Stephen Graham - biography, personal life, photos, news, movies, "sharp visors", actor, TV series 2021



British actor Stephen Graham knows lovers of thrillers and plenty films. During the years of creative career, he played a number of interesting roles. A person who did not strive for glory, thanks to acquaintance with outstanding directors, unexpectedly became popular. Now he is a favorite hundred thousand people.

Childhood and youth

Biography Stephen Graham Kelly began in the English city of Kerby. He was born in the summer of 1973 in a family living in the Ceremonial Metro County of Merserside.

The biological father is half the Swede, half the Yamaen, threw a family when the future actor was very small. The child brought up a mother who worked in the service of social support, and stepfather - a mechanic who retraced the assistant to the children's doctor.

Stephen Graham - biography, personal life, photos, news, movies,

Despite the difficult family situation, Stephen retained friendly relations with a person who gave him life. Not suffering from a lack of male attention, he grew up a strong boy with a solid character. In the elementary school of Overd-Dale, located near the house, the future actor immediately won the location and respect for classmates and teachers.

In the period of the formation of the person, the parents noticed natural creative abilities in the Son. At 8 years of age, the diligent student was given to the amateur dramatic circle. Over time, the young native Kerby got the main role in the play based on the adventure novel Robert Lewis Stevenson "Treasure Island". In the form of Jim Hokins, who fell into his hands to the pirates, Graham felt like a fish in the water.

The boy's game appreciated the local actor Andrew Schofield, starring in the movie "Sid and Nancy" and the Motheric English Comedy "Scully." A man at first sight realized that the Social Worker had a talent.

Stephen did not immediately realize and took the praise of the local star of cinema. At the end of the educational institution of the first step, he entered the Raffudsky General of Education College, not filling prospects in the field of creative activity. Only in the late 1980s student, who was reading the reading of dramatic works, realized that his fate would be a creative path.

A 14-year-old teenager who loved to go to ideas, by a lucky accident hit the "Eurymen" troupe, which settled in Liverpool. Senior comrades insisted on visiting courses in a prestigious specialized school Rose Bruford College of Theater & Performance, located in the suburb of London. As a result, Graham received a bachelor's degree in the faculty of acting skills and became confidently to look into the future.


At the initial stage of the creative career, Stephen was not lucky with work. From hopelessness, he began to fulfill the duties of the guard on the set of the British-American film "Big Kush".

At some point, the director, the screenwriter and producer Guy Richie remarked the young man with an increase of 168 cm and weighing 70 kg and exclaimed that it was such a hero he was needed. After samples and a short interview, Graham received the role of the owner of the gaming machine hall, which was a commercial partner of Jason Statera character.

Within a few months, the Briton collaborated with the stars of Hollywood and English cinema, like Brad Pitt, Alan Ford, Benicio del Toro and Dennis Farina. After the premiere, he was pleased to read the reviews and listen to the laudatory reviews of competent people.

The success of the picture of the adventures of the robbers has changed the biography of the graduate of the art school and allowed the shooting of Martin Scorsese "Gang New York" painting. The executor of the role of the second plan was decorated with an outstanding cast.

Stephen was not lost against the background of the eminent colleagues Cameron Diaz, Leonardo Di Caprio, Liam Nison and Daniel Dei Lewis. He was present at the Oscar awards, "Golden Globe" and BAFTA.

Stephen Graham - biography, personal life, photos, news, movies,

In the mid-2000s, in the filmography of the Briton, such projects appeared such as the sports drama "Goal!", The short-casting "Caskogon", the romantic comedy of "good night" and the humorous biography "Dirt and wisdom". Gramie was lucky enough to work with the Grand and win the hearts of thousands of fans of different genres.

The authors of criminal projects quickly understood that Graham is ideal for the role of gangsters. In the picture "Johnny D.", which became the screening of the documentary thriller Brian Barrow "Enemies of the Society: The greatest wave of crime in America and the birth of the FBI, 1933-1934," he recreated the image of the robber of banks of the baby Nelson; In the television series "Underground Empire" - played Al Capone. In 2019 in the American drama "Irelander", the actor got the Sicilian mafii Anthony Provenzano nicknamed Tony Pro.

Another role of the actor was immoral characters who have eased adventures. In the 2010 talented Briton became part of the epic on the pirates of the Caribbean Sea "Dead Man's Chest" and "the dead do not tell fairy tales." The character named Skram interacted in these episodes of Sagi with the heroes of Johnny Depp, Javier Bardem, Ian Markshene and Penelope Cruz.

Personal life

The first and sole wife of Graham is the British actress Hanna Walters. Personal life Couple gained new paints after the birth of two children. In the actor account in Twitter, there are joint photos with his wife, in the fan profile in "Instagram" there are no images of loved ones.

Stephen Graham now

Now Graham is busy on the set of a number of television and film projects. It is known that in 2021 he became one of the characters of the superhero film "Vienna: Let Carnazh be."

Stephen Graham - biography, personal life, photos, news, movies,

In the midst of a pandemic of coronavirus infection, a foreign portal Deadline said that Stephen and British actress Jody Commer plan to fulfill the leading roles in the film on the terrible disease of the XXI century. According to the authors of the publication, the plan of the Scriptists group will be implemented by the independent English channel Channel 4.

In 2021, a native Kerby was present on the set, where the work on the TV series "Boiling point" and "time" was full. There are rumors that he plans to become the successor Tom Hardy in the new season of the criminal drama "Acute Visors".


  • 2000 - "Big Kush"
  • 2002 - "Gangs of New York"
  • 2005 - "Goal!"
  • 2006 - "This is England"
  • 2008 - "Ink Heart"
  • 2008 - "Passion"
  • 2009 - "Johnny D."
  • 2010-2014 - "Underground Empire"
  • 2011 - "Pirates of the Caribbean: on strange shores"
  • 2011 - "Spy, come out!"
  • 2017 - "Boy in Blue T-shirt"
  • 2017 - "Pirates of the Caribbean: the dead do not tell fairy tales"
  • 2017 - "Gimmler's brain called heydrich"
  • 2019 - "Irishman"
  • 2020 - "Murder on the farm" Whitehouse "
  • 2020 - "Grayhaound"
  • 2020-2021 - "Error 404"

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