Dyutta Leott - biography, personal life, photo, news, jan Yaman, "Instagram", plastic, TV presenter 2021



"If you are interested in football, listen to me, and not just look," said the Italian TV presenter of the village of Leott to his audience. She did not specify where exactly watching: on the field or on it, because the journalist can attract attention professionally. Beauty and feminine forms turned her to the main woman of Italian football.

Childhood and youth

Julia Dyutta Leotta was born on August 16, 1991. Her childhood and youth passed on the sea coast of the Sicilian port city of Catania, located at the foot of the ethna volcano. Sea air, generous sun, smiling temperamental neighbors - the beauty of the future tele-chain flourished in this atmosphere. Parents brought up a girl and her brother Mirko Leott in love and harmony.

At the school age, the dyletta began to participate in model contests and occupy prizes there. But she was not going to bet only on appearance and tried to diligently learn, a special talent showing in the development of languages. In 2009, Leott almost became Miss Italy, but left the contest with the title "Miss Elegance".

After graduating from school, the beauty moved to Rome, where he studied the right at the University of Louis - the best private university Italy. Detitet's diploma received in 2015 and by that time already began his career on television.


The first place of work, the Dietelta became Sky Meteo 24, where the radiant figure skating beauty was about the upcoming changes in the weather. Spectatical attention to weatheroprognos at that time has increased significantly. And Leotta continued to search for an amplua on television, switching to the sport.

At first, she covered football matches of the B Series on the Sky Sport channel in the company Gianluki Di Marzio and Luke Marchegiani. Since 2018, Diezn has moved to the Dazn Stregnation Service, where she began to broadcast about the main events of the Italian series A. A more effective popularization of football is difficult to imagine: a long-legged blonde (with a height of 175 cm, it weighs 63 kg) with seductive forms, it turns out on the field in feminine dresses, The easily distracts the attention of the fans from the fervor of sports struggle.

The journalist received reproaches from colleagues in what dresses too sexually, but Leotta did not happen in anything continued to bend his line. She was not embarrassed even shouts from the Tribune during the "Napoli" and "Brescia" match with the requirement to show the fans of the chest. A dyletta with a smile, feminine, but firmly stopped like embodiments.

The author's football program Diletta GOL is popular, but this is not the only place of work of the Italian TV presenter. She participates in radio programs, leads public events like the beauty contest "Miss Italy" or the annual music festival in San Remo.

Personal life

Bright and seductive Leott does not hide beauty and shares it with the subscribers of "Instagram", which are calculated by millions. The same luxurious and seductive dyletta looks like in a swimsuit on the sea coast and with a microphone in hand while reporting. The girl used to demonstrating the grace and plastic in any circumstances.

However, these pictures following the personal life of the star turned out to be not enough. In 2017, fans hacked her social networks and stole intimate photo of the TV host, which immediately merged into sharing. Spicy images have become a general property, but only heated interest in the Person Diesels.

Leotta resistantly suffered a scandal, but her boyfriend did not have to do with her boyfriend. At that time, the Italian met with the manager of the channel Sky Matteo Mammy. The couple was together for 4 years, but Matteo did not work with her husband: in 2019 they broke up.

Since then, Ithaly attributed novels with colleagues and athletes, for example, with a football player Zlatan Ibrahimovich. However, the assumptions about their relationship were rumors. But with the boxer Daniel Scardina Leotta really met, judging by the joint pictures, published in 2020 in the accounts of both celebrities. At the same time, the journalist willingly lay out frames in the family of family members.

In January 2021, the tabloids were published photos of Italian in the company with Turkish actor Jan Yaman. They began to write that the TV presenter and the artist, who came to Rome on the shooting, spent 5 days, almost without leaving the hotel. Leeott plunged into a new passionate novel or once again became a victim of a yellow press - while it remains only to guess.

Dyutta Leott now

The dyletta recognized that depending on social networks. She even put a restricter on a smartphone, blocking applications that the user pays more than 30 minutes a day. The first "under demolition" fell "Instagram", but Leotta chose to get rid of the limiter, and not from the beloved application. However, the habit of demonstrating the details of the biography in the public eventually led a star to trouble.

TV presenter has become a victim of robbers who "obscure" celebrities houses, pre-studying the lifestyle, plans of houses and geolocation in the photo in "Instagram". From the dwellings, the dylettas made property in the amount of € 150 thousand. In addition to her, the attackers robbed the "Intera" football player Ashrafa Khakim. In February 2021, the thieves caught.

Meanwhile, Leott continues to work on television, keep a popular account in "Instagram" and promote a profile in the "Titcle" for which the playful video shoots.

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