Arina Meladze - biography, personal life, photo, news, daughter Valery Meladze, "Instagram" 2021



Celebrity children account for difficult from the very beginning. They fall into the focus of the public the public in childhood, and over the years, cautious views continue to follow them, trying to see the stains in their biographies. Arina Meladze, the youngest daughter of the famous singer, tries to behave decently and do not compromise the father of the inappropriate behavior.

Childhood and youth

Arina - Daughter Valery Meladze and his first spouse Irina Malukhina. The history of their relationship began in student years, when both studied in the Nikolaev shipbuilding institute. 3 years after the acquaintance, Valery and Irina got married, and soon children began to appear in their family. True, the firstborn passed away almost immediately after birth, but in 1991 the eldest daughter of Inga Meladze appeared on the world.

Valeria began a career take-off, and he moved his wife and a child to Moscow. There in 1999 the daughter of Sofia was born. Marriage Meladze seemed strong and solid, he was not built on passion, but on mutual respect and understanding. On December 7, 2002, the Family was replenished with another child - Daughter Arina. But then the spouse felt something wrong: the husband began to move away from her and live like a separate life.

Her fears were not in vain: In 2004, the singer was born the extramarital son Konstantin, who became the back-in vocalist Meladze, and later the participant of the group "VIA Gra" Albina Dzhanabaeva. Little Arina smasted, in the meantime, she had another composite brother of Luka, born in 2014.

By the time Valery had already left the family and concluded a second marriage. He did not cease to be a loving father for daughters who left the mansion on Rublevka, and made every effort so that the girls did not need anything. Arina, like her sisters, gladly spent time with his father and did not keep evil on him. Meladze and daughters went to Monaco and other foreign trips.

Unlike children of many stars, Arina did not strive to popularity and did not seek the privileges that would give famous kinship. The middle sister of Sofia Meladze and admitted at all that she tries to hide the surname not to attract increased attention.

Arina grew calm, brought up and curious. School classes and homework did not tired her, on the contrary, she always highlighted time for additional academic work. To enroll in the medical institute, focused on the exam in chemistry and biology. Sometimes the mother had to take the textbooks from the daughter.

The tension from studying Arina compensated for sports. At first she chose boxing, and then moved to a hand-to-hand fight. Another anti-stress agent has become cooking. The girl even graduated from special courses from the Moscow Chef, where he learned to approach cooking professionally.


As a child, Meladze thought that the Father would grow a creative person. 6 years she gave ballet and 2 years - art school. And then remembered how in a gentle age loved to "treat" toys, playing in the doctor. And put a goal - to learn at the pediatrician.

After graduating from school in 2020, Arina entered the medical university. She inspired the prospect to save people, but the girl thought about the upcoming student practice in the morgue with a shudder. With the beginning of the Pandemic, COVID-19 Meladze adopted a living personnel and sick citizens, for which he received gratitude from the Moscow Health Department.

Personal life

Arina is not thinking about personal life. She happened to fall in love in school years, but there is no relationship with guys meladze. While her thoughts are studying and sports. The girl leads a page in "Instagram", where it is divided by fresh photos.

Arina Meladze now

Now the youngest daughter Meladze is studying at the Medical Institute. The first session of Arina passed without problems than was shared with subscribers in "Instagram". At first she had to receive the formation remotely, but with the transition to full-time, the girl expressed concern that conditions were not created in universities to safely visits students.

In January 2021, it became known that Meladze broke the neck. The circumstances of obtaining injury, the girl left in the shadows, but told the subscribers that her well-being is normal. It turned out that Arina is broken by one vertebra.

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