Christina Arabin - biography, personal life, photos, news, actress, movies, TV series "Vacation", "Instagram" 2021



TNT TV channel decided to attend and warm his viewers in a cold winter, from February 1, 2021, sending to Gelendzhik to "vacation" in Gelendzhik together with a large family from Severodvinsk. The 20-serial comedy turned out to be a debut for the carnival carnival and Maxim Vinokurov, which was lucky to reach one set with acting masters by Tatiana Dogileva and Pavel Maikov. The episodes in the role of Cossack "lit up" and Anton Lapenko, and the position of the fitness instructor occupied Christina Arabin.

Childhood and youth

The future actress was born on January 22, 1982, from her words, in the steppes of Uzbekistan, where all the childhood passed. School years a girl spent in the city of Tchaikovsky, located in the Perm Territory of Russia, visiting the Lyceum "Sinton". Having acquired a certificate of maturity, the graduate moved to the Black Sea and entered the Anapa branch of the Sochi State University of Tourism and Resort.

Christina always attracted a feshen industry, television, theater and cinema. At the age of 20, the Beauty won the title "Miss Smile" at Miss Anapa - 2003, became Mrs. Perfection at the Beauty and Talent Competition "Queen Sochi. Mrs. - 2017 "and received the Fashion Mama Award. In 2019 she sat down in the jury's chair "Miss Youth".

"I believe that any work should be based on professionalism. For example, before going to television, I received additional education in Moscow - graduated from the Higher School of Cinema and Television "Ostankino" in the specialty "Tele-friendly", "the woman said in 2019.

His study in Ostankino, the girl combined with rehearsals in the Moscow authoring theater Valentine Dudnikova, where the partner in one of the performances was Anna Nazarey. Arabbin was responsible for "interactive" on "Radio 7 on seven hills", "News" led on the "Anapa region" TRK, summed up the "results of the week", spoke with the appeal "Follow me", took an interview for Bora Bora TV and went out on podium.

As for family biography, a little know about it. Celebrity has nieces Carolina and Anna and Brother Vadim, celebrating his birthday on April 2.

Theater and films

The TV presenter in 2019 admitted that the scene occupies an important place in her life:"I treat your acting activities responsibly. I studied at the Raman School Anapa, serve in the Anapa National Aquarium Theater in the Central Committee of the Motherland, and now I study at Krasnodar's film school called "Artanda". Fortunately, I manage to combine learning with work and active shooting. "

In the Aquarium, the actress shone in the production of "New Year's fairy tale for adults", "royal brooch, or rubies for special forces", "now or never". In 2020, she demonstrated a "date" etude and extended the poem "For a long time, everything has passed, but the memory is eternal ...", dedicated to the day of the memory of victims of political repression in Russia.

Christina Vyacheslavovna is glad to learn from a new one, so admiralized knowledge from Tatiana Dogileva in Acting Laboratory Amedia and held an intensive master class with Casting-Director Elizabeth Shmakova and director Oleg Asadulin.

Beginning filmography Ambisciotic beauty put back in 2015, when Dmitry Sorokina has fallen into the continuation of the "truth in wine", the next year flashed in a documentary "sweet woman" ("The investigation was led ... with Leonid Kanevsky").

In 2017, the artist worked on Horrior "Dibbuk" Evgenia Kleenov, put her hand to the "fugitive" with Ivan Okhlobystin in the lead role, starred in the "coach" Danils of Kozlovsky and Amoka. In 2018, the creative biography was replenished with a short film "Kubanoid", which went to the FML48 contest, to "live to love", the "Izacha-2" detective and the 4th season of the Policeman from Rublevka.

In 2019, a resident of Anapa "lit up" in Semefeda - Spin-Off Sitcomes "Kitchen" and "Eleon Hotel" on STS and in the 2159th series of an infinite "track" on the fifth channel.

Personal life

On April 28, 2007, Christina arranged a personal life, having married a beloved named Timofey. Since then, noting the anniversary of the wedding, they dress up in T-shirts with inscriptions "I am with her" and "I am with him", bought before marriage. The husband TV presenter and the actress calls their guardian angel, the true king and the main support in everything.

Spouses raise the only son of Artem, whose photos periodically flicker in the instagram account of the mother. On September 1, 2015, the boy went to the first class of the local school "Rostock", signed up in a chess circle, went to the competition and participated in the Olympiads.

Slender Karglazaya Blonde (height 165 cm with weight 50 kg) carefully monitors the figure, regularly demonstrated in swimsuits, visits the fitness hall and is engaged in horse riding.

Christina Arabina now

At 2021, in addition to the TV series "Vacation", where the Comedy Club resident Demis Karibidis came as an actor and script author, with the participation of Arabin, the yield of several multi-sieves films was scheduled. Among them - "What was that there will be, Igor Kechaeva and" how to marry a plumbing "Alexander Vysokovsky.

Christina Vyacheslavovna continues to work on anappish television, playing the folk theater, to be filmed in advertising and music clips and try yourself as a model and even singers.


  • 2015 - "Truth in Wine-2"
  • 2017 - "Fugitive"
  • 2018 - "Trainer"
  • 2018 - "Policeman from Rublevka-4"
  • 2018 - "Izkanka-2"
  • 2018 - "CHOOSE TO LOVE"
  • 2018 - "Amok"
  • 2019 - "Trail"
  • 2019 - "Seatiafed"
  • 2021 - "Vacation"
  • 2021 - "What was that there will be,"

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