Antonina Chebotareva - biography, personal life, photos, news, "instagram", wife Sergei Svetlakova 2021



February 12, 2021 in Yutiub-Channel "And to talk?" Irina Shikhman had an interview with Sergey Svetlakov, where he told about youth in Yekaterinburg, parents, about the attitude towards Alexey Navalny and Palace for Putin. The conversation took place in Krasnodar, where the meeting took place 10 years ago, which turned his life with Antonina Chebotareva, who later became the second wife. Choosing a celebrity also gave leading answers to those who interested questions.

Childhood and youth

Antonina Chebotareva comes from Nalchik (according to some data, the difference in age and her spouse is 5 years old). She studied on the fours and five at the local school number 4 and did progress in athletics, went to competition and won prizes. Education The graduate continued in the College of Design of the Kabardino-Barbek State University named after Hatuta Berbekov.

In 2002, the girl moved to Krasnodar, where he became a student KubSU (specialty "Advertising and public relations") and parallel painted billboard, booklets and repertoire books.

At the new place, the entrance was settled at Grechany-Greek Tatiana Popandopulo, with which he began his way on the entrance exams. A friend lived in familiar at the time. All the amenities were in the yard, so the future wife of Sergei Svetlakova adored on Saturdays to go to the bath. The farm was filled with a colorful pensioner Rimma Christform, who sold the lottery tickets all his life. After 3 years, the neighbors removed the apartment and moved.

After working by the designer, Tosya (her husband affected her gentlely) tried to work in different places, was the manager in the television company and eventually fell into the advertising agency at the monitor cinema network. The duties of the deputy director included not only the presentation of films and meeting the audience with the leading roles, but also the opening ceremony of new construction objects.

Personal life

On December 27, 2011, Svetlakov came to Krasnodar to introduce local residents with a criminal-dramatic thriller "Stone", where he played a major role. For staying and leisure, the actor in the city answered Chebotarev - met at the airport, sat in the minibus, took the cinema and with the help of the director Nikolai Petrovich mined the stellar guest of the crayfish."I was in the border state. At the time of dating with Tosya, I was still married, and literally after half a year he was not married. We no longer lived with Yules, but there was no official divorce. Me then all the friends of Stebali: "As possible half a year after the divorce, marry again?" - told the celebrity in an interview.

The humorist later admitted that it was just "stuck" from the eyes of an excellent stranger and immediately showed a sympathy for her - entertained the whole road, raped jokes without vulgarities and unequivocities. The woman, on the contrary, did not feel anything special to the satellite, although he was happy about the signs of attention. At the same time, she heard about the work of Sergey only superficially - several times saw "our Russia" on TV and absolutely did not remember him by KVN.

After the event, the artist went to Rostov-on-Don and after some time wrote Antonine a message. During the correspondence, a man called it to Moscow to chat and just take a walk along the capital. Krasnodka responded with refusal, but invited to himself. After a day, Svetlavkov was again in the south of Russia.

The couple flew into Adygea, as Nalchik Nalchik is crazy about the mountains and just finished her semi-annual relationship. Positive emotions and holidays with a bath on the banks of the river helped rapprochement - in 5 days they seemed to know each other for 2 years. When the trip ended, the lovers cried at the airport, not wanting to part. As a result, by arrival, Ex-Caveenech was arranged so that the lady of the heart would be returned to the past life - threw away from the superiors, he took away to Cyprus, took with him to the tour.

Soon it turned out that Chebotareva became pregnant, and on New Year's Eve in Jurmala TV presenter made the proposal of the proposal of his hand and heart. In the summer of 2013, a marriage was held in Latvia, and on July 18, the first month of Ivan (Cancer on the zodiac sign) appeared on the world.

A year later, the spouses played an unusual wedding in Thailand in the circle of relatives and friends, surrounding in the same clothes, similar to prison robes, which symbolized farewell to freedom. And after another 3 years, they took congratulations on the birth of the younger son of Maxim.

Antonina Chebotareva now

Now Chebotareva completely devoted himself to home and family. As a humorist says, she brought a sacrificent career for his sons. A woman supports all the beginnings of the lover and shares their hobbies. They are watching football together (however, Antonina is sick for "Krasnodar", and Sergey - for Lokomotiv), go with children to hockey matches at Dynamo Stadium and try to get into the championships every year.

She had warm friendly relationships with her daughter Nastya from the first marriage of her husband, their shared photos can be found in Svetlakov's Instagound. The former celebrity spouse also re-arranged a personal life. And it turned out that she was introduced to Sergey with the current chosen one.

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