Miron Provines - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Rybinsk, "Voice. Children "," Best "2021



Despite the young age, the participant of the 8th season of the show of the first channel "voice" Miron Provines is confident that will connect a biography with music and become a rocker. Behind the shoulders of the Karglase Blonde, which a member of the Jury of the Svetlana Loboda's jury called "Sweet Miracle", not only prizes in contests and festivals, but also experience in conducting urban holidays and television programs, as well as participation in charity.


The future participant of the transfers of the first channel, revealing young talents, was born on June 14, 2013 in Rybinsk. Mother Mironea Irina Korshunova on the formation of a teacher, but it works in the Northern Vodokanal GP. The company provides drinking water not only the population of Rybinsk, in which 184 thousand people live now, but also the inhabitants of Uglich, Myshkin, Pereshonya and other settlements of the North of the Yaroslavl region.

In addition to the mother by Education of the Wunderkind, Alexander's father, who gave the boy's first guitar lessons, older sister Anna and the favorite teacher in singing Elena Yuryevna Queen, head of the vocal studio K.E.Y.S. in the Rybinsk Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "April".

In the spring of 2021, Mirone appeared his pupil - the puppy of the Yorkshire terrier puppy, whom the young Rybinet called Misha. To persuade buy a dog, the boy composed and fulfilled his parents a special "spontaneous" song. Snapshots of Misha providy posts on the page in "Instagram" no less often than photos from contests and festivals.

For the first time in the hands of the father's guitar, Miron tried to take when he was not yet a year. When parents presented the boy a real 6-string tool, the joy of the preschooler was not the limit. At the age of 3, Miron for the first time together with the sister, who ended the school, held a city holiday.

In addition to music, the provindings are fond of mental mathematics and swimming, studies English with a teacher who does not speak Russian, and the best friends calls the Rovenian Milan and Daniel, who is older than vocalist for 5 years. Every morning, Miron, along with his father, makes charging, pulls up and pressed.


In 2017, Irina Korshunova sent an application with the video on which the son sang and demonstrated knowledge in arithmetic to the show "Best of All". Mirone with parents the producers of the project were invited to the qualifying tour to Moscow, but the casting, a small Rybinets did not pass.

However, the editor of the show subscribed to the Instagram-Account of Provirov and watched the growth of vocal skills and the successes of the small resident of the Yaroslavl region. For 3 years, Miron managed to play a major character in the play "Vovka in the Trident Kingdom", which was shown to pupils and teachers of the Rybinsky kindergartens, and twice reach the final of the city competition "Minute of Glory". Also, the boy in 2017-2019 took part in the Moscow Fashion Week and the International Festival "Yaroslavl Mosaic" and won the Grand Prix at the open festival - a "big change" competition, starring in the children's channels "Carousel" and "Channel" about! "" .

At the beginning of 2020, Irina Korshunova wrote producers of the program "Best All" and offered Miron to demonstrate talents on the transfer. As the happy mother of a young musician told in an interview with the Rybinsk edition of the cherryukha, this time the casting was drove on the son's conversation with the editors of Skype.

In the issue of February 2020, the Miron not only sang under his own guitar accompaniment of the composition of Viktor Tsoi "Star named Sun", but also a duet with the leading Maxim Galkin performed several bakers from the song "Batteries". Also, the boy said that his home classes would not interfere with the neighbors, since the coat family lives not in an apartment building, but in their own cottage. A small resident of Rybinska, so loved to the viewers that he was invited to take part in the New Year's release of the program.

In September 2020, Miron went to the first grade of Lyceum No. 2 of Rybinsk, swaying with the beloved kindergarten educator of Elena Valeryova Berezian, and took part in the Rock Festival of Russian Woodstock, organized by the Igor Sandler Foundation. And in October 2020, the young singer starred in the film on the development of space, addressed to children and built in the form of a dialogue of the Rybinsky "Toward" with an astronaut Valery Tokarev. Colonel of the Air Force, who twice worked on the ISS, in school years, as well as the providers, lived in Yaroslavl, and from 2008 to 2012 he led the Rostov region of the Yaroslavl region.

Miron Provines now

On February 12, 2021, the audience of the First Channel was again saw Miron Provorova on the screens. This time he became a star of the show "Voice. Details", in which, compared with the previous season, the composition of the jury significantly changed. Together with the Bass, recognized in the 7th season, the best mentor, Svetlana Loboda was included in the brigade, tried the project 2 years ago, and Novice - Egor Cre.

To the Savor, who fulfilled in the competition, the song "Battery", and on Bis, the composition of Viktor Tsoi "Blood Group", turned all members of the jury. As a mentor, the boy chose Lobod, jokingly explaining that he went to Svetlana Sergeyevna, because every morning drinks milk and loves the single singer with that name.

On February 15, 2021, Miron visited the Radio Kids FM and talked to the young leading Taye Starfyer (Taisia ​​Skomorokhovahova). The growing popularity of Mirone allowed to collect funds for treatment in Israel of the Rybinsky young man in Ivan Leonov, whoarly illuminated by acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Miron spent a charity auction to help Wan and attracted the attention of Russians to the collection of funds in instagram account.

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