Svetlana Smekhnova (Blagoevich) - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, husband Dragan Blagoevich, filmography 2021



In the youth of Svetlana, Schokhnova was a favorite of Russian spectators, but lost everything after the decision to go after her beloved in someone else's country. The marriage turned out to be unhappy, and the actress faced the problem of unclaimed, which led to difficult consequences.

Childhood and youth

Svetlana Smexov was born on October 3, 1950 in the Russian capital Moscow. The childhood of the future star was happy, she was brought up in the family of the composer and the opera singers, was engaged in ballet and took the piano lessons.

The girl grew up a real beauty. When she was 3 years old, an employee of the studio of scientific and popular films was noted at her, which offered the light to start the acting career. A small performer participated in the creation of instructive rollers for children.

Svetlana Smekhnova (Blagoevich) - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, husband Dragan Blagoevich, filmography 2021 2943_1

But soon in the biography of the celebrity there was a dark band. Her father fell in love with another woman and created a new family. The mother lost his voice, so he left the opera and settled to work as a assistant director on Mosfilm. The time for concern about the heir was catastrophically lacked, and Svetlana was forced to go to the boarding school, from where he came home only for the weekend. There the girl had to be embarrassed, because the pupils beat for any provinces.

Only in 15 years, Skakhnova was able to leave the walls of a hateful institution and return to a regular school. The study did not interest the light, and she walked the lessons together with her friend, whose brother was an employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Thanks to him, the girls visited closed discos, where foreign performers were performed.

But already in the 10th grade, the celebrity forgot about parties, because a movie appeared in her life. These actresses were kept in a film studio for years, repeatedly updated, and once her photo saw Gregory Kozintsev, who was looking for a performer for the role of Cordelius in the King Lira. Although the girl was not approved, the director instilled the hope that she would succeed in the acting profession.

After graduating from school, I decided to act in VGIK, only from the first attempt it failed. In subsequent years, she visited listening to different theatrical universities, but was not lucky. But the young artist was actively called for samples, and in early 70s she was a star.

Theater and films

In 1968, the premiere of the musical drama "Little School Orchestra", in which Svetlana played the double bass. Composer Mikael Tariverdiev created musical works to the picture, focusing directly on the young performer. But, since jazz sounded in the film, it was considered nonpatariotic and postponed on the shelf. Assessing the plot of the audience were able only to years later.

But the shooting helped the symotunk finally realize that she wants to be actress. Svetlana again made an attempt to enter the university, this time in the Schukin school, but did not come out. At the steps of the educational institution, the director Vyacheslav Nikiforov, who invited her to a major role in the short filler "Coast of Princess Lyuska".

Larisa Udovichenko and Svetlana Smekhnova in the movie "Mother's Daughters"

To enroll in VGIK Svetlana succeeded only when there were already pictures of "Merry Magic" and "Wait for me, Anna" in her filmography. She fell on the course to Sergey Gerasimov and Tamara Makarova, referred to her as his native daughter. The mentor often called a student to visit him to share secrets. In 1974, Makarov played the mother of the Mother of the Mother's Mother's film, and the role of her sister was performed by Larisa Udovichenko.

The picture brought the actress popularity, but after graduating from the university, she moved to Yugoslavia. The performer has devoted himself to serving the scene, played in the performances of the "Witch", "Dead Souls", "Blue Blood" and "Leap Year". The celebrity worked for wear, there were posters with her everywhere, but she still felt longing in his homeland.

During the next short visit to Moscow, the performer called and invited the painting "Taiga Tales" to shoot. Svetlana Fedorovna did not give up such an opportunity and agreed to play an excellent blonde El. At the site, she met Mikhail Kononov, with whom her friendship had a friendly relationship.

Return to the motherland finally decided only in the 90s. The first time was not, so it worked as a journalist and translator. But then it began to shoot her again, the performer played small roles in such series, as "Stiletto", "Captive Children" and "Zakhal", and retired.

Personal life

In 1974, the artist married the Yugoslav director Dragan Blagoevich and took his last name, becoming Svetlana Smekhovoy-Blagoevich. Soon the spouses had a son who was named after Mikhail. For a while, a young family lived at the parents of Dragan, but then they decided to move to his homeland.

Svetlana Smekhnova with husband and daughter

In Yugoslavia, the actress gave birth to chosen one daughter Anastasia. Relations between them were not charged: the husband was very jealous, but at the same time I looked at young artists. As a result, the celebrity could not stand and went to Russia. Children stayed with Dragan.

In the future, she saw heirs only during rare meetings. Star repeatedly tried to establish a personal life, but found happiness alone. Only the usual way to do was violated when a former husband and daughter with children settled in Moscow came to Moscow.

Svetlana Smekhnova now

Now Smexov supports communication with journalists. At the beginning of 2021, she gave an interview for the "express newspaper" and told about health problems. And already in February, the celebrity became the guest of the program "Let them say", where he publicly accused the former husband and the daughter in the fact that they want to take an apartment from her. The actress complained that Blagoevich set a bottle near the bed every time she fell asleep to put it with an alcoholic.

Svetlana Smekhnova (Blagoevich) - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, husband Dragan Blagoevich, filmography 2021 2943_4

But the relatives of the performer did not agree with her words. The daughter of Anastasia stated that the creators of the program were deceived forced their family to come to the transmission. They promised to relieve the issue of the fate of the symkimna, and in return used her painful state and arranged a show.


  • 1968 - "Little School Orchestra"
  • 1969 - "Merry Magic"
  • 1969 - "Coast of Princess Lycie"
  • 1969 - "Wait for me, Anna"
  • 1971 - "Committee of nineteen"
  • 1971 - "Musician's Sister"
  • 1974 - "Mother's Daughters"
  • 1979 - "Taiga Tale"
  • 1988 - "Seven Days of Hope"
  • 1997 - "The war is over. Forget ... "
  • 2003 - "Stiletto"
  • 2006 - "Captive Children"
  • 2008 - "SOCHAR"

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