Irina Mac - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Films, In Youth, Igor Tikhomirov 2021



Irina Mac - Ukrainian actress theater, cinema and television. It often has to play heavy dramatic roles that emotionally emotionally. After the performance, the artist does not find the strength to go on a celebration or presentation: she needs a lot of time to restore sincere equilibrium.

Childhood and youth

Irina Igorevna Mc was born on July 3, 1970 in the Mogilev-Podolsky district of Vinnitsa region, Ukraine. In the field of the artist appreciated modesty, so she never dreamed of glory, popularity and autographs.

In 1994, the girl graduated from the Kiev National University of Theater, Cinema and Television named after I. K. Karpenko-Karoy.

Theater and films

The first role in his acting biography Irina received in the film "Tsarevna", shot on the name of Olga Koblyanskaya, about the girl-Sydote, who had to grow in the family of relatives. The action took place in Bukovina the beginning of the XX century.

Irina Mac in youth

After a long break, Irina appeared in the TV series "Return of Mukhtara - 3", also in its filmography There are projects "Female Doctor" and Nyukhach.

In the Kiev Academic Theater of Drama and Comedy On the left bank of the Dnieper, the woman played in the play "Two Women Yaga", "I need, gentlemen!", "Whantown, or twelve night" on the play of William Shakespeare, "Small Dev", "Eternal Husband, "whim of Marianna", "Cherry Garden", and others. Especially actress successfully managed the role of the Hester Coller in the production "Do not leave me" on the play of the British playwright of Terens Rettiegen "Deep Blue Sea". The heroine of Irina, the artist, threw a respectable man-lawyer, because fell in love with Freddie Page. The artist embodied the image of an elevated woman with an angelic character, which in any situation retained calm and a clear look at things.

In 2018, Irina starred in the Mia Donna tape about a woman who appealed to a man, as with a child, eventually making him infantile. The director Pavel Ostrikov called the performer of the "Great Actress", for which he did not even be ashamed to rewrite the script.

In November 2020, the film "Rooms" was released on the play Oleg Senzov, ironic anti-nightopia, in which Irina played the role of the second. The tape described about the world, where everything obeyed the strict system led by zero (the heroine Mac was his wife) and the book of Rules. Members of society could not choose a profession, did not have the right to freedom of personal life and instead of names were wore numbers: women - even, men are odd.

Personal life

The artist is married to the director Igor Tikhomirov. The son of Makar was born on January 6, 1997. Since childhood, the guy showed the ability to mathematics and foreign languages, but went in the footsteps of the mother, despite its protests. Otherwise, it could not be, because the actress returned from maternity leave, when the child was barely fulfilled a year, and took with him the theater. The boy by that time has already learned to walk, walked along the building and even climbed into the basement.

In 10 years, Makar starred in the TV series "Hearts will not order" where they were trying together, and Irina Casting did not pass. Father put a point in the dispute about his future, saying that the boy is better to play movies and make money than spending time on the street with other children. After graduating from school, the young artist received an education in the same theatrical university as the mother.

On the Actress page in "Instagram", there is a photo from "Spectators on the performance are not allowed!", Where they were busy with her son. Initially, Makara had another partner, but the lady left the theater, and Irina agreed to replace it.

Irina Mac now

On January 5, 2021, a triple premiere of the play "House" was held: online display on the theater page in Facebook and Youtyub-Channel, an exclusive for a limited circle of viewers, and a wide premiere for those who managed to purchase tickets. The statement was carried out with the support of the Literary Translation Festival TransLatorium. Macds embodied in this play image of a woman named Annie, who was in conflict with the sister and two daughters and, at the same time, psychologically dependent on them.

Irina Mac - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Films, In Youth, Igor Tikhomirov 2021 2885_2

In February 2021, the premiere of the "Dormant Soul" series was held on the channel "Russia 1" about a responsive girl of any kulik, who dreams of becoming a doctor, but after the death of Mother forced by the housekeeper in a rich family. In addition to Irina Mac, Igor Barochn, Anna Lezhilova, Irina Kalashnikova was filmed in Ribe. According to the site, in Ukraine, the picture took the first place among TV programs, having gathered on the day of the premiere audience of 50 thousand spectators.

In the same month, Irina was occupied on the stage of the theater of drama and comedy on the left bank of the Dnieper in the performance of Tamara Trunova "Warranty 2 years", examining the problem of dependence of a modern person from gadgets, likes, social networks and Google.


  • 1994 - "Tsarevna"
  • 2008 - "Vladyka Andrey"
  • 2008 - "Sewing Lessons"
  • 2010 - "Parsi Sheep"
  • 2011 - "Arithmetic meanness"
  • 2012 - "Death to spies. Hidden enemy "
  • 2013 - "Autumn melodia of love"
  • 2016 - "Forget and remember"
  • 2016 - "On Life"
  • 2018 - "Paper aircraft"
  • 2018 - Mia Donna
  • 2018 - "The best husband"
  • 2020 - "Catch Kaidasha"
  • 2020 - "Dr. Vera"
  • 2020 - "Never give up"
  • 2021 - "Doggy Soul"

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