Sophia Volodchinskaya - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, "fop", "Instagram", films 2021



In the last days of January 2021, Kinopoisk HD presented a mystical thriller "Topi", where the actress Sophia Volodchinskaya played his first major role. Screenwriter, writer Dmitry Glukhovsky, admitted that the plot of the series came to his head for almost a decade ago, but was not suitable for television. The idea was able to realize thanks to the cutting platform, and it was clearly worth it - a lot of topics raised in the project, gained relevance only now.

Childhood and youth

A musician, businessman and collector Alexander Vododchinsky was lucky to be surrounded by beautiful women. He had 3 daughters - Sophia (November 22, 1996), Emma and Sasha.

The ancestors of the head of the family - from the Ostroshitsky town and Smilovichi - the places where the Him Sutin came to this world. Grandmother was a contemporary artist, and the great-grandmother rests next to his parents. The man was famous for the meeting of Russian painting, nicknamed in his homeland in Belarus with a small Tretyakovka. In 2015, an exhibition of the paintings of the Archproun, Alexander Benua, organized by him, Vasily Pereova was located in the Department of Personal Collections of the Pushkin Museum, taking 5 halls.

Uncle Arseni Arseni Sagalchik - Honored Artistic Worker, until the last days held the post of chief of St. Petersburg Tyuza. The niece called him a genius and still grateful for professional tips on Skype.

The girl received a secondary education in several schools: from 2003 to 2010 she studied in the 1243rd, and from 2010 to 2012 - in Tso No. 1440 (and there, and there the emphasis was done into English). A future celebrity from the "Class-Center" No. 686 was produced, where they acquired knowledge in the field of music and drama, and conquered Gitis, being in the workshop of Pavel Khomsky and Sergey Golomazov.

A student shone in "Proshans. An attempt to read "(Grand Prix of the festival" Your chance ")," innocent games "," income "and read the story" Nightmare "TEFFI on a speech exam.

"In 2012, I got to Sachirikon on the play" King Lear ". For me, 15-year-old it was like a push in the stratosphere. I did not understand what happened to me and how to be with it, but it was 100% obvious only one thing: I want it and nothing else. Since then, I started studying the theater, "the artist shared with subscribers.

In August 2020, she also had attracted to the world of Boris Yuhananova, it was possible to enroll on the stretch and get to Yuri Bucosov - the Creator of the Shakespeare Plan, who became the key "to the most beautiful and amazing life."

Theater and films

On September 20, 2018, the Moscow Province Theater under the leadership of Sergey Belakova took three recruits at once in the troupe. In addition to Vododchinskaya, the joking ceremony of dedication is pulling up on a spear of the Guardsmen-Gasconsets from Sirano de Bergerac - Valentina Polomoshnova and Daria Ryabtsev passed.

Already on the 30th, Sophia debuted in the ensemble of the children's performance "Jungle Book. Mowgli, "where the wolf danced, Bandar Log, Red Psu and the Golden Statue, then having received the main role of the crazy Anna Pavlovna in the" outrage ".

Sophia Volodchinskaya - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress,

Relationships with cinema from the student of Gityis began to reincarnate in the blogger Maria Cherry in a detective "Crime". The series, where Daria Moroz joined the post of investigator SC, is the Russian adaptation of the Danish-Norwegian-Swedish "murder" who won the BAFTA and the nomination on Emmy.

In 2017, Muscovite starred in the short film "Comfortable desires of a simple person", after 2 years by adding the creative biography of the episode "former-2" with Denis Shvedov and Love Axenova.

Personal life

Now Slim Barglazaya Shadhenka (height 178 cm with a weight of 63 kg) most often places pictures with friends, colleagues, family members, refraining from lad out photos of the second half. About her personal life, she does not inform the press and only indicated a laconic "married" in the profile in Facebook. In February 2021, the author shared the sad news - did not become her beloved father, who replaced the mother and the existent very best person in the world.

However, in "Instagram" for the 2015th, it is possible to find publications with a young man whom the girl called "its unreality, infinity and immense", offering to grow together. Among the loved ones of the artist - the leader of Tesla Boy Anton Sevidov, trying to the "Gogol Center", Sergey Dolinov - the "Bull" star, the winner of the "Kinotava-2019" laureate and Calcannitsa Polina Auga, daughter Julia Auga.

Beauty with the face of Monica Bellucci and the natural grace of Juliet Mazina comfortably feels like a model, willingly participate in advertising shooting for famous brands of jewelry and clothing. At the beginning of the 2020, Tatler magazine wrote about the ascending star of cinema:

"In Chanel Vododchinskaya call" new friend "and promise to" dress at the events and support things in concomitant creative endeavors. " She herself, meanwhile, dreams of a mint tweed suit with a mini skirt. The artist is convinced: "you need to live so that you can afford to get to the Chanel on the border."

Sophia Volodchinskaya now

In 2021, Volodchinskaya added to his growing filmography "Topi" directed by Vladimir Mirzoyeva. In the "Russian Twin Picse", which was in the consonant topics of Andrei Tarkovsky in "Solaris" and "Stalker", she played a heroine from the Caucasus, trying to confront the values ​​of the family, and rightfully won the title of the main find of the series.


  • 2016 - "Crime"
  • 2017 - "The complex desires of a simple person"
  • 2019 - "Former-2"
  • 2021 - "Topi"

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