Gediminas Taranda - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Imperial Russian Ballet, Actor 2021



At the beginning of a career, Gediminas Taranda led a double life - during the day bought in the audience, and walked in the morning in a purified wooden house on the outskirts of Moscow. And again she was at the rehearsal - not to earn money, but with the desire to "touch something extraordinary".

Childhood and youth

The artist was born on February 26, 1961 in Kaliningrad. His father by nationality Lithuanian, and the mother is a native Cossack. Leonas Taranda was a colonel, often took his son to the military unit, where he considered the technique with interest and watched the teachings.

When the boy turned 7 years old, the divorce happened in the family. Leonas began to drink a lot, as a result of the spouse decided to divorce. Taking two children, returned to the homeland, in Voronezh. There she settled in the opera and ballet theater accountant.

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As a child, the teenager went to the section - he was fond of struggle, her grandparents were engaged in their education. But the lion's share of free time still spent at work at the mother.

Watching the performances, he himself involuntarily represented, what it is like to swim in ovations. Every year, the desire to dance became stronger than sports preferences. He himself had not fully understood where he had a zeal, because no one had attached to the art in the family. Subsequently, the artist said in an interview - his grandfather Dmitry Illarionovich once spisled in Walla with Galina Ulanova. And joked that, apparently, the spirit of the legendary Soviet ballerina woke up in it.

At the end of the school, Taranda entered the local choreographic school. After 2 years he came to the capital to the competition, visited the Bolshoi Theater and decided to stay in Moscow. Despite the fact that the exams have long passed, I reached the director of Sofia Nikolaevna Golovnoy and persuaded to arrange a view. So, in 1976, a young man was transferred to the Moscow Choreographic School. By the way, his native brother Vitautas Leonovich was learned there, who later became a teacher.

Ballet and films

In his youth, luck won artist. During his debut in the formulation of Don Quixote in the Bolshoi Theater, he played immediately the main character - Theodore.

By the way, the first exit, the novice dancer remembered for life. The day before the premiere, he was put in the corps, so that he was lean on stage. Because of the hint with the Taranda shoes, I was late for 16 clocks. And, rushing, fell, causing laughter not only colleagues, but also the audience. The next day, everyone was waiting for the next surprise from Gediminas, but he coped with the role of theodore perfectly.

For the entire period of serving the large theater (1980-1993), the artist and now calls the mainstream in life. The first emotions from the gratitude of the audience, praise experienced colleagues became an incentive to develop further.

The Bolshoi Theater presented him and friendship with Maya Plisetskaya. Subsequently, there was a disorder due to the business (Gediminas used the name of the ballerina on the packing of creams).

From the theater of a graduate of the Moscow Choreographic School was fired in 1993. Conflicts with the boss took place regularly, since the ballet artist struck in funds was engaged in the organization of foreign tour.

Slightly earlier, in Mexico, Gediminas was almost late for the plane, which was expanded as a desire to stay abroad. And if this conflict turned to the young man with the status of "non-rigging", then a diverse commercial events guide did not forgive.

The dismissal of the executor of the leading parties was planned to be quiet, but the farewell with a large theater happened dramatically. Already a former soloist went on stage to say "goodbye" to the audience, explaining his departure by the decision of officials. As a result, the premiere of the play was postponed for 20 minutes.

Natives a native of Kaliningrad was not satisfied. And soon it was engaged in his own business - the "imperial Russian ballet" troupe, at which the children's studio formed subsequently (now this is a whole network of training centers in Moscow called "Gediminas Taranda Ballet Academy").

Expectations and reality in terms of the organization of their own theater are straightely different. The dancer thought his business would give a long-awaited freedom. But the costs of the activities of the private collective became prohibitively high. However, Gediminas was not going to give up, but only looking for new paths for profit, engaged in business.

In 2004, Taranda was taken to the state of the Mossovet's theater as an artist. The son of the Lithuanian Colonel was not beaten by participation in television shows. I remembered youth in the project "King Ring" and first put on skates in the Icery period, where Irina Slutskaya became his partner. In 2018, Boris Korchevnikov appeared visiting Boris Korchevnikov in the transfer of the "Fate of Man", where she revealed the details of his personal life and told many interesting moments from a professional biography.

In the fate of a native of Kaliningrad there was a place for big cinema. As an actor, he made his debut in the film "Childhood of Bembby", where the father-swan played. Then the character was developed in Sicvel - Youth Bembby.

In general, the filmography of Taranda has not so many projects. Among the latter - the "mystery of the Snow Queen" directed by Natalia Bondarchuk.

Personal life

The artist has heard a denuan and hanging for many years. In the youth, the well-known high height dancer (185 cm) attracted the opposite sex not only appearance and status, but also charisma and charm.

In the life of Taranda, 3 marriages happened. From the first two wives - the ballerina of the marina nasal and soloist of the dance ensemble named after Igor Moiseeva Marina Novikova - children were not. These relationships were vehicles, but also parting spouses was easy.

Anastasia Drigo's third wife also built a career in dancing. They met on listening to the troupe. The young artist immediately liked the director. During the first tour of the Gediminas, without having a difference in age, made the girl a sentence. In 2004, daughter Daimantte appeared, which went in the footsteps of the Father and Mother and studied at the courses of the Moscow State Academy of Choreography.

However, in the interruptions between hikes under the crown of Gediminas, an affair with a journalist Marina Baranova had happened. Years later, already in marriage with Drigo, Taranda learned about the existence of an adult daughter Elizabeth.

Dancer did not understand why the former beloved hid a pregnancy from him. But, having passed the examination of DNA, he made sure the relationship and gave her surname to Elizabeth. The heirs already performs on the stage of the "classic Russian ballet".

In an interview, a man repeatedly stated that he was happy in marriage, so none of the fans perceived seriously rumors about his novel with Catherine Guseva, which arose due to the kiss on the exhibited video actress in "Instagram".

Gediminas Taranda now

The artist continues to work as an entrepreneur. On the official website of the Imperial Russian Ballet, news regularly appear on the upcoming premieres. In early 2021, the team became a member of the Festival of Russian Music in honor of Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov and Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky.

In the spring of 2021, the performances "Nutcracker", "Swan Lake", "Carmen" and other productions from the Golden Fund of the Russian Ballet were planned.

Develops Gediminas and Ballet School. Today in it, except dancing, classes are held, where those who wanted perform movements from classical choreography for the purpose of weight loss.


  • 1984 - "Allegro"
  • 1985 - "Childhood of Bembby"
  • 1986 - "Youth Bembby"
  • 1987 - "Ballet from the first person"
  • 1997 - "The Return of Fire-Birds"
  • 2007 - "Dance Teacher"
  • 2010 - "Fathers involved"
  • 2015 - "The Mystery of the Snow Queen"

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