Maxim Motorizors - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, "Instagram", Films, Actor, Series 2021



At the end of February 2021, Russia-1 decided to please the audience, languishing in anticipation of the 7th Shatov season. The TV channel released a "good soul" with Anna Noshmal, famous for the role of the Kovaleva in the previous project. The heroine of the new melodrama had to be a real detective and it is designed to find out that she connects her homemade mother with a rich family of Sviridov. The spoiled son of wealthy parents played Maxim motors in the series.

Childhood and youth

On February 3, 1996, Vladimir and Irina Maxim were born in Kiev, Vladimir and Irina Maxim. A little later came a black of Valentine's younger son. At first, trusting relationships in the future celebrity wasted with both parents. But over time, the father had changed in the working sphere, and he was somewhat closed from everyone, so to share everything that booked, and had only with her mother.

From the head of the family, which was not at the end of June 2019, the heir took over the main life principle - to defend its own. His spouse, which appeared on July 25, 1970 and graduated from school No. 17 Lisichansk, taught to tremblely and respect for a woman.

Maxim Motorizors - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News,

From an early age, the boy was engaged in the creative center, in the kindergarten, together with his brother, successfully passing the casting and starring in the commercial. Then there were still a lot of similar filming and television shows, and the child quickly realized that he wanted to develop in this direction further.

The teenager got into the "Republic of Kids" and the musical "Colored Dreams Ecole", led the "results" on the first national channel of Ukraine and "where the eyes look" on the Russian "Carousel", participated in the transfer "Caution, children!" At Inter. In 2013, he flashed in the Open Kids video on the song "Stop People!", And in a year - in the video of the consolidated choir "Children of the Earth" for the Art Project "The World without War".

In the theatrical university, the applicant managed not to do immediately, although after school a graduate diligently visited Knutkt's courses named after Ivan Karpenko-Karoga. But on the entrance exams, something went wrong:

"When the names of those who passed, my did not name. I was even ashamed to tell my brother and a friend, which then waited for me. At first I regretted myself, and then I realized that it was impossible to just sit at home. Therefore, I went to study at the cook, filmed episodically and prepared for admission. "

The following year, the guy took the documents and the National University of theater, film and television, and in Knukia. This time, he was taken in both of the highest institutions, but budgetary training was provided only in the latter - so the student was on the course of Nina Nikolaevna Gusakova.


The cinematic debut of Motorizov has happened in 2012, when the first channel showed the youth comedy "after school". The 9-serial kinocartea gathered a truly Star performing staff, which entered Sergey Shakurov, Mikhail Porechenkov, Anna Mikhalkova, Alexander Gordon, Mikhail Trukhin, Ksenia Rappoport, Edward Chekmazov and other.

In 2016, a student of the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts flashed in the "Agents of Justice", in a year reincarnated in Major in the "who is not sleeping". In 2018, he tried to the amplua of Gopnik in the "defecatives" and "lit up" in the tape "Beauty demands victims."

In 2019, the filmography was replenished with "Blood Brothers", "new" and "first swallows" - after entering the screens of the last project, Maxim woke up famous. His hero, the real Bad Boy Denis Denisenko, immediately took possession of the hearts of the audience and helped to increase the number of subscribers in "Instagram" in a record number of times.

"My hero suffers because of the lack of parental attention and wants this deficit to fill in the surrounding world. I would call him a devil, who seeks to success at all costs. Mustache, cunning, purposeful, but at the same time a fair and charismatic character, "the actor said.

In the 2020s, fans of the work of Ukrainian handsome, especially often seen a pet on television screens. In February, the premieres of the "Labyrinth", "district police station", "rooms" and "Carpathian Ranger", and in March "1 + 1" presented "Dr. Veri".

In the summer, the "New Channel" broadcast Fake, and Ukraine - "after the winter" with Anna Serdyuk and the Polynament Rid. Following the "Mavels" with Andrei Chadov and Alina Lanina, there was a turn of continuing the "first swallows", where Maxim Samchach, Taisiya-Oksana Shchukuch and Maxim motto appeared in unexpected images.

With the theater, the relationship with the Kievanin also developed. His professional biography was enriched "Chameleon" with the main role and "Flight over the nest of the cuckoo" in the theater studio "11" and "Rosa and Crown" in the "Theater Laboratory".

Personal life

Karglase artist (height 183 cm with weight 82 kg) knows the power of its beauty, but in the acting career tries not to make an emphasis on it and not engage in self-examination. He feels comfortable as a model, willingly bargaining sports relief torso, leading to the excitement of fans.

The first serious relationships began at Maxim for another 14 years. The acquaintance of the couple, which took place in the prolonged union, occurred at the event where the young man passed the contest leading, and the girl was a guest star. Lovers once broke up for half a year, but reunited again, not after the emotion to each other. However, this story eventually ended.

At the university, the student met the future wife Anna Cuba - broke out overnight mutual sympathy led to a wedding celebration in a year. It seemed that harmony and love reigned in his personal life, but after 6 months, the spouse decided that they were hurried, and asked a divorce. The disintegration of the family of mottors survived hard.

Even at the end of 2019, in an interview with the artist reasoned how his second half should be, and already in May 2020, he published a romantic photo in the instagram account with Lily Tselikova. Now the man is happy with the actress of the Golden Gate theater, who took himself together with him in the Master's Miscellaneous films "Dr. Vera", "Mawai" and Fake.

Maxim Motorizors now

In 2021, in addition to the "Good Soul", with the participation of the Motorizov on Ukrainian television, first shown and the detective melodrama "Beauty requires victims."

At the beginning of the year, on the personal page in Facebook, the actor shared with the subscribers of the joyful news - the theater on the right bank of the Dnieper invited him to work on the production "To stay cannot be left." The director Tatyana Provision confessed that the premiere of the play was supposed to go back in 2020, but all the plans confused a raging pandemic of coronavirus infection.


  • 2012 - "After school"
  • 2016 - "Justice Agents"
  • 2017 - "The one who is not sleeping"
  • 2018 - "Beauty requires victims"
  • 2018 - "Defectives"
  • 2019 - "The first swallows"
  • 2019 - "New"
  • 2019 - "Blood Brothers"
  • 2020 - "Plot with DBR"
  • 2020 - "After winter"
  • 2020 - "The first swallows. Zependent "
  • 2020 - "Mawai"
  • 2020 - "Labyrinth"
  • 2020 - "Carpathian Ranger"
  • 2020 - "Dr. Vera"
  • 2020 - "Fake"
  • 2020 - "Numbers"
  • 2021 - "Doggy Soul"

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