Alexandra Maslakova - biography, personal life, photo, news, "instagram", "last hero", model 2021



In the biographies of the participants of the 9th season of the show "The Last Hero" Alexandra Maslakovaya and Elmira Abdrazakova a lot in common. Both girls in childhood survived the divorce of the parents, lived in cities with a harsh climate and participated in beauty contests. However, Alexander, except for a career model, succeeded and as a television and radio host. If Abdrazakova Shadhenka, then her girlfriend-rival on the team of newcomers - Maslakov - Dazzling blonde.

Childhood and youth

Alexandra was born on June 26, 1995 in Krasnodar. According to information published in the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper in 2015, the charming blonde has 3 senior sisters.

Shortly after the birth of the youngest daughter, the Maslakov family moved to the north. Then the parents divorced, and Alexander was left to live with her mother in Khanty-Mansiysk - the city of Gasovikov, 3 months before the appearance of Sasha on the light that received the status of the capital of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

As for Abdrazakova, for the oil ideal, a man is not a father, but the grandfather on the motherboard, about which Alexander told in the heading "I am proud!" Morning programs with you "Channel" Tyumen time "in the spring of 2019. Anatoly Filippovich Perkatoy was born in July 1941 and for obvious reasons could not participate in hostilities.

Senior Alexandra relatives worked all his life by an auto mechanic, raised 2 daughters and participated in the upbringing of granddaughter. Maslakov showed a photo of his grandfather at different ages and said that during the war years the life of a little Anatolia was saved by an unknown German soldier. Seeing the scornful boy, the German brought his mother 3 bag with provisions, in which there was a stew, and bread, and milk.

In 2015, Alexandra's mother - Elena Anatolyevna - told Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondents that herself led the daughter to the Khanty-Mansiysk school of models - Sasha was the highest in the class and in the adolescence began to shove this and slouch. Thanks to the classroom, the girl learned to walk on heels and straightened the shoulders in the literal and figurative sense.

According to Alexandra interviews, the blonde with aidity was so freedom, that the mother did not even think to ask her, in which hour she would return from a walk or discos. However, Elena Anatolyevna influenced the choice of university for her daughter. According to the advice of the mother, very wanted to see Sasha lawyer, Maslakova received a higher education at the Jürfak of the Ugra State University.


At the lawyer, Alexander studied in absentia - at the same time, the girl worked at the Arbitration Court and in the personnel department of the Government of the KhMAO. Mother kept his sachet's judge or deputy career.

Everything changed after Maslakov took part in the Miss Russia - 2015 contest. The native of Krasnodar fell into the twenty of the strongest participants. After returning to Western Siberia, Alexander was asked to hold a review of Beauty Khanty-Mansiysk, and the girl realized that the entertainment and mass media industry would be much stronger than a bureaucratic job.

Maslakov quit the department of the government of the Autonomous Okrug and tried to settle in the "Ugra" television company. The path of beauty to the leading was not easy - almost six months, Alexandra worked in "Ugra" for free, and the mother did not speak with the girl with a girl. 2 months after Sasha was taken to the staff, the editorial office, in which she was accepted, closed.

Together with the beloved Maslakov moved to Tyumen. The native of Krasnodar tried to find a job at Sibibormbüro, but Alexander took there only from the second attempt - in 2018. Before that, the girl worked on the Tyumen Region-Tyumen television station, where they saw the producers of the Tyumen radio station "Red Army" and invited to casting. On Radio Maslakov led the morning show "Freshness", and on television - the heading "Beautiful life" in the program "Morning with you."

In December 2020, Alexander, now living in Moscow, took part in the presentation of the Gold Microphone diploma in the nomination "Best Entertainment Program" in the category "Dictionary of Fashion Words" Radio "Red Army". In the dreams of Maslakova - work on the channel "Match TV". The girl took part in the casting of the sports channel, entered the top ten finalists and December 23rd read the news from the world of skating sports.

Personal life

As with Abdrazakova, at the time of participation in the beauty contest "Miss Russia", Maslakova was a guy. Now the heart of Alexandra is free. Beauty does not like to share the details of personal life with correspondents, but it is known that its main passion is snowboarding. On the girl's page in "Instagram" you can see the pictures of Alexandra on a snowy board not only in winter equipment, but also in a swimsuit. Maslakova can be proud of the figure: with a height of 175 cm, the waist of the native of Krasnodar is only 59 cm.

Alexandra's favorite book - "Little Prince". The girl is interested in psychology and travel. Maslakova argues that it has never been late in life to work.

"Last Hero. Champions against newcomers "

In January 2021, Alexander, like other participants of the show "The last hero. Champions against newcomers "flew into the archipelago Zanzibar, the most famous native of which is Freddie Mercury. To lead a competition for survival, as in the 8th season, entrusted actress Yane Trojanova.

Alexandra Maslakova - biography, personal life, photo, news,

In addition, the shooting of the show first passed in Africa, for participants and audience of the 9th season, the organizers prepared a lot of surprises. So, in the middle of the project to the novice tribe, the winner of the 5th season of the "Patzanka" show Anastasia Petrov, and the size of the prize was for the first time amounted to 5 million rubles. Before the start of shooting, Maslakova promised in case of victory half the amount of winning to spend on the mother.

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