Gleb Pavlovsky - biography, personal life, photo, news, "Echo of Moscow", Alexey Navalny, political student 2021



On February 5, 2021, the political scientist Gleb Pavlovsky turned out to be a guest of Youtyub-show "And to talk?" Irina Shikman. A few days earlier, he expressed a "special opinion" on the radio "Echo of Moscow" and gave an interview to the Rain TV channel. The expert explained: it is too optimistic to declare that after the act Alexei Navalny, his movements and the three-day procession "we woke up in another country," but all this really changed a lot.

Childhood and youth

On March 5, 1951, the son of Gleb was born in the constructor engineer Oleg Pavlovsky. In those years, the child was almost the only carrier of this name in his native Odessa. When Joseph Stalin was not in 2 years, the children's children's holiday marked the whisper and with closed shutters.

The architect's father equipped the Black Sea with frost. The heir did not like this sea, but sailed from 5 years, around the perimeter from Odessa to Batumi. Mother hydrometeorologist worked on a local weather station. Speaking of "South Palmyra," where childhood and youth passed, the Polittechnologist recalled that then he was the crossroads of several worlds and the absolute city of Jorge Luis Borges, an agile history and literature.

Gleb Pavlovsky in childhood and youth

The boy studied in high school number 35, where it did not cost without passionate as poetry, and was very afraid that they would not accept pioneers because of the many comments and faces, forever degraded with ink. Up to the prom, the young man was a "normal Odessa lazy", but already in the 10th grade, watching around the bourgeois boredom, I decided to bravely mobilize.

"I changed the next morning after at the end of 1967 I bought the Cuba magazine dedicated to the death of Che Guevara. I suddenly decided that I wanted something, then it's time to go and do exactly what I want. Then I transferred myself to the barrack mode (the hard routine of the day: training, study, philosophy) and even taught Spanish, "Pavlovsky recognized.

The guy was preparing to go to the army, but easily enrolled at the historical faculty of the OGU named after Ilya Minkov, where 15 people methyl. The university for him was Oveyan with the glory of Andrei Zhelyabov - the famous Tsarubytsa received a legal education here.

On the 2nd course, students formed a circle-commune "The subject of historical activity", removed the waters on the water, reflected on the philosophy of the revolution and about everything in the world. The KGB started on like-minded the first operational work of the development, and Gleb kicked twice from the Komsomol. First, for pacifism and antiarmia camps in military camps, which, however, did not prevent him from assigning the title of lieutenant. Then - for communicating with dangerous Muscovites.

In the 3rd year, the future publicist and journalist broke into Moscow, where he met Mikhail Gefater and closely came up with him in the late 70s - early 80s. Due to the unreliability, the graduate did not want to give a diploma, letting themselves with a certificate of completion of the university in the long-term settlement village, but as a result, the evidence of higher education was still acquired.


In the 1974th, the guy "earned" the first sentence on the "Odessa Viagaclav Mosnova" (for the distribution of the "Gulag Archipelago"), the trial decided to acquire the professionally independent of the authorities and became a joiner:

"My first masterpiece was Mary Stewart fee for Odessa DramaTheater. Then she worked in Kirzhach, built a barn in Novoselov, on the edge of the pond-funnel from the gagarin crashed here. 10 years I worked with my hands. Cut the forest, cut the locks, put the racks. Construction - a healthy place for a young carpenter with Mandelshtam in the pocket of the tag. "

In the 70s, among dissidents, the draft Samizdat "search" arose, where Daniel Harms texts, Grigory Pomeranian, Fazil Iskander, Georgy Vladimir, Vladimir Voinovich and others were located. Here Odessa came with the essay "Third Power", and eventually took the post of one of the publishers and editors.

In April 1982, Pavlovsky was arrested for journalistic activities. During the investigation, he recognized his guilt and after year in Butyrka received 5 years links to the Komi Republic. The prisoner worked by a fireman and the Malar, overlooking freedom in 1986.

Gleb Pavlovsky and Vladimir Putin

In Moscow, Gleb Olegovich participated in the creation of a "club of social initiatives" and the Moscow Popular Front, established the news agency "Fact" and "Postfaktum", headed the program "Civil society" of the Foundation "Cultural Initiative" and the Bulletin "Century XX and the World", entered the club "Perestroika".

In the 90s, the first Russian political technologist helped with the election campaigns Boris Yeltsin, Sergey Kiriyenko, Alexander Swedy, opposed Decree No. 1400 and the ideas of the privatization of Anatoly Chubais. At the same time, the professional biography was replenished with Kommersant ID, quarterly "Government Limits", Wednesday Journalistic Review, Non-Profit Organization "Fund of Effective Policy", "Russian Institute" and so on.

The political scientist was one of those who "did" Vladimir Putin as a policy and thought over the image of the "intelligent security officer" for the head of the state. In those years, his tasks and goals included the restoration of strong power by "weaponing a bunch of weak people tools of strength."

In zero, he was considered the main ideologist and the right hand of Vladislav Surkov and taught the Russian establishment to operate the concepts of the "vertical of power", "sovereign democracy", "West comes", "Putin's majority" and divide everyone to "they" and "we".

Since the autumn of 2005 in the spring of 2008, the author of the "new language of modern policy of Russia" was the TV presenter of the program "Real Politics", until April 2011 - Advisor to the Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation. In 2012, the former Soviet dissident passed on the side of the political opposition, formulated liberal views and launched the Internet magazine "Getter".

Personal life

The first time Pavlovsky associated himself as marriage in his youth. Chief of her husband, who gave her husband on January 9, 1974 in Odessa Son Serezhu, became the writer, poetess and journalist Olga Ilnitskaya.

Despite the fact that the spouses soon broke up, the pair still managed to maintain warm and friendly relations, as evidenced by photographs in their profiles in Facebook. The firstborn of the political scientist, according to some data, in zero was attributed to the "FEP".

After the divorce, the man tried to arrange a personal life three times and became his father for another 5 times. In the interview in 2011, he admitted that he was born only daughters. One of them on behalf of Natasha was born on October 19, on the day of the Tsarskosiel lyceum.

Gleb Pavlovsky now

Now Gleb Olegovich continues to publish the oldest Russian network "Russian Journal", founded by him, Marat Helman and Sergey Chernyshev in 1997, and engage in journalistic activities and writing. Shortly before the new 2021 author of the book "The Ironic Empire: Risk, Chance and Dogmas of the RF System" awarded the Literary Prize named after Alexander Pyatigorsky.

To the opinion of the political scientist and publicist on political events in Russia regularly adds to the media. So, in January 2021, he spoke in detail about the protests, calling them a "huge success of Alexei Navalny," and stated that the film of the last "Palace for Putin" "well identifies the tastes of man."

With Irina Shikhman, he talked about the twins of the current president of the Russian Federation, his conscience and relationship with Alina Kabaeva, as well as about Mikhail Gorbachev, Boris Yeltsin, Boris Nemtsov, propaganda and "American plagiarism".

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