Semen Bukharin - biography, personal life, photos, news, janitor from Izhevsk, artist 2021



In any case, there is a place of creativity. And if you have a broom and shovel in your hand, it does not mean that you have lost the striking. The janitor from Izhevsk Semyon Bukharin proves with his example that the person does not paint a man, and the person is a place, and year after year it is intimately improving the territory confused by him.

Childhood and youth

Semen was born in the village of Malopurgician District of the Udmurt Republic in 1962. The Bucharin family was more familiar: two sons and four daughters brought up parents who had a lot to work in the village - both in the collective farm and in the personal farm. Childhood was friendly, but difficult: entertainment, toys and sweets, the guys were a bit, but to help the elders accounted for full force.

Semyon Viktorovich admits that now in communicating with children is trying to possess those emotions and paints, whom he lacked in his own early early years. To facilitate the load of the parents, the children of Bukharin went to work early. But also to get the formation of Semyon managed by choosing the specialty of the decorator artist in the vocational school of the city of Tchaikovsky. However, the professions that he ended up on bread were far from creativity.

Bukharina had to work well by Shakhtar, fisherman and fire, he changed not only the type of activity, but also the regions. He made it more than 10 years old to work in Tundra, in the northern lands of Vorkuta, which still seems to him at the attractive place. Despite the fact that the work was difficult, the craving for the beautiful Semyon did not lose.

Environment only inspired the artist to dilute it with bright colors. Working in the fire station, where the statutory order was expected, Bukharin jerked to paint the concrete fence with a beautiful scenery. The bosses were first indignant, and then approved his initiative.

Show "I am almost famous"

In January 2021, a new talent show was started on the first channel called "I am almost famous." The project demonstrates the talents of participants from all over the country, showing people of different ages and professions possess what distinctive abilities. Sergei Minaev and Aglaya Shilovskaya are conducted by the project, and Alexey Yagudin, Nikolay Tsiskaridze and Jeanne Badoev, fell to the skill of the contestants.

The main prize, which is waiting for the winner, is 3 million rubles, but to join him in the struggle, you need to get approval from all judges at once. The only exception is a gold button, which each of the jury members has the right to push only once for the entire project, but at the same time skipped the participant in the final in the final, even if other judges counted that insufficiently interesting.

On January 24, 2021, the janitor from Izhevsk came to the show "I am almost famous". Semyon Viktorovich shared with the audience with his biography, told about how when and why began to engage in creativity. After retirement, he settled to work in the lyceum of the city of Izhevsk to the janitor and to make a pleasant to children, began to draw paintings. Canvas for them performed freshly fallen snow, and a brush - broom and shovel.

Semen Bukharin - biography, personal life, photos, news, janitor from Izhevsk, artist 2021 3037_1

The works of Bukharin were disappeared shortly, as they disappeared at the very first whims of the weather, however, schoolchildren quickly appreciated the efforts of Viktorovich's seeds and fell in love with his work. They are accustomed to, looking out of the window to the school courtyard, you can see a landscape, a portrait of a poet or a welcoming inscription.

Children admitted that such an initiative always raises the mood and causes lively interest: and that today will be painted in the fresh snow. The janitor made friends with the guys who began to be called to help him in the establishment of school territory. In the company of schoolchildren Bukharin Lepil and painted snow sculptures.

Thanks to his work, Semyon Viktorovich became known in his hometown. Local television was filmed about him, and in the end he decided to come to the talent show. Under the penetrated music of Mikael Tariverdieva in the eyes of the audience, the artist created a picture in the snow with the help of a shovel.

Jury members expressed admiration for the work of Bukharin, and Alexei Yagudin was impressed with more than others. Seeing the doubt Zhanna Badooye, the figure skiing with the help of a gold buttons missed bucharin further, since it turned out to be touched by its number to tears. The seeds of Viktorovich and the audience, who expressed the wish to live next door to the same janitor.

On March 21, 2021, Bukharin became the winner of the show "I am almost famous", drawing in the final Nikolai Tsiskaridze.

Personal life

The janitor from Izhevsk leads an account in "Instagram", but devotes him not a personal life, but creativity. Due to changeable weather conditions, the artist's work live no more than one and a half hours, and therefore he perpetuates them with the help of the photo. Semena Viktorovich himself would not have come to acquire a page in the social network, but the schoolgirl Masha for him is a fan of his creations.

Semen Bukharin now

Semyon Viktorovich works as a janitor and renunciation in the Republican lyceum boarding school in the village of Itmas. His worries enough, but, in spite of everything, he draws a spade on the snow new works. These are New Year's congratulations on the Christmas tree and animals, portraits of Peter Tchaikovsky and Mikhail Kalashnikov, reproductions of famous paintings.

In the summer, Bukharin does not leave creativity and cuts the lawns, cutting out the inscriptions and patterns using lawn mowers. It does not save strength and time trying to make the surrounding space more beautiful. Calls himself an enthusiast that does everything at his own risk. And I am sure what makes it right.

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