkiv region was led by the Department of Functional Analysis, and since 1982 to this day he headed the Department of Mathematical Analysis of Mehmat MSU.

One of the dark episodes in the biography of Sadovnichnoye - obstacles, allegedly addicted by Viktor Antonovich in the 70s - early 80s of the 20th century, the Jews, who wanted to enter Mehmat MSU. Yunows and girls with Jewish surnames who dreamed of obtaining a mathematical specialty in the main university of the USSR, in the entrance exams were given "Coffins" - tasks, the complexity of which several times higher than the level of tasks taken by the applicants of other nationalities. Alexander Braverman, Mikhail Finkelberg, Valery Sander, Boris Kanevsky and Mikhail Shikman.

In March 1992, Viktor Antonovich was alternatively elected by the rector of Moscow State University. In the pre-election program, Sadovniki told for the university independence and election of officials. Subsequently, the views of the native of Krasnopavlovka changed. With the filing of Gardens in November 2019, the Gosdomumum's Profile Committee approved amendment committing President of the Russian Federation to appoint Rectors of Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University. In December 2019, Vladimir Putin approved 80-year-old Viktor Antonovich by the head of Moscow University for another 5 years.

Since the gardening negatively evaluates Russia's accession to the Bologna process and the transition of Russian education to a two-level system (undergraduate and magistracy), he defended the preservation of 5 years of study with the qualification "Specialist" for many MSU specialties. Also at the Main University of the Russian Federation, applicants are accepted not only according to the results of the USE, but also taking into account additional tests.

During the rectification of the garden, the number of university faculties has increased from 16 to 42 (the first swallow became the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine), branches appeared at Moscow State University, including Baku, Astana and Dushanbe. The merits of Viktor Antonovich are marked by a number of awards - from the breastplate "Petro Mogila" to Order of Alexander Nevsky.

Personal life

Happiness in his personal life Viktor Antonovich gained with Ado Petrovna Saprykin, who studied with him in one course. The difference between the spouses is less than a year, they created a family on the day of receipt of diplomas and invited classmates for a wedding with wine and sausage.

All three children of mathematicians went on parental footsteps. The middle daughter Anna graduated with honors from Mehmat MSU, and then focused on risk management and actuarial calculations in insurance. In 2012, Anna Viktorovna became a member of the Board of Directors of the Peresvet Bank, but after the reign of the financial institution in 2017, the Board lost its place.

Since 2017, the younger Inna since 2017, he managed to the department of fundamental and applied mathematics at the Faculty of Space Research of the Moscow State University. At the elder brother Inna and Anna - Yuri Viktorovich - from 2013 entrusted to the leadership of the department of general topology and geometry of Mehmat MSU.

The opponents of the rector reproach the garden in the clan and compare his dynasty with the family of St. Petersburg Mikhail Piotrovsky, whose father, as he himself, led the Hermitage, and the son of Boris Piotrovsky on January 20, 2021 became the Deputy Governor of the Northern Capital.

There are rumors about the unpelled state and the elite real estate of the Sadden Senior, whose salary as a rector from 2014 to 2018 increased almost 5 times (other revenues increased to a lesser extent). According to the publishing house "First Anti-Corruption Media", the date of the MSU leader at the 1st Assumption Highway is adjacent to the section of Catherine Vinokurova - the daughter of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov, and in the academic settlement "Snegiri" - with the ownership of Tatiana Golikova.

Victor Sadovniki and his wife and children

Viktor Antonovich himself calls the main wealth of five grandchildren, the eldest of which, named after the father of Rector of Moscow State University, became the winner and the winner of the All-Russian Mathematical Olympiad, won the Gold Medal at the European Olympiad on computer science. Abilities to the Queen of Sciences The native of Krasnopavlovka also celebrates the eldest granddaughter of Darya.

In September 2020, the Russian team, which was included by Anton Sadovniki, took 2nd place at the International Mathematical Olympiad (MMO). Although the contest due to a coronavirus infection pandemic was held in a remote format, the Russian team has a common photo: the best mathematical minds of Russia performed tasks in the walls of the Russian Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen in St. Petersburg.

In the personal event, MMO grandson of Rector MSU scored 29 points and won a silver medal. The best of the Russians - Sochinsky Danil Demin and a resident of Novosibirsk Alexey Lvov - received for solving problems of 36 points and awarded gold awards.

Victor Sadovniki now

In December 2020, Viktor Antonovich participated in the opening ceremony of a memorial plaque on a building where Yuri Luzhkov lived. At a solemn event, which led the speaker Evgeny Kochergin, Sadovniki spoke about the contribution of the first mayor of Moscow to the opening of a branch of Moscow State University in Sevastopol, as well as on how to Tatiana Yuri Mikhailovich treated the University's university students made from honey from his apiary.

On January 25, 2021, Viktor Antonovich said that about a quarter of the professorical and teaching staff of Moscow State University was vaccinated from Coronavirus. Four days earlier, the Sadovniki promised that since February 6, the universities of Moscow and St. Petersburg will return to full-time studies in which the elements of distance learning will be present. Fresh photos of the rector regularly appear on the official MSU page in "Instagram".


  • 1980, 1986 - Order of the Red Banner
  • 1987 - C. E. Tsiolkovsky medal from the Cosmonautics Federation of the USSR
  • 1995, 1998, 2001, 2003 - National Prize "Man of the Year"
  • 1997, 2019 - Order of the Holy Prince Daniel Moscow
  • 1998 - Order "Dostyk" II degree (Kazakhstan)
  • 1999, 2002, 2009 - Order "For Merit" (Ukraine)
  • 1999 - Order of St. Innocent Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomensky II degree
  • 1999, 2005, 2009, 2019 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland"
  • 2001 - Order of Francis Skorne (Belarus)
  • 2006 - Winner of the National Prize "Russian Year"
  • 2006 - Order "For disinterested service" (Uzbekistan)
  • 2008 - Honorary Citizen of Moscow
  • 2008 - Order of the Rising Sun of the 2nd degree (Japan)
  • 2009 - Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh I degree
  • 2009 - the sign of distinction "For merits to Moscow"
  • 2014 - Order of Alexander Nevsky
  • 2019 - Order of the Peoples of the Republic of Bashkortostan
  • 2019 - Order of Honor Kuzbass

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