Alexander Rushchkin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Sign, Maikop, Official Website, Healer 2021



People who have those or other supernatural abilities have long been interested in humanity. More often, of course, it was about fraudsters who enjoyed credulity and hopeless situations of customers. Today, under the sight of the media, Alexander Ruchkin, who called himself the first receiver of Wolf Messing.

Childhood and youth

Most sources of the birth date of the sign indicate January 1, 1930. However, skeptics do not believe that Alexander Semenovich has already crossed the line of 90 years. However, the herbalist himself is answered to the question of age: "A little more than 60."

If the exact date of birth, Rushkin prefers not to speak, then the divine providence has repeatedly and in detail told in an interview and on television projects. One event in childhood forever divided his life on before and after.

Alexander Rushchkin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Sign, Maikop, Official Website, Healer 2021 2890_1

It happened when the boy turned 7 years old. He seriously fell ill and, he said, died of abdominal typhus. When the heart was already stopped and the soul flew out of the body, Sasha saw her loved ones, felt their suffering and decided to return to Earth, because they regretted them. After that, I woke up and clearly felt my new destination.

Having survived the clinical death, the native of the village was plenty of tramplex. By the way, he had someone to learn - grandfather and grandmother took a grandson with them into the forest, talking about certain plants. But Sasha himself felt the energy of herbs, I understood the nature, I saw her tips.

Studying the beneficial properties of representatives of the world Flora did not prevent the Rushkin to acquire a diploma of higher education. After school, he entered the Leningrad Higher Military Medical Academy. In the walls of Alma Mater defended his doctoral, and then received a professorial degree.

In the biography of the doctor there is a place for spiritual affairs. In various sources, it is indicated that Alexander Semenovich - Ieria, for some time he was also a clergyman. About the period of students, when Rumchin parallelly collaborated with the KGB, the zochar is now trying not to speak. Former operational employee with a "one asterisk", most of his life devoted to help people - those who trusted the healer and decided to experience miraculous recipes.


Family in wide masses A resident of Maykop (Republic of Adygea) received when I presented myself as a receiver of Wolf Messing and began to ride the Soviet Union, collecting thousandth halls. Continuing the case of the idol, he also mentioned the name of the Juna Astrol, with which he was in friendly relations.

Today, Alexander Semenovich convinces that it will be easy to cope with any diseases - even those where traditional medicine remains powerless, for example when infertility.

The methods of the sign are not secret. A man enjoys herbs, conspiracies and prayers. By the way, he even has a formal site, where, in addition to basic information about the biography of the healer, contains information about drugs manufactured by them.

Also on this resource it is indicated that the native of the village of the abundant Stavropol Territory is a doctor of medical sciences and a professor. A person allegedly survived clinical death, offers site visitors to pass wellness tours, including aimed at identifying psychosomatic diseases.

The zochar prefers to work in the cities of the North Caucasus. According to him, no more than 4 customers take a day. In addition to the phytotherapy and ability to scan the human body for pathologies, Alexander Semenovich uses a "magic book."

With the help of the manuscript, Rutchin in a couple of seconds gives an answer to any question from the patient, opening the first page. In addition, the book keeps the effective recipes from any ailment. According to Lekary, the author of this miraculous relic is a new old man.

In his work, Alexander Semenovich enjoys both Internet resources. The secrets of longevity and the beneficial properties of certain plants a healer shall be divided on his own Yutiub-Channel, which started in 2020.

There exposes a video where it tells in detail about the treatment of hypertension, autism, toxic goiter and other health problems, including female diseases. In the wave of a pandemic coronavirus infection, the blogger told the prevention of COVID-19 in the Russian bath.

Personal life

The namesman is married, however, his spouse's personality remains secret. It is known that two children were brought in official marriage. However, when mentioning in an interview, a few more sons and daughters born from mistresses, a man does not in a hurry to refute this information.

He himself says - his wife always said goodbye than recognizes the fact of illegitimate heirs. At the same time, he is joking, which is a podcast, as he respects and hesitates a woman who passed his hand in hand with him such a long life path. Holding a personal life in secret, Alexander Semenovich does not allow the appearance of a photo of sweethearts, children and grandchildren in social networks.

Alexander Rushkin now

The popularity of the Maicopskaya Zigar led him to the federal channel. On February 17, 2021, he appeared visiting Andrei Malakhov in the transfer "Direct Ether". By the way, the show turned out to be pretty hot, because in the hall they gathered both admirers of a person with a divine gift and the skeptics of the Divine.

The guests who came to the program were told than and how Alexander Semenovich helped them. In contrast to the laudatory reviews, lawyer Vadim Lyalin presented to the audience another information. According to the lawyer, Rukchin in early 2000 consisted of federal wanted list and was attracted in a criminal case about the illegal implementation of medical activities.

The photo of the herbalist was also made public, on which tattooed fingers are visible, indirectly proving the fact of staying in places of imprisonment. Journalist Boris Sobolev told the hall that the guest of the ether had nothing to do with the clergymen, and the program's hero reproached to wearing state awards that he did not receive.

In response to accusations, the guest of Andrei Malakhov led counterproofs, but they were little worried about the healer's tier. The artist Katya Lel joined the admirers, expressing confidence that Rumchin really helps people.

Hot spores summed up Vladimir Dolinsky. The actor dislarously noticed - no doctor will help a person who does not believe in him.

As long as the public is determined: whether the handle is a pecker with supernatural abilities or a charlatan, herbalist itself continues to take patients, develops a blog and is not going to stop the production of miraculous drugs.

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