Eyva Max - biography, personal life, photo, news, songs, kings & queens, singer, clips 2021



On December 5, 2020 Eyva Max shared with fans of joyful news - her tracks on Spotify scored more than 1.5 billion auditions. On January 30, 2021, the Stregnation service sent a new person to revive dance music, as the performer is called, the long-awaited diamond logo. The American singer hurried to post a photo with him, thank the fans and admit that the Sweet But Psycho hit to approach such indicators.

Childhood and youth

On February 16, 1994, in the city of Milwaukee, located in Wisconsin, the Pianist Paul and the classic opera singer Andrea Kochi was born daughter Amanda (this is the real name of the pop star).

In 1991, the parents (the head of the family of Keparo, his spouse - from Saranda) after the fall of the communist regime in Albania fled to France, where during the year they lived in the Church in Paris. There they met a woman from the USA, which helped in obtaining a passport. From childhood, the celebrity remembers that adults, not knowing English, worked on three works so that children do not need anything.

In loved ones, the new Lady Gaga soul does not receive and often publishes their photos on social networks, accompanied by touching comments and stories from life. So, on the International Mother's Day - 2020 on its personal page in "Instagram" a post appeared:

"I was lucky that I had not alone, but as much as 4 mothers who raised me, taught to be strong and stand on their own, helped become the one I am now. I love you so much. I would like to return to 2011 and talk to one of my grandmothers for the last time. I know that she is always with me. "

From 4 years of age, the child together with his mother trained in singing, and after 3 years he participated in his first vocal competition. At first, the judges did not perceive the little contestant seriously, but it lasted exactly until she began to sing.

At the start of zero, the family moved to Virginia, where the girl actively participated in the songwriting organized by Radio Disney, and debuted at The Norva's Norva's concert venue in Norfolk with the Hit Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me) Whitney Houston. It did not pay attention to young dating and Florida and released music under the pseudonym Amanda Kay. Later she became just Ava.

When the heiress was 14 years old, Andrea Kochi, stating that there was no prospects for the development of a musical career, insisted on moving to California, and then to South Carolina. In school over the teenager- "supergot", wearing dark clothes and beautiful hair in black, constantly mocked peers, so in the 7th grade I had to go to home learning.

However, it is known that a short time a girl attended Lexington High School, and at the age of 17 returned to Los Angeles together with the elder brother who took the position of the manager.


In 2013, Eva released the first music work Take Away The Pain, at which in 2 years, the Canadian Duet Project 46 made a remix. After a series of failures, when the demolity of songs deviated or climbed with recording studios, but did not return, as well as inciders with sexual harassment, the girl finally met Cirkut producer.

At the party in honor of the birthday of a young man in 2014, Amanda sang a birthday greeting Happy Birthday to You, and Henry Russell Walter, who turned out to be familiar to her brother, offered cooperation. The couple created not one song and published in 2016 Anyone But Youu on SoundCloud. Multiple labels were made to the popular track, and in the same year, Albank has signed a contract with Atlantic Records.

Immediately after that, she took the new pseudonym Eyva Max, reflecting the female and male sides of the person, and soon came up with an unusual haircut Max Cut (on the one hand - a kara, on the other - long hair). According to the celebrity, loving experiments in appearance, this happened by chance:

"That day I decided to cut the hair under the square. I finished with the right side, as suddenly remembered that I had something in the oven, it seems that it was a chocolate cookie. And I immediately ran to the lower floor, and without finishing the started. Returning and looking at himself, I realized that I found what I was looking for.

In the summer of 2017 by the efforts of a beginner singer and DJ Le Youth came to Hit Clap Your Hands. For the next year, the artist introduced listeners with My Way, Slippin, Salt, Not Your Barbie Girl and broke the charts in 22 countries with their Sweet But Psycho, comfortable at the top of the Billboard Dance Club Songs and in the top ten Billboard Hot 100. In 2018 Her collaborations with Jason Druhlo and David Getta.

2019 turned out to be especially fruitful for Max. Success was waiting for SO Am I, in the Top 10 in Poland, Norway and Finland - South Korean Boy-bend NCT 127 did not resist on the author's version.

Blood, Sweat & Tears and Freaking Me Out were presented simultaneously as promotional singles, and the new Lady Gaga entered into an agreement with the Warner Chappell Music and Artist Publishing Group, prepared for Halloween clip on Freaking Me Out, worked side by side with Pablo Albão and Alan Walker and received many deserved awards.

In the spring of 2020, a native of Milwaukee is not without the help of Redone presented Kings & Queens, supported by the public and critics and led Billboard Adult Top 40 in December, and in September, Heaven & Hell's debut album has replenished. The plate fell on the 2nd position UK Albums Chart and on the 27th place Billboard 200.

Personal life

Eyva, often compared with Lady Gaga, surprises with unusual images and bright makeup, having fun in leather bodys, boots, boots, boots, the original Croes and skillfully combining the top of the swimsuit with pants. The owner of a slim figure easily changes the hair color, becoming a platinum blonde, and burning brunette, and half red, and dressed in the clothes of unknown designers, giving them a chance to become famous.

Eyva Max and Lady Gaga

Max (growth of 155 cm at a weight of 55 kg) calls himself at 100% albank (he speaks free on Albanian language, but does not know how to read on it), fights for the rights of women and does not hide that in the past, he was interested in the representatives of the fine sex. Now pop diva, holding a personal life in secret, cannot clearly define its own sexual orientation. However, in the fan environment there are unconfirmed rumors that Guitarist Niko Aranda guitarist is a guy.

In his youth, she heard Alisha Kiz, Jones Nora, Seline Dion, Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey, confessing that the songs of the latter were always on a repeat.

Eyva Max now

In January 2021, the Kastra remix is ​​located on Music services on My Head & My Heart Ava Max. In the second week of the New Year, the celebrity posted on the Utown-channel Official Performance Video on the previous song. In the composition, samples from the "Songs" of the "Hands up!" Groups are clearly heard, which is still in zero Germans ATC made an English-speaking Caver, turning into an international hit.

The pop star also admitted that she was working on replenishing the creative biography by the second full-length compilation.



  • 2008 - Amanda Kay
  • 2020 - Heaven & Hell

Singles not included in the albums:

  • 2015 - Take Away The Pain
  • 2017 - Clap Your Hands
  • 2018 - Into Your Arms
  • 2018 - Make Up
  • 2019 - Slow Dance
  • 2019 - So Am I
  • 2019 - Tabú
  • 2019 - Alone, Pt. II.
  • 2020 - King & Queens, Pt. 2.
  • 2020 - Christmas Worthout You
  • 2020 - Stop Crying Your Heart Out

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