Nikolay Gamaley - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, nationality, microbiologist, family



Nikolai Gamaley - Soviet and Russian doctor, the largest domestic microbiologist, Ukrainian by nationality. The biography of a scientist is an example of hard work, perseverance and fearless service of science. Difficulty health and great physical strength characteristic of his kind, the researcher worked all over a year without rest and was not afraid of the most risky experiments.

Childhood and youth

Nikolai Fedorovich Gamaley was born on February 17, 1859 in Odessa, the Russian Empire, in the noble family, which originated from the Zaporizhia Cossacks. The father of the scientist participated in the Patriotic War of 1812, he became a civilian governor in Tambov, where he helped the Orthodox Church to deal with the sect of the Skoptsov.

Parents Nikolai Fedorovich was a twelfth child. Having received education in the gymnasium, the young man entered the University of Novorossiysk for the natural department of the Physics and Mathematics Faculty.

During training on the 2nd course, Nikolai Fedorovich lost his father. So in early youth, an independent life began. For three years in a row, the student went to Strasbourg, where he fulfilled the first scientific work on the effect of oxygen on the processes of rotting and fermentation.

In 1881, Gamalei graduated from the University with a degree of candidate of science and together with his mother went to the Military Medical Academy of St. Petersburg. At the introductory exam on the anatomy, he infected with abdominal typhoid and seriously ill. For his life, Nikolai Fedorovich was not afraid, but worried that because of the bed regime would miss practical classes on generally clinical disciplines.

The science

At the end of the Academy, Gamalei returned to Odessa and went to work in the city hospital. Medical activity began as an employee of the prominent neuropathologist Osipa Osipovich Mochevkovsky. In the hospital, he saw a lot of adults and children who have been having infectious diseases without help and even relieve suffering.

At home, Gamalei created a microbiological laboratory, where he worked with Ilya Meschnikov. Together they conducted research on phagocytosis.

In 1885, Nikolai Fedorovich collaborated in Paris with Louis Pasteur. The Frenchman created a network of bacteriological stations to make vaccinations to peasants, and the same in his hometown opened Gamalei with Yakov Barda.

In 1888, Nikolai Fedorovich first suggested using sacramental bacillus to protect against cholera. Their harmless epidemiologist experienced first on himself, and then on his wife. He also established a source of dissemination of the disease - due to the fault of the royal government and officials, uncleanness in the Russian Empire was taken out in the rivers, lakes and wells. And from there, then they took water for drinking and washing, which became the cause of mass death among the population. The best ways to combat the disease in the people were considered to be declaration of tar, bloodletting, use of wine with pepper, fumuring with bread vinegar, the use of leeches. Of course, nothing helped.

All cities of Russia microbiologist divided into three groups by the degree of danger of infection. To the first group, he was attributed to Baku, Tiflis, Saratov, Astrakhan, Samara, Derbent, Tsaritsyn (future Volgograd). In all these settlements there were many ravines in which dirty wastewater accumulated, which were the source of antisanitarian.

In the summer of 1902, the plague came to Odessa. Gamalei called on the city council to destroy rats, which were distinguished by the disease, and it helped to stop the epidemic. To do this, I had to conflict with the owners of port warehouses, where contaminated rodents lived. Nikolai Fedorovich also made a significant contribution to microbiology and virology, studying typhus, tuberculosis, OPU.

Personal life

Gamalei was happy in his personal life, having lived 60 years with his wife's hope of Mikhailovna, who gave him five children. Son Fedor continued the dynasty, conducted research in Transbaikal, but during the reprimals of the 1930s received an absurd accusation in an attempt to poison the Amur River. After a year and a half he was released.

The son of Boris became an economist, during the Great Patriotic War was called to the front. Mary's daughter, along with his father, conducted tuberculosis studies during evacuation in Borov.

The grandson of Gamalei Nikolai Fedorovich became a surgeon and the first in the USSR mastered the laser scalpel created by Academician Alexander Prokhorov. As the son of the "enemy of the people", he was exiled to Kiev and there with the help of this invention treated oncological patients.


Nikolai Fedorovich died on March 29, 1949 in Moscow, until the last day, retaining performance and freshness of thought. The grave is located on the Novodevichy Cemetery. On Pokhodinskaya Street, a monument was established to scientist.


  • 1956 - Monument to Nikolai Gamalee in Moscow
  • 1959 - Portrait of Nicholas Gamaley on the USSR brand
  • 1987 - Bronze medal to the 125th anniversary of the birth of Nikolai Fedorovich Gamalei
  • 2009 - Portrait of Nicholas Gamaley on the mail envelope of Ukrrain Mail
  • National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after N. F. Gamaley (Moscow)
  • Nikolai Gamalei's name worn streets in Odessa, Moscow, Tomsk, Sumy, Taraz


  • 1943 - Stalin's second degree premium for many years of outstanding work in the field of science and technology
  • 1945 - Order of the Labor Red Banner
  • 1949 - two orders of Lenin

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