Kirill Martynov - biography, personal life, photos, news, "Echo of Moscow", "Twitter", "New Gazeta", philosopher 2021



Kirill Martynov - Russian philosopher, teacher, journalist and blogger. The man actively participates in politics and social activities, expressing on various issues from the point of view of the liberal opposition.

Childhood and youth

Kirill Konstantinovich Martynov was born on April 25, 1981 in Kemerovo, the USSR. He studied at the 28th school, in 2003 he graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov, having received an education in the specialty "Ontology and the theory of knowledge."

In 2004, a young man created a "journal" community in the "Living Journal", where he expressed conservative and patriotic views, called himself Orthodox and advocated the accession of the Crimea to Russia.

Career and journalism

In 2007, Martynov became an associate professor of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics". In June 2008, in collaboration with the chief editor of the Single Russia party site, Mikhail Budaragin and six other authors wrote a monograph "Basics of the theory of political parties". The paper suggested an analysis of the origin, legal regulation and financial and economic activities of various political organizations.

As a supporter of Vladimir Putin, Kirill worked in the fund's effective policy of Gleb Pavlovsky, taught in the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service, was a press secretary of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, as well as the coordinator of the Unified Russia Liberal Club.

In 2014, a sharp turn, associated with the transition to the liberal opposition, occurred in Martynov's biography. The political analyst spoke negatively about the Peninsula of the Crimea, calling its inhabitants by "Bydlom", and also acted as Maidan and the integration of Ukraine to the European Union.

In the future, the man worked in the "New Newspaper" policy department. In November 2017, he was one of the candidates for the position of chief editor, but according to the voting, Sergey Kelyowu lost.

On February 15, 2019, in his blog on the Echo Moscow website, Martynov criticized Alexei Navalny for calls to vote against United Russia. Publicist expressed the opinion that it would make elections in the Moscow City Duma legitimate and create problems for opposition candidates, like Yulia Galyanin.

In September 2020, HSE ceased cooperation with Martynov, explaining this to the reorganization of the Faculty of Humanitarian Sciences. The journalist himself called his opposition views the main reason for dismissal. The same fate was graduated from the teacher Viktor Gorbatov, his wife Yulia and Dr. Legal Sciences Elena Lukyanov. Together with them, Kirill announced the creation of a "free university", which is not dependent on the censorship and administrative pressure of the educational project.

Personal life

The philosopher does not like to talk about his personal life, which is connected with the tragedy, which happened many years ago.

Cyril Martynov with Civil Women and Padder

In April 2007, his facilitator Antonina Fedorov, which Martynov called his wife, was accused of an attempt to kill the 3-year-old Daughter Alice. A woman threw the child in the staircase of the 3rd floor of a hostel in Veliky Novgorod, where the mother went to visit. Fortunately, the girl survived, having received the bruise of the right thigh, a ripped wound on the chin, the crank and brain injury, the teeth were knocked out. In the case, it was indicated that the lady by murder was trying to cause pity from Cyril and make him make an official marriage. During the process, he remained in Moscow, but visited the family in Veliky Novgorod, removing the accommodation from Mikhail Budaragin.

On July 27, 2008, on the eve of the next meeting of the court, Martynov's girlfriend disappeared with her daughter. According to the investigators, it hit the run, frightened by the prison term. Its fate is unknown. In June 2019, Alice had to be 14 years old, but no information about receiving a passport was received by the federal authorities.

Kirill Martynov Now

On February 9, 2021, Cyril in the "Special Opinion" program on Radio "Echo Moscow" commented on the fact that Russian courts began to massively recognize the guilty citizens who participated in protests. The philosopher called what was happening by the "political terror" and stressed that she had now reached the ban to defend the defendants.

On the same day, he spoke in an interview with the Portal "Orthodoxy and World" on amending the draft law of the State Duma on educational activities. Kirill suggested that after the entry of the document into force, scientists would have to receive a state license for lectures, publishing books and information sites. All this will significantly reduce the intellectual level of society and will lead to the bureaucracy of Russian science.

On February 13, 2021, Kirill was announced in Twitter "Open Letter Konstantin Bogomolov", published in the New Gazette as a reaction to the Manifesto director "Abduction of Europe 2.0", posted on the pages of the same publication in three days earlier. Ksenia Sobchak's husband called Russia the country "Vertukhaev and Rabov", and Europe - "New Ethics Reich", comparing its ideology with Nazism. "Open Letter" consisted of two words: "OK, Boomer", as well as five hundred signatures in its support.

Martynov called the comparison of modern political correctness with Nazism wrong, since now a person "not those views" simply dismissed from work, and the enemies of the Third Reich were shot and burned in the furnaces. On his page in Facebook, the journalist ironically called Bogomolov "New Nina Andreva". Other well-known persons were expressed about the manifest. Kininechik Anton Dolin stated that Konstantin did not say anything new, the same thoughts expressed Alexander Dugin, Zakhar Prilepin, Alexander Prokhanov and other "conservatives".

On February 15, 2021, Martynov read the lecture "Social knowledge for the XXI century" in the Moscow Physics and Technology Institute. The philosopher told listeners about modern politics, the relationship of political views with ethics, as well as the influence of gender and feminism on a modern "agenda."

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