Alexey Polykhong - biography, personal life, photo, news, "last hero", "Instagram", "Champions" 2021



Realistic shows "The Last Hero" first published on the screens in 2001, and since then the survival in the conditions of a uninhabited island has tried hundreds of participants. Among them, Alexey Polykhon, who pronounced himself in the 6th season of the project and was so lucky to the wild life that she decided to return to the show again 13 years old.

Childhood and youth

The early biography of Alexei is connected with the Obninsky - the Scienceout, located in the Kaluga region. Polykhon was born on June 25, 1987. He was brought up in an ordinary family and stars from the sky not enough. Grew up cheerful, sociable, musical, loved to sing and knew a lot of songs. I was sure that I would achieve big heights and methyl even in finance ministers.

The first step towards the implementation of ambitions was the receipt of the Moscow Financial and Law Academy, whose branch was located on the guy's homeland. However, immediately apply the knowledge gained in practice, Alexey did not want. He decided to earn money for current needs and began to go to Moscow, where he got a waiter, and then an assistant to marketing director.

The favorite TV show Polykhuna was the "last hero", for the rapidations of which he followed from 15 years of age. Alexey dreamed that he himself would ever get to the island, where he would prove superiority over other participants and won the money prize. An announcement of the casting of the 6th season he read in the newspaper when drove to work on the train.

"Last Hero"

Season 6 The show began to broadcast on the first channel in November 2008 and ended in the spring of 2009. It was attended by both simple, nobody well-known residents of Russian cities and the stars of show business, which came to the project to increase their popularity. Shooting took place in Panama.

The modest and inconspicuous Polykhoon firmly believed that the casting would be passed among thousands of applicants, however, they were part of the lucky ones who were waiting for the tests on an uninhabited island. Having heard the call on the street from the organizers with a request to arrive at Domodedovo Airport, Alexey jumped with a cry of "Yes!" Than dripped passersby. Issues of study and work immediately moved to the background, as well as problems with a family that did not support his decision.

The leading project and the hostess of the island was Ksenia Sobchak, and among the 21 members of the show were Julia Kovalchuk, Mikhail Grushevsky, Victoria Lockarev, Evelina Blonds, Tair Mamedov. After the first tests, the islanders shared on 2 groups, and Alexei got into the tribe of the fire.

Alexey Polykhong - biography, personal life, photo, news,

He turned out to be non-conflict and easy to rise by a member of the team, who always remained in a positive mood, did not enter into collusion and did not try to slander votes. Polykhon was strong in the breakdown of the riddles, and in physical testing he was adequately. He reached the stage of combining tribes into one team - "Terra incognita", but did not become the finalist.

Won the season manager Heliopark, Vladimir Lysenko, who went around the singer Julia Kovalchuk in the final. Alexey did not earn 3 million rubles, but he received a prize of veterans from Nikolai Drozdov.

After the project

After participating in the show, Alexey did not return to Obninsk, and moved to Moscow, where the other life began. Thanks to the recognition, the young man received an invitation to work, tried beauty contests, got into private parties and expanded a circle of dating. In 2010, he again participated in the project of the First Channel - the extreme show "Brutal Games", where a couple in tests was Alena Sviridov.

As a result, a professional biography of Polychoon decided to tie with show business. He worked in the projects of the media group "Red Square" - "big races", "together with dolphins" and others. In 2013, organized the company KIT, where it works and now. Buking stars, project management in the entertainment and media industry, the organization of concerts and events, shooting and promoting brands - these are the activities of Alexey business.

Personal life

Polychoon leads pages in "Instagram", "Twitter", "Facebook" and "Vkontakte", but they are more promoting the interests of the company KIT than shed light on his personal life. Alexey removes an apartment in Sokolniki, who considers the best area of ​​Moscow and the place of strength. He dreams of buying her own housing there, but revenues do not yet allow this.

However, money is far from the main thing for Polykhuna, which the beauty and depth of life measures emotions. Acquaintance and communication with celebrities introduces paints and pleasure on his weekdays, no wonder the Instagram account is shot by photos in the company of stars of all the masters.

Questions about the sexual orientation, the participant of the "last hero" answered clearly and definitely:

"I am heterosexual, and therefore I only love girls."

"Last Hero. Champions against newcomers "

In 2019, TV-3 television company decided to revive the famous project and launched a new era of the "last hero". It turned out that the viewer missed the "wild" adventure, the testimony of which was high ratings. In January 2021, the shooting of the 9th season of the show began, which goes under the slogan "Champions against newcomers."

Alexey Polykhon got into the team of the islanders. The company made up the singer Elena Perov, who left the show in the first issue, Comedy Woman's star Nadezhda Angarskaya and a number of other people who were loved by the viewer. The winner of the 1st season Sergey Odintsov, who was also announced by the participant, could not leave the territory of the Russian Federation due to problems with the law, so he was replaced by Denis Swedes. The rivals of the "Champions" became "newcomers" - participants whose leg has not yet stepped on wild lands.

The leading show Yana Trojanov met the bravery on Zanzibar. Never before the project was held in Africa. Spectators promised the updated rules, unprecedented tests, new emotions and a squall of adrenaline, which made the 9th season of the "last hero" of an attractive premiere.

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