Taghar Rakhim - biography, personal life, photo, news, "Prophet", actor, Leila Behti, filmography 2021



Taghar Rahim always sought to avoid stereotypical roles of Middle Eastern immigrants from a criminal world or French lovers' heroes. Nevertheless, from the first amplua, the actor finally get rid of it and failed. The role of Rahima, famous in France, which has fallen into prison, has found world fame after the release of a film about a suspect in the terrorism of Guantanamo prisoner prisoner.

Childhood and youth

Taghar Rahim was born on July 4, 1981 in the city of Belfort in the east of France, in the family of immigrants from Algerian Oren. His father was in his homeland was a teacher before becoming workers in a factory in France. From youth Taghar has two languages, although his mother, mostly, speaks Arabic.

In childhood, Taghar spent a lot of time in cinemas, looking every day for several films and being in "Semi-Apartment" from the cinema. When friends appeared a video recorder, and at home - cable television, it became not to tear off the child's screen.

Taghar Rakhim - biography, personal life, photo, news,

After graduating from Lyceum Condorse, however, the young man was in a sports college in Strasbourg. According to him, Taghar never filled the application for admission to it and, having received an invitation to appear on classes, thought that maybe this is fate. But for the year swimming quickly bored. Then Taghar decided to study mathematics and computer science in Marseille, but threw his studies in two months.

In the end, Taghar decided that we had to follow these desires, and went to Montpellier to study at the University of Valerie. In 2005, during classes in the university, Rakhim became the hero of the documentary film Syril Menegan "Taghar, Student".

After that, Taghar moved to the capital, where he was engaged in the acting laboratory of Elene Zidi-Sheru. At the same time, work in the nightclub appeared in his biography and on the production of computer discs. At the invitation of Zidi-Sherui Rahehim appeared in the theatrical stage of the play of Leonard Gersha "Butterflies are free", where he played a blind man living in the center of Manhattan.


In 2007, the actor played in the TV channel CANAL + "community" TV channel, talking about the crime in the Muslim region. In the same year, Taghar appeared in a small role of a policeman in the horror movie "Revenge Unborn".

Raheim received the first of the main roles in the drama of Jacques Odiara "Prophet" - stories about the 19-year-old Arabic young man, which fell into a French prison. In an interview, Rahim told that, removing in the "Prophet", he learned to be more confident in himself and trust instincts. For his acting work, Rahim received the Awards of the European Film Academy, "Crystal Globe", "Lyomier", Bafta and 2 Prizes "Cesar" - for the best male role and as the most promising actor.

2011 was marked with a release of 4 films with Rakhim. The international career of Taghar began in the tape "Eagle of the Ninth Legion", where the French actor played the son of the Chief of the Picture tribe.

Taghar Rakhim - biography, personal life, photo, news,

In the film "Free People" Rahim fulfilled the role of the young Algerian during World War II, and in the film "Love and Absadin" became a Frenchman in love with China. Finally, in the joint film of France, Italy and Qatar "Black Gold" Jean-Jacques Anno Rakhim received the main role of Prince Juda.

The following year, Raheim entered the Jury of the Asian Cinema Festival in Deauville and played in the social drama "after love." In 2013, in the account of the actor 3 of the high-profile project: in the Drama "Past", Comedy "Grand Central. Love for atoms "(worker atomic station Harry) and thriller" Gibraltar ". Then Rakhim fulfilled the main role of Armenian Nazareth Manukyan in the film on the Armenian Genocide "Scar", appeared in the Dramatic Comedy "Samba" with Omar Si and played a benevolent robber in the family film "Per Noel".

During the Cannes Festival in 2015, Rahim entered the jury of the "special look" program. This year, at his account, the main role of the Police Spy Jean Albertini in the Drama "Anarchists", as well as the return to television screens in the TV series "Recent Panthers" on the robberies of jewelry stores. 2017 marked by the release of two projects: the fantasy drama "The Secret of the Dark Room" and the author's film "Price of Success".

In 2018, Rakhim became the performer of the role of agent FBI Ali Sufan in the American TV series "Ghost Tower", dedicated to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. In the biblical film "Maria Magdaline", the Frenchman played Judas Iskariota, also appearing in the romantic drama "Players". The following year, Taghar became one of the main characters of "real love in New York".

Personal life

Taghar Rakhim is married to French actress Leila Bechti (born on March 6, 1984), from whom he met in 2007 at the shooting of the film "Prophet", where Leila was the only girl in the cast.

The actor considers to be wrong to put a personal life for everyone, tries to protect the personal space, which is very valuable. For a long time, the couple held in secret relationships and the wedding held in 2010, not appearing together and not mention each other in an interview.

According to Rakhima, it was very important for him to decide on marriage - this is a contract, proof of love and loyalty, as well as a certain obligation. The actor believes that marriage in life can only be one. On July 25, 2017, the son of Rakhima - Suleiman appeared.

In 2020, a joint project was formed in the filmography of the spouses - the series Netflix Eddie. Taghar fulfilled a small role of Farida, a trumpeter and co-owner of the jazz club, and Leila is his scenic wife Amire.

The actor is registered only in the Instagram network, and there now publishes almost only photoenens of new moving films.

Taghar Rahim now

On February 12, 2021, the premiere of the British Drama "Mauritan" was held, where Taghar Rahim fulfilled the role of Mohammed Ultra Sloka, the real prisoner of Guantanamo prison, suspected of the September 11 terrorist attack, whose memoram was withdrawn. For execution of the role of Taghar, nominated for the Golden Globe Prize and the London Community Prize of the Film Community.

Preparation for survey took 2 years, during this time the Oscar Prize winner Kevin McDonald and the actor thoroughly worked out the character of the character. The shooting took place 6 days a week and 12 hours a day, by the end the actor rolled down. In the film, Jody Foster and Benedict Cumberbatch were also filmed.

Also in 2021, the "Therapy" series came out on the screens, where Rahim played the role of a police officer, and "snakes", in which Taghar depicted a serial killer of the 1970s Charles Group.


  • 2007 - "Community"
  • 2009 - "Prophet"
  • 2011 - "Eagle of the Ninth Legion"
  • 2011 - "Black Gold"
  • 2012 - "After Love"
  • 2013 - "Grand Central. Love for atoms »
  • 2014 - "Scar"
  • 2014 - "Samba"
  • 2014 - "My friend Santa Claus"
  • 2015 - "Anarchists"
  • 2015 - "Recent Panthers"
  • 2017 - "Maria Magdalina"
  • 2018 - "Ghost Tower"
  • 2019 - "Real Love in New York"
  • 2021 - "Snake"
  • 2021 - "Mauritan"

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